Hey Everyone whats going on first i wanna say thanx alot to everyone who supported me in brawl for useing my samus like homalon and snakeee you guys really helped me out and now im pretty sure of myself with my character so ya you guys are great anyway next month im moving out (for those who know me ya another place lol) so next month im planing on holding tornaments at my spot the only thing is im new at that sorta stuff so im asking for another favor i need some advice on how to hold it and you know the basics if you all would be as soo kind to fill a brother in that would be great also i need help hosting them when the time comes so far bum and ref and homalon my freinds you guys are like the only people i really get to talk to so if you want to help me out that would be soooo great if not please some 1 let me know if you can soo ima keep you all posted but deffinetly wanna get this done sometime in march its a deffinet that im moveing im looking for a big enough place so when the time comes ima need all the help i can get in makein things work out okkk so you guys just please if you have any advice for god sakes TELL ME lol and if you would like to be a part in my ideals then let me know also (money is not a option i got that so if feel like theres something i should do that would invole cash do not hesitate to tell me) thanks you guys