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Tough time against Lucarios


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2007
I've played 5-6 GOOD lucarios in the past and had a hard time with all of them. Their roll is way too fast and long, and they just outrange Falco. Their aura ball is a great edgeguarder and there is no safe approach to Lucario :p

EDIT: Just lost again to a Lucario. Really need advice now.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 11, 2008
Western PA
I've played 5-6 GOOD lucarios in the past and had a hard time with all of them. Their roll is way too fast and long, and they just outrange Falco. Their aura ball is a great edgeguarder and there is no safe approach to Lucario :p

EDIT: Just lost again to a Lucario. Really need advice now.
Hey, I played you on AiB. = ]

Lucario is a tough matchup IMO. Mainly because I'm always so focused on Lucario's percent and special ability. So first, keep your mind off that.
Lucario is slow in the air, but has a great air game. Lasers to slow that down.
Lucario has pretty slow/predictable smashes, so keep an eye out for the finishes. Shine, shield, sh instant over b to dodge/interupt them.
Don't bother going for up air kills, you're just going to get a dair. Never get under lucario.
Most lucarios are really predictable with aura sphere. Get your reflector ready when they charge.
BACK AIR WHEN THEY ARE RECOVERING! Lucario's start up lag for that move is like hours, so drop down and bair.

It's hard to get an effective chaingrab, but down throw to dair pivot regrab works pretty well to rack up damage early.

Sorry it's a bit messy, just stuff I'm thinking about from my last lucario game. = ]
Hope this helps.


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2007
Thanks, i've also been reading the Falco Matchup thread which is currently discussing Lucario.


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
Orlando, Sarasota, Tampa (FL)
Well I have to say that going for the gimp against a good Lucario is going to vary depending on the stage. His recovery covers a much longer distance than you would expect because of the huge auto-sweetspot on it plus on stages where he can wall cling to aid recovery, he can wait even longer until he is forced to use his recovery. That said if you try for the b-air you should be sure that your opponent is actually going to use his recovery at that time, otherwise you could just jump right into a f-air or u-air.

Dont go expecting a Lucario to spam smash attacks. They are much better for punishing a fall, since when you land you are vulnerable to an attack, so he is going to look into putting a hitbox where you are going to end up landing. Expect aura spheres as his typical kill move, but dont necessarily jump around waiting for it.

That said watch out for his edge guarding game, because Falco doesnt exactly have a spectacular recovery and its far more limited in its options than Lucario's in my opinion. I am pretty sure that any well placed and timed aerial by Lucario can stop your Phantasm and well its a cinch to gimp the fire bird.

For the rest, I would say just do your usual Falco stuff, spamming lasers and all that jazz.
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