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Toon Link?


Smash Cadet
Mar 5, 2007
So I play Olimar (obviously) and I recently met a friend of mine, a swedish player. He played as Toon Link, and I have huge problems beating him.
It seems, that whenever I'm close, he u-smashes and dodges my grapples.
When I'm trying to camp, and throw Pikmins, he also camps. My pikmins are just silly against boomerangs, bombs and arrows.

He is forcing me to close battle, and then he just jumps and bair, or spam smashes (especially the U-smash)

This feels ridiculous , because I seems to be the only one having problem with Toon Link.
Any tips on beating him?

Oh, I just found a thread about this... Sorry for a nooby question but... How do I delete the thread? :p


Smash Journeyman
Oct 21, 2007
TL are just a matter of time before you beat them. I throw lots of Pikmins to make sure I won't get a Boomerang or Arrow on my head. Lots of grabbing and watch out for his dAir.


Smash Cadet
Mar 5, 2007
He's playing on the edge very much. He use to hang there, jump backwards and shoot arrow. Since he is on the edge, it's hard to latch a pikmin.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 4, 2008
problems with toon link? i dont really have any problems with TL, in fact if i could choose he would probably be one of the characters i would prefer to fight... pikmin can stop arrows and boomarangs... and if you get a pikmin on TL his bombs blow up in his face. if he hangs around on the edge just back up far enough so that when you throw your pikmin they latch on to him (they just barley go off the edge) When your playing olimar pateience is important... make sure to spam pimin when he's at low percents, it should be very easy to outspam him, if your pikmin die just shield the next projectile comming at you and pluck some pikmin right afterwords real quick, shield again for the next one and start throwing again. getting pikmin to latch when he's at low percents is important because at high percents they dont do nearly as much damage. once he gets near 80-100 percent then start trying to KO him with your downsmash or up smash. Another thing you can do if he's hanging on the ledge spamming projectiles is.... just smash attack and have the pikmin fall off the edge (on to him). so long as he's not invincible the pikmin from the smash attacks do damage so long as they hit something (even when falling).


Smash Apprentice
Jun 11, 2007
Pablo, MT
TL is pretty tough for me, he knocks me on my butt alot with that dash attack :p

but generally my strat is to pressure him with pikmin and force him to come near you and grab him/Fair

I get grabbed alot too but the grab doesn't do very much damage fortunately


Smash Cadet
Mar 5, 2007
just smash attack and have the pikmin fall off the edge (on to him). so long as he's not invincible the pikmin from the smash attacks do damage so long as they hit something (even when falling).
Huh? Didn't know that, thanks!

So, it seems that I should spam >B at low percentages, keep away from him, and then try to grab him when he is landing (at hight percentages) from a bair?
I will try this out next time I face him, thank you! ^^


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2008
Delray Beach, Florida
Campy Toon Links can be approached pretty safely with Olimar, actually. His arrows can't bypass your Pikmin; just attack as you're approaching, if you don't have time to air-dodge or shield, and your Pikmin will take the hit for you. The same goes for the boomerang, although that should be slow enough to dodge or shield. Be on the lookout for his bombs; when he's got one ready and you're expecting him to throw it soon, start sending a flood of Pikmin his way. Either he'll throw it and your Pikmin will intercept it in mid-air next to him, hurting him, or he'll be distracted (either trying to dodge/kill the Pikmin or being knocked about by a Purple one) and it'll blow up before he can throw it.

If he spams ground-smashes when you're close, your grab range is better than his sword's reach. If he RARs you with bair spam, that's the only part in a battle against Toon Link where quick reflexes are really necessary to counter him. You just have to counter it with the proper attack at the right time: for example, jump so that he starts RARing higher to reach you, fast-fall when he gets near(preferably with an air-dodge if he's really close), and Usmash him as he flies past, or just jump and Fair him when he gets near.


Smash Ace
Apr 23, 2008
ACT, Australia
I would recommend engaging Toon Link at mid-range: Tempt him into charging at you. Like what Ultimatum479 said, "Your grab range is better than his sword's reach." When he charges, toss a Pikmin or two as sacrifical shields before grabbing him. or maybe a F-Air. If TL decides to use projectiles, SPAM SPAM SPAM Pikmin. This time you're close enough this time and I'm sure the Pikmin will make TL's projectiles silly. (P.S. I recommend getting extra height before firing your salvo of meat shields jk Pikmin)


Smash Lord
Jan 10, 2008
I have a friend that mains Toon Link, he's fairly predictable and doesn't camp much I beat him most of the time =\ but like I said he's fairly predictable, whenever he gets a bomb out he will always jump to increase it's range, with a good aim a Pikmin throw can easily block this, unless of course you can dodge it which is a lot better. Also if he is camping with arrows just jump once and let him try and hit you with an arrow, then use your second jump to dodge and try and get a hit on him, it usually works for me because he'll use an Up Air expecting me to try and come from straight above after using the second jump. If you could explain your friends strategy a bit more we could probably help with more then just general strategies against Toon Link, is he aggressive, like using Dash A whenever he can get a chance? you know things like that, the kind of stuff that can help you out predict him.
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