also look at it this way. It may take longer to reach pal regions, and this may give casual gamers the headstart. So they could actually be done with it in a couple of months. Where as us Pal people got the game a month later so it'll take us an extra month.
Oh wait that sounds crap doesn't it. Sounded better in my head.
Okay here i go. Win or lose this game is going to last us a long time. Sure we may eventually finish the single player mode. but we'll always have multiplayer and online. There's 5-6 years left of this generation do you really want it to be over so fast.
Look at the gamecube....
Some of the best games came out at the start. First 2 years, But because of this we were stuck with a 2 year drought, because all the good games came out. And there was really nothing big to look forward to.
We have to wait for the big games or have something to look forward to.
Or else it's going to crash like the Gamecube.
Let them take their time.