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to all the smashers out there from every state (updated 1-17-08)


Smash Journeyman
Jan 22, 2007
Atlanta Ga
i'm zeus, some of ya'll know me n some don't. but i think most of us would agree that smash is one of the best games ever made. well i myself am working on a game that i'm trying to make the best (better than smash). most of it is planned out n it's already in the process of getting made. but to ensure that the game is the best a game could possibly be made, i'd like to have ya'lls opinion. after all i'm making this for the true competitive players.

what i'm seeking is people that want to give advice n input and be a part of this. i'm offering contracts and money to few, but you'd have to interview and show you can really help to officialy join the team. Payment would depend on how much you want to do and how good it is.

any and all advice is appriciated. good or bad, free or not, so throw an idea out there.

for instance, what type of music do you think it should/want to have?

also i'm looking for voice acters. can you make a cool sound or good voice?

and just to let you know, one of the members of my team which is the character illustrator, i'm paying $1,600 per character.and thats just for drawings he does wit pencil and paper.

A little info about my game

Do to the fact of biters; I can't release too much info about the game at this point. But for now I can give you a little something.

The game so far has 6 different modes in which you can play. Some of them are: Normal mode, Tech mode, and Crew Battle mode.

There are 60 + playable characters.

Each character will also have there own mini-game/demo. For instance, one character is like a secret agent. His mini-game/demo will be a first person shooter doing secret agent stuff.

In normal mode there are finishing moves. Each character has a unique finishing move to each individual character, so there are about 360 different finishing moves.

The game will be very graphic (gory) along with very controversial things. For instance one of the character’s (a female) finishing moves she lifts up one of her legs and a giant anaconda comes out of her ****** and bites the other persons head off. So there will be 2 copies released; the explicit version and the censored version for the kids.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
i'm zeus, some of ya'll know me n some don't. but i think most of us would agree that smash is one of the best games ever made. well i myself and working on a gmae that i'm trying to make the best (better than smash). most of it is planned out n it's already in the process of getting made. but to ensure that the game is the best a game could possibly be made, i'd like to have ya'lls opinion. after all i'm making this for the true competitive players.

what i'm seeking is people that want to give advice n input and be a part of this. i'm offering contracts and money to few, depending on how much you want to help out. any and all advice is appriciated. so,... is anybody interested?

also i'm looking for voice acters. can you make a cool sound or good voice? holla at me
if that fruity 55 year old lady that does the american naruto can get a voice acting job, I think every one of us could.

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
I do great voices and my actual official hobby is writing, not smash. I have tons of good ideas. it's what I do after all. so if you need any type of story advice / char development I would definitely be interested.

and like I said I can do really good impressions/voices or so I'm told.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 22, 2007
Atlanta Ga
location don't matter. i actually have partners in 3 different states and my lawyer and consultant are in NY. alotta stuff can be done through phone, mail and email.

TRC- if you can, call me tomorrow anytime after 1 pm to talk about this more in detail. 229-254-0148

Timat the Slayer

Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2005
Hm..This seems rather interesting. Thanks for showing it to me Renth/Vice.

Zeus, do you have an AIM or you can PM me your e-mail, and I'd like to talk to you to see what I could add in. I can do some character concept stuff, though I haven't drawn much in awhile, and I'm a pretty hardcore gamer so I can help with stuff like uniqueness, balance, etc, if you needed it. I'm also a bit of a writer myself, so I'm sure I could toss some other ideas out there if needed, it just depends on what you got, what you want, you know the drill.

Anyway, if you have AIM, my IM is Timat the Slayer.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 22, 2007
Atlanta Ga
to those of you that replyed and responed, thanks much appriciatioin. to all the others... when my game is in stores and you see me on tv wit jessica alba or beyonce and a 40 billion dollar company, don't be coming to me asking for money or saying some stupid **** cuz i'ma just say. " you had your chance to be a part of this, but now you can just kiss my hairy, dingle berry a$$hole!"

p.s. Hey Laijin.... YL DITTO


Smash Journeyman
Dec 17, 2006
Lawrenceville, GA
to those of you that replyed and responed, thanks much appriciatioin. to all the others... when my game is in stores and you see me on tv wit jessica alba or beyonce and a 40 billion dollar company, don't be coming to me asking for money or saying some stupid **** cuz i'ma just say. " you had your chance to be a part of this, but now you can just kiss my hairy, dingle berry a$$hole!"

p.s. Hey Laijin.... YL DITTO
If you are on tv with jessica alba and beyonce, I will willingly kiss your hairy, dingle berry a$$hole.


Smash Cadet
Aug 6, 2006
Boston, MA
Hit me up when you need testers or something similar, but until then I don't really have any skills that can be applied to the creation of a game...

...on second thought I may be able to do a bit for music or writing, but that's it. Mostly music though.

If you ever do need me I have an aim, msn, and google chat, all of which should be in my profile. just tell me who you are if you add me lol.

Regardless, I hope to see this game come to life. Just make sure to tell us what it's called well in advance so that we can buy our preorders and invest in your company *insert ninja smiley here*


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
well i can draw characters. but i'm probably not going to have time for/feel like going anywhere for any interviews so ehh


Smash Journeyman
Jan 22, 2007
Atlanta Ga
well i can draw characters. but i'm probably not going to have time for/feel like going anywhere for any interviews so ehh
interviews can be done over the phone. so u wouldn't have to go anywhere. u'd just have to email me some of your work or send me a link to check out what you can do

Hit me up when you need testers or something similar, but until then I don't really have any skills that can be applied to the creation of a game...

...on second thought I may be able to do a bit for music or writing, but that's it. Mostly music though.

If you ever do need me I have an aim, msn, and google chat, all of which should be in my profile. just tell me who you are if you add me lol.

Regardless, I hope to see this game come to life. Just make sure to tell us what it's called well in advance so that we can buy our preorders and invest in your company *insert ninja smiley here*

the name is still up in the air. it was gonna be Blood Spillers or Fearless but nothing has been confirmed yet.

as far as music, i have a couple friends that make beats. i have about 20-30 beats that are pretty good and i like them, but i'm not sure if they'd be perfect for the game. i'd like other opinions. do you make beats yourself?

also for those that want to know a little bit about the game, i put some info about it in the first post.


Smash Cadet
Aug 6, 2006
Boston, MA
Well I do more than beats when I do anything, I don't really have any experience writing music...my primary instruments are cello and bass guitar.

[reffering to your new info] So this game is more like mortal combat than melee? hmm...


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
interviews can be done over the phone. so u wouldn't have to go anywhere. u'd just have to email me some of your work or send me a link to check out what you can do
Well if there is money to be made I am definitely interested. Whats your email so I can send you some sketches or sommin


Smash Journeyman
Jan 22, 2007
Atlanta Ga
Well I do more than beats when I do anything, I don't really have any experience writing music...my primary instruments are cello and bass guitar.

[reffering to your new info] So this game is more like mortal combat than melee? hmm...
remember like i said, so far there are 6 diff modes to play in. each mode is gonna have a different kind of play (so that everyone, no matter what type of game they like, will have something they like about the game). normal mode is eh.... kinda like mortal kombat but more like Killer instinct mixed with soul calibur. Tech mode is what's like melee (hense technical).

i want a wide variety to the music in the game. all the friends i have make fire *** rapping beats but like i said, i don't know if it would be perfect for my game.

so you play instruments, have you wrote your own little hooks/songs/patterns? maybe you can do something then i could add more sounds with Fruity loops.

Well if there is money to be made I am definitely interested. Whats your email so I can send you some sketches or sommin
yes money is involved. (by the way aaron_J_2004@yahoo.com put subject as game, and if you can't tell it is a J as janitor). now the other person i have that's doing the character drawings is a perfessional. he's been drawing for 30 years. that is why i pay so much for his work. depending on how good your work is, i might not pay that much. after all i'm not looking for amaturs but real talent.i want the best of the best for my game. but besides characters, i do need stages drawn out and stuff. i have a bunch drawn out by me, but i'm not an artist when it comes to drawing, i'm ok. how the drawing thing works is i send you the little ****ty drawing i made then you redraw it better. or if you want you can send new material.

free work is much appreciated, considering it's costing around 20 grand to make the demo and around 1 / 1 and a half mil. to make the full game. but whether you give a lil or give a lot, ask for money or ask for none, your name will still be in the credits and your input/help is much appreciated. also i might use some of the same ppl for my next games. i so far have 11 that are planned to release.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 10, 2006
newnan georgia
The game will be very graphic (gory) along with very controversial things. For instance one of the character’s (a female) finishing moves she lifts up one of her legs and a giant anaconda comes out of her ****** and bites the other persons head off. So there will be 2 copies released; the explicit version and the censored version for the kids.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
I can help test this and throw out music ideas, but other than playing trumpet, I dont have many skills. XD I do have a friend though that is a pretty good artist and voice actor, so I'll ask him about it. (He isnt registered on Smashboards though.)


Smash Journeyman
Jan 22, 2007
Atlanta Ga
i plead the 5th, i can't answer that. but like i said i put some stuff in this game that was as random, crazy and original as i could think. remember, this is just one of the crazy things that's gonna be in my game.

I can help test this and throw out music ideas, but other than playing trumpet, I dont have many skills. XD I do have a friend though that is a pretty good artist and voice actor, so I'll ask him about it. (He isnt registered on Smashboards though.)
anyone you know that would be interested, tell them. yeah. and i'll let ppl know when i need testers. that's easy cuz just about everyone wants to be a tester.

also when the demo is ready, i'll let everyone know and i'll be passing them out for free. i might charge something like 50 cents but most likely not.

I am still looking for ppl that want to give ideas.
like stages
or characters. if you can come up with a good one, i'll add it to the selection i have.
characters background storys. if someone wants to write a detailed background story about a character.
if anyone has any ideas of how i should have the game play/should not have the game play.
other game modes that you want to be in it.
character's special moves/combos
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