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Timekeeper's Brawl Roster


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Why do people rally so much for Mewtwo's inclusion, when Mewtwo was terrible? He's a lower tier than Pichu, so why is there really any support for him?
Because a character's worthiness to be in Brawl has absolutely nothing to do with how good they were in a previous game/will be in Brawl. Mewtwo is a major Pokèmon icon, the original ultimate legendary Pokèmon, who has starred in two of the movies, and is generally quite popular amongst the series' fans (one poll on these boards that asked whether he should be in over Lucario ended in a landslide victory for Mewtwo). Outside of Pikachu, hes the Pokèmon with the most reason to be in.

Timekeeper said:
Mewtwo hasn't been important to the series since Red and Blue (remakes don't count).
And Pikachu was important when? Oh right, just in yellow. What about Jigglypuff, Pichu, or Lucario? They never have been. Plainly, there aren't many individual Pokèmon that can claim to be important to the series, so thats hardly an argument against him. It seems general popularity and the anime determine the Pokèmon reps more than anything else.



Smash Ace
Oct 21, 2007
Why Plusle and Minun? Oh well, I like the idea.

Put... Mewtwo... or... I don't know, just put Mewtwo, NOW.

I'd prefer Sigurd over Micaiah, please.

AND... add Felix from Golden Sun, he's way too cool to be left out.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
So....Plusle and Minun are more important then Bomberman, Midna, Mewtwo......I could go on and on with this list.

By the way....I know this doesn't really prove anything but why did Wario have everything warioware except his symbol (the warioware bomb). The answer is simple, because then it would be too similar to another Bomb symbol. I know that isn't proof but it's something to think about. :)


Smash Ace
Oct 21, 2007
So....Plusle and Minun are more important then Bomberman, Midna, Mewtwo......I could go on and on with this list.
Plusle and Minun are at least more liked than Midna, in my list.

But, about Bomberman... aren't really liked 3rd Party characters going to be in Brawl? I mean, Sonic for example, Snake too. Who's next on popularity list? Megaman.

I want his X version though, i'm not fond of his classic look.


Smash Cadet
Nov 10, 2007
Pikachu is the ICON of the series. I'd swap out Jigglypuff for Mewtwo if given the option, although Jigglypuff is more likely.

KiddyDong you're not seriously saying let's drop some characters from Pokemon and not add anymore?

I'd supported Mewtwo for a while but personally I don't want him...he's just a terrible character and unless he gets a major overhaul he's not gonna be worth the inclusion anyway.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
You win for putting in Kumatora. She isn't dead, yet. I agree on most things but here are some my personal changes.

- Plusle+Minun
+ Mewtwo
- Balloon Fighter
+ Muddy Mole (An old interview suggests he might already be in.)
- Villager
+ Tom Nook


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
I'd supported Mewtwo for a while but personally I don't want him...he's just a terrible character and unless he gets a major overhaul he's not gonna be worth the inclusion anyway.
That's your opinion, can't anyone on this site say "Ok I don't like this character and I think they're terrible but I'll be ok with this character being in brawl because other people like the character". Instead we get things like "That character is useless! He shouldn't be in brawl" and then suddenly sakurai is supposed to come on and say " that one kid has a point, who cares about all the other people who love this character, because this kid said the characters useless then he must be *deletes character from brawl forever*

Sorry Timekeeper I'm not really taking it out on you just people who don't give other characters a chance in general :(

Edit: Kumatora looks cool! :)


Smash Cadet
Nov 11, 2007
North Carolina
Pikachu is the ICON of the series. I'd swap out Jigglypuff for Mewtwo if given the option, although Jigglypuff is more likely.

KiddyDong you're not seriously saying let's drop some characters from Pokemon and not add anymore?

I'd supported Mewtwo for a while but personally I don't want him...he's just a terrible character and unless he gets a major overhaul he's not gonna be worth the inclusion anyway.
I'm just saying, just how many pokemon characters should be in brawl for it not to be, well, 15-20% of the roster is pokemon. I'm only saying Pikachu, Red, and Jigglypuff because it doesnt seem flooded with pokemon. Pikachu because pikachu is what everyone thinks of when you hear pokemon, Red because he is iconic to the 1st generation, and Jigglypuff because well jigglypuff has been in SSB since the beginning. Mewtwo is nice, but I'd rather have him out considering he was just so....fugly in his control mechanics.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Pikachu is the ICON of the series.
Aye, but not because of any importance to the series of games - he has almost none. Rather this is because of the anime. Same with Jigglypuff - no importance to the series at all, tons of appearances in the anime. So arguing Mewtwo is minor because he was only in the original games is a pretty poor argument.



Smash Cadet
Nov 10, 2007
You win for putting in Kumatora. She isn't dead, yet. I agree on most things but here are some my personal changes.

- Plusle+Minun
+ Mewtwo
- Balloon Fighter
+ Muddy Mole (An old interview suggests he might already be in.)
- Villager
+ Tom Nook

Link to the interview with Muddy Mole? I've liked him I just haven't seen anything to support him.

Tom Nook is in the background of Smashville.

Still I just don't think we need so much first generation Pokemon.

a fact, mew2 had 3 films wich proves his importance in the pokemon series
Specials don't count as films. He had one film.

That's your opinion, can't anyone on this site say "Ok I don't like this character and I think they're terrible but I'll be ok with this character being in brawl because other people like the character". Instead we get things like "That character is useless! He shouldn't be in brawl" and then suddenly sakurai is supposed to come on and say " that one kid has a point, who cares about all the other people who love this character, because this kid said the characters useless then he must be *deletes character from brawl forever*

Sorry Timekeeper I'm not really taking it out on you just people who don't give other characters a chance in general :(

Edit: Kumatora looks cool! :)
I'm just saying that I really would prefer Plusle and Minun over Mewtwo. Being the fact that despite being a major fan of the Pokemon franchise, Mewtwo was terrible in Brawl and I can't see a way of him being fixed without making him much more like Lucario.

I'm just saying, just how many pokemon characters should be in brawl for it not to be, well, 15-20% of the roster is pokemon. I'm only saying Pikachu, Red, and Jigglypuff because it doesnt seem flooded with pokemon. Pikachu because pikachu is what everyone thinks of when you hear pokemon, Red because he is iconic to the 1st generation, and Jigglypuff because well jigglypuff has been in SSB since the beginning. Mewtwo is nice, but I'd rather have him out considering he was just so....fugly in his control mechanics.
Five characters out of a fifty character roster? That's only ten percent. Same as Zelda. Less than Mario. And Pokemon outsells Zelda 100% of the time so try and tell me you'd drop Pokemon characters without dropping Zelda characters...I smell bias against a franchise.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007

Link to the interview with Muddy Mole? I've liked him I just haven't seen anything to support him.

Tom Nook is in the background of Smashville.

Still I just don't think we need so much first generation Pokemon.
1. I don't have the link but I think it's on IGN, just look under the game's profile.
2. That doesn't mean anything, besides, the Animal Crosser is in there too.
3. Yeah, but it's not like a whole bunch of 2nd-4th gen Pokemon worthy of a spot.

Edit: Kumatora looks cool! :)
He/She got that off of my Photobucket and I got that pic from Deviant Art.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
I'm just saying that I really would prefer Plusle and Minun over Mewtwo. Being the fact that despite being a major fan of the Pokemon franchise, Mewtwo was terrible in Brawl and I can't see a way of him being fixed without making him much more like Lucario.
Did it ever occur to you that maybe just maybe there are people out there that were very good at playing as mewtwo and maybe he isn't actually broken and needs fixing? You can't be good at every character, maybe you're just mixing up, Being bad at playing with mewtwo yourself and Mewtwo being bad and needs fixing.

EXAMPLE: I was bad at a game called Goldeneye for the nintendo and I thought it was the worst game ever, but in fact it was the one of the best games on nintendo64 in reality, it was because I was bad at playing it, that I instantly thought it was bad and I didn't realize I was the one bad at it, understand?


Smash Cadet
Nov 11, 2007
North Carolina
Five characters out of a fifty character roster? That's only ten percent. Same as Zelda. Less than Mario. And Pokemon outsells Zelda 100% of the time so try and tell me you'd drop Pokemon characters without dropping Zelda characters...I smell bias against a franchise.

I'm not biased against pokemon, its just that with pokeballs, we shouldnt have as many pokemon as we did in melee in brawl. Pikachu, Red, and another pokemon, whether it be lucario, jigglypuff, mewtwo w/e. I just think we should keep it to 3, and thats it, because I'm pretty sure sakurai is trying to avoid clones as much as possible., also plusle/minun would be a pichu duo. 1 electric rodent is enough.


Smash Cadet
Nov 10, 2007
1. I don't have the link but I think it's on IGN, just look under the game's profile.
2. That doesn't mean anything, besides, the Animal Crosser is in there too.
3. Yeah, but it's not like a whole bunch of 2nd-4th gen Pokemon worthy of a spot.

He/She got that off of my Photobucket and I got that pic from Deviant Art.
Yeah but there's more than one villager. There's only one Tom Nook. You're right about the Pokemon, there isn't. But the ones that are would happen to be Lucario and Plusle/Minun.

Did it ever occur to you that maybe just maybe there are people out there that were very good at playing as mewtwo and maybe he isn't actually broken and needs fixing? You can't be good at every character, maybe you're just mixing up, Being bad at playing with mewtwo yourself and Mewtwo being bad and needs fixing.

EXAMPLE: I was bad at a game called Goldeneye for the nintendo and I thought it was the worst game ever, but in fact it was the one of the best games on nintendo64 in reality, it was because I was bad at playing it, that I instantly thought it was bad and I didn't realize I was the one bad at it, understand?
You must not understand tiers.

Tiers are the abilities of a character REGARDLESS of the skill of the player.

People can be good with Mewtwo. But even the world's BEST Mewtwo player would lose to just a moderate Shiek or Falco player.

I'm not biased against pokemon, its just that with pokeballs, we shouldnt have as many pokemon as we did in melee in brawl. Pikachu, Red, and another pokemon, whether it be lucario, jigglypuff, mewtwo w/e. I just think we should keep it to 3, and thats it, because I'm pretty sure sakurai is trying to avoid clones as much as possible., also plusle/minun would be a pichu duo. 1 electric rodent is enough.
Plusle and Minun have a lot of moveset potential to be different from Pichu, who was mostly just a Pikachu clone with damage to itself.

Completely fails for having the animal crosser but no Stafy...
I lol'd


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Yeah but there's more than one villager. There's only one Tom Nook.
Not true. There's a Tom Nook for every village so he's more like the Nurse Joy/Officer Jenny of Animal Crossing.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
Tiers Tiers Tiers! The most annoying word in the dictionary? Possible

I hope sakurai has every character more equal so Tiers can dissapear forever, I'd say this will happen since now it's on wifi they'll want to make sure every character has the same chances in a fight.

Tiers ruin everything, they're in Pokemon (which is annoying) and we don't need them in brawl!


Smash Cadet
Nov 10, 2007
Origin of Mewtwo and Mewtwo Returns were both specials.

We don't need them in Brawl. But they're there.

Demo says hello.


Absol or Kecleon instead of Plusle/Minun?

I like the idea of both of them.

I may just add back in Mewtwo, I'd like some variety in the roster though.

I meant Bowser Jr. was most requested if you don't count Geno.

Note they're both on the roster, so I think you're just lookin' for some +1's.
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