If you could change one thing about Robin in SSB4, what would it be?
I'd give him/her slightly more running speed.
Ehh, a couple minor things.
-Make Robin run faster.
-More alts for the male and female Robin by giving them both a total of 8 alts each, thus giving 16 alts for Robin like Little Mac has 16. This can also be applied to Olimar and Alph, the Wii Fit Trainers, and Wario's alts.
-Customizable Final Smash; Chrom is important but I don't like Chrom. I would like the option to change Chrom to a different character from Awakening whether they are important to the story (like Lissa) or popular (like Gaius or Tharja); oh, and Morgan would be an option as well. (I guess you can also apply this to Shulk by changing Dunban and Riki with characters like Reyn and Sharla for example)
-Have some of Robin's attacks be given some sort of special effects, more specifically to reflect Ignis. Maybe instead of the red line that appears when you are about to KO someone, it could be replaced by cherry blossoms.
-More range on Nosferatu.
-I wish that some of Robin's custom moves reflected other tomes from Awakening, besides Nosferatu having a custom being Goetia. One of Robin's Arcfire customs would be Bolganone (though that would conflict with his Final Smash) and one of Elwind's would be Rexcalibur. Bolganone would either be thrown on the ground, a massive lava circle is formed, and it would behave like the lava in Brinstar or it would cause a powerful explosion that causes weak damage. Rexcalibur would bring Robin straight up with a large gust of wind, but it only sucks in opponents and doesn't cause any damage to them.