Chapter Serf
Ace Skell Pilot
Maybe they're just being cautious. This is their first foray into PC. Developers tend to be a bit more cautious when they really shake up their status quo. Take for example FFVII and FFXIII. Both of those games broke away from established Final Fantasy trends. As a result, they're a bit more linear than a lot of people would like.They did exactly that! to be fair though, both series are known to just kill off a character for no reason but to kill them off. It's nice to know the games do that too :')))
That's a better way to word it. Zestiria is more linear than the other, which disappointed people. Not to say it's bad, just different. That and the promotional issues, but I'd like to think people have gotten over that by now.
LOL, that's a beautifully accurate joke :')
Edit: Speaking of ASoIaF, this image has joined the ranks of my desktop backgrounds:
That dragon wasn't exactly small.
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