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Tier List (1st-3rd generation)

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Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.
Ninjask is like a glass missile: He is fast as anything and hits hard, but how many attacks do you think he can land before getting KO'd? About 3. Sure, he can stike before nearly everything else, but that doesn't make up for his low defences. ANY pokemon with ANY rock attack with at least decent attack can KO him in one hit. Why is he upper-tier...?


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
Ninjask is like a glass missile: He is fast as anything and hits hard, but how many attacks do you think he can land before getting KO'd? About 3. Sure, he can stike before nearly everything else, but that doesn't make up for his low defences. ANY pokemon with ANY rock attack with at least decent attack can KO him in one hit. Why is he upper-tier...?
Because Ninjask's sole purpose is to pass his speed and attack boosts to a sweeper. If the defending doesn't have a p/hazer, Ninjask and the other sweeper alone can sweep an entire team, regardless of what the opposing team has. But with p/hazers being on every team and a neccesary one too, you don't see ninjaskes anymore on the current metagame.

Oh, and as for Manectric... Jolteon, Raikou and Zapdos do everything Manectric can do and do it better plus are better pokemons with wider movepools and better stats, which is why Manectric is UU.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 26, 2006
The Bay Area, CA
Because Ninjask's sole purpose is to pass his speed and attack boosts to a sweeper. If the defending doesn't have a p/hazer, Ninjask and the other sweeper alone can sweep an entire team, regardless of what the opposing team has. But with p/hazers being on every team and a neccesary one too, you don't see ninjaskes anymore on the current metagame.

Oh, and as for Manectric... Jolteon, Raikou and Zapdos do everything Manectric can do and do it better plus are better pokemons with wider movepools and better stats, which is why Manectric is UU.
Hah, couldnt have said it better myself :)


Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.
Because Ninjask's sole purpose is to pass his speed and attack boosts to a sweeper. If the defending doesn't have a p/hazer, Ninjask and the other sweeper alone can sweep an entire team, regardless of what the opposing team has. But with p/hazers being on every team and a neccesary one too, you don't see ninjaskes anymore on the current metagame.
Alright. Thanks for clearing things up. I forgot about baton pass...


Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.
True. Ninjask can't last that long to boost his stats (ANY rock attack will kill him), while Espeon Shuckle and Umbreon endure quite a bit of time.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 26, 2006
The Bay Area, CA
yo jcrest i'd like to fight you on netbattle with my rain dance team against stupid deoxys.
Uhhhhh, i dont Netbattle. If you wanna battle me your gonna hafta wait till Diamond & Pearl come out and play me on Wifi. And a Raindance team?...cmon now, i bet you start out with Kyogre & Ludiculo dont you.


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
Umbreon & Vaporeon are best Baton passers though, almost everyone will choose them over Ninjask.
Don't forget Jolteon and Zapdos, whom both have nice speed and are generaly great to b-pass subs to appropriate counter whenever their own counters raises their heads. Zappy gets pass from Pokemon XD, btw. Umbreon is not that good to pass subs with, just mean look and maybe wish. Vapy is more into wishpassing too. Espeon is great to pass calm minded substitutes with, the variation nicknamed espujump. :3

Ninjask is awesome though against those teams that for some stupid reason forget the neccesity of p/hazers. Ninjask doesn't need any durability, just make it's HP divisible by 4, liechi berry and you can pass at least +3 speed and +1 attack to one pokemon. Sub 3 times, liechi activates, pass to some mean poke and vola. Just beware of Rhydons and Armaldos for rock blasts, they shoot down ninjasks like flies. ;P


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2006
Somewhere, sometime
Umbreon & Vaporeon are the best cause of their huge defense. Jolt is kinda passer+attacker.
And Zapdos a good baton pas? No, he is good to switch in last.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 26, 2006
The Bay Area, CA
Umbreon & Vaporeon are the best cause of their huge defense. Jolt is kinda passer+attacker.
And Zapdos a good baton pas? No, he is good to switch in last.
I agree with Kujiro, i would prefferably save my Zapdos for attacking and not Baton Passing, while your statement seems pretty good as well Samochan, I would still choose Umbreon & Vaporeon for my baton passers, as they have more to pass on :p


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
I agree with Kujiro, i would prefferably save my Zapdos for attacking and not Baton Passing, while your statement seems pretty good as well Samochan, I would still choose Umbreon & Vaporeon for my baton passers, as they have more to pass on :p
The thing is, you get free sub to pass with faster passers than with slower ones. Even if Vapy could get a sub, he'd lose a big amount of HP when first taking a hit then making a sub, then the opponent could probably easily break the sub and you have acchieved nothing but taken a lot of damage. With faster passers, you can sub before anyone can inflict you with a status and if you were to make a prediction and get jolty/zappy into something that'll get KO'ed by them, the opponent will probably switch to jolty/zappy counter and you get a free sub and pass to the appropriate counter. Plus Baton pass protects jolteon from Dugtrio's arena trap.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 26, 2006
The Bay Area, CA
The thing is, you get free sub to pass with faster passers than with slower ones. Even if Vapy could get a sub, he'd lose a big amount of HP when first taking a hit then making a sub, then the opponent could probably easily break the sub and you have acchieved nothing but taken a lot of damage. With faster passers, you can sub before anyone can inflict you with a status and if you were to make a prediction and get jolty/zappy into something that'll get KO'ed by them, the opponent will probably switch to jolty/zappy counter and you get a free sub and pass to the appropriate counter. Plus Baton pass protects jolteon from Dugtrio's arena trap.
Yes but Jolteon doesnt have alot of HP or so it could proprably only create a couple Substitutes. While your theory still seems pretty good, Im pretty sure more people will stick with Vaporeon for their Baton Passer.


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
Yes but Jolteon doesnt have alot of HP or so it could proprably only create a couple Substitutes. While your theory still seems pretty good, Im pretty sure more people will stick with Vaporeon for their Baton Passer.
Um, it's not just a theory, it's a metagame. Jolteon is a great OU poke just for his bpassing abilities, otherwise he'd be walled easily by swamperts and whatnot. Leftovers always helps for restoring HP, plus you don't need to use that many subs in one game either. It's a fact that people favor jolteon over vapy as a subpasser. There is also other reasons why Jolteon is favored over vaporeon and that is speed and the fact that suicune is generaly million times better than vapy at walling stuff, save for water absorb (like vapy could do anything to other waters anyway). I've tested these pokes on many occasions, sub just doesn't work on vapy as it does on zappy/jolteon, it'll just get broken since he's too slow to pass anything. Quaggy walls better than vapy just because he has only one weakness and some resistances, not to mention that sexy hp and ability to curse up and rest, even if he's UU. But every time I tried to use vapy, either zapdos, raikou or jolteon raised their ugly heads and either break the sub or made other mean stuff, otherwise subwishpassing stuff to my focus punching snorlax would have worked well.

Big House #1

Smash Apprentice
Jan 24, 2006
I am one of those people that "live under a rock", so I would like to know what is the 4th Gen tier list, as it would be interesting to know. :)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2006
Fredericksburg, Virginia
I don't think the metagame has really developed enough to make a tier list yet. I know some site made a 4th gen tier list, but it's a bit inaccurate and I don't have the link.

Deleted member

why is blaxekin upper tier and alakazam middle.?
Blazekin sucks as far as speed and defences go
alakazam timid is a really good sweeper and outruns a heck lot with its speed stat.

and i have used shedinja in my party to kill kyogres and such.

(infernape now replaced blazekin)in dp
wynaut is highest tier.
and this list is not accurate, not even at its time.

Deleted member

too bad the list doesn't have darkrai or shaymin anywhere on it.

arcanine gliscor dragonite lucario mamoswine raikou and umbreon shouldn't be that high in the tiers.


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
Bumping old topics isn't really a good idea.

Discussing tiers for the fourth gen isn't a good idea either.

Be patient young padawans.
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