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ThrowN bone positioning


Smash Rookie
Feb 12, 2012
Hi! While I'm new to these forums, I wanted to let you know that I already know how to edit the FitCharXX, FitCharMotion.pac, etc used for animations, vertices and so on with BrawlBox, so that part isn't so much an issue anymore. My original intent was to edit the ThrowN bone so that the opponents who are being grabbed no longer look weird or offset (Wolf was a big offender, but I managed to fix that). After numerous hours of tinkering around with BrawlBox and the 3D model viewer, I managed to fix many characters' Catch Wait animation so that it no longer looks weird (at least to me). Heck, I even managed to figure out how to make the necessary changes to the Common_en, common2, 3, 4 and 5 files, meaning Sheik, Koopa, and a few others can be edited without issue.

The problem that I'm currently faced with is that some characters still have offset ThrowN bones, despite editing them extensively. The end result will either have the opponent too far from the hand, or not close enough, making it look worse than the original. How exactly does ThrowN work relative to the opponent being grabbed? Where are the heads/necks going to end up at the beginning of the animation? What I'm trying to do is make the Catch Wait animation look more convincing (like actually being grasped in a hand), and not floating next to or above it. Could someone explain or at least lead me in the right direction where ThrowN is explained. Why the tiny gyroscopic orange circle? I'm really confused about the whole thing. Is it possible to see how ThrowN will actually look or be used before playing the game?

Perhaps this screenshot will do a better job explaining: and don't worry, everything I edit is used from a legally obtained copy I bought when the game was released.



Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2006
Someplace in Canada
You can ignore the gyroscope thing if all you care about is positioning (it's for seeing how the bone is rotated/scaled).

I believe your main issue is that you're only looking at one half of the equation. ThrowN is certainly the most important bone for the grabber, but for the grabee you need to look at XRotN - that's the bone that gets connected to ThrowN during grabs and throws. Note however that I don't think we entirely know how the game decides whether to use CaptureWaitHi or CaptureWaitLw.


Smash Rookie
Feb 12, 2012
Oh my crap, I never realized that those other bones were affecting how it actually grabs an opponent, as I just assumed that HipN and ThrowN were directly affecting it. I also read somewhere that ThrowN also determines how the characters' shields are animated. Thanks for the info! Should I just keep experimenting with the XRotN bone and see what happens, or would editing the X, Y and Z values screw things up? What I meant is, can you alter XRotN so that ThrowN properly connect the opponent to the grab?


Smash Ace
Aug 17, 2006
Someplace in Canada
You can mess with XRotN. Just be aware that, if you want the animation to be otherwise unchanged, you have to apply the opposite transformation to HipN.


Smash Rookie
Feb 12, 2012
You can mess with XRotN. Just be aware that, if you want the animation to be otherwise unchanged, you have to apply the opposite transformation to HipN.
D'oh! That, and I'll likely need to move ThrowN closer to the hand. Thanks again! :grin:

Oh, before I forget, when you alter HipN, you have to do the opposite of this?

X: 0
Y: +11.13467
Z: 0

I need to have the Y on HipN set at -11.13467?
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