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This has GOT to stop.

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Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
Smashboards has recently become overrun with what I like to call 'Hall Monitor Syndrome' or better known as 'Corrupt Cop Syndrome'.

All of the mods are under the belief that anything they don't agree with is spam, and now enforcement has become strictly at their own discretion, regardless of rules. This isn't even close to fair, and it represents the foundation of a fascist regime.

Earlier this week I was banned for a week by 'Tom nom nom nom' for posting a thread that was viewed as spam. But for some reason I've seen multiple stickied threads posted by mods who stickied them themselves (Guess they've got the hook up on stickies, huh?), that I believe to have been along the same lines as spam, but since I'm not a mod I can't go all ban-happy because of it.

Today, I was given a 1 point infraction for a double post, and had my post edited for stating my distaste for Brawl. This, I strongly believe, has crossed the line.

SmashBoards was meant to be a place to connect fellow smashers and inform those who were unaware about events and tournaments, as well as keep communities together.

However at this point, the self righteousness of the current mods has become absolutely ridiculous. They no longer act as leaders of the community. At this point they act like people who were once bullied too much and now feel as though they should abuse their power. The status of enforcing the rules often goes hand in hand with being above the rules, but I believe that SmashBoards deserves better than that.

At this point, the enforcement of pointless rules has caused almost half the Pacific West forums to be banned, even some of the most influential smashers like Hugs.

My point? Either make me a mod so I can fairly enforce the rules, or do something about the renegade team of mods currently terrorizing the boards.

The board members did not want to be punished or banished for things as trivial as accidentally double posting 6 times. This has become absolutely ludicrous, and I for one don't feel that the boards are worth using if we are going to be targeted and banned at the discretion of who ever has their name in red. The board needs members to use it, the members do not need the boards. At some point this will go too far and you will lose a large amount of members due to the enforcement of pointless bureaucratic rules, once again at the discretion of those who have proven themselves to be unfair.

I don't believe personal accounts should be banned based on the uptightness or personal bias of the mod who did the banning.

None of this applies to Frames, who has just recently become a mod and who I believe will be a perfectly fair mod, and Mike G who has always been completely fair.

And please don't ban me for posting this and label it 'spam', further proving my point. This is an important issue and it's affecting how content I am with using these boards as a form of communication. I don't want to be part of a community if the Smash Hall Monitors are going to just show me how much "power" they have by editing all my posts and kicking me off for a week everytime I have a thought or opinion they don't agree with. Thanks for your time, everyone.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
Tell it to MLG. I'm pretty sure they run this and their forums are just as strict.

and uhh personally I think they're doing their jobs just fine.


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2008
I agree, the mods are getting insane.

Anytime theres a topic they dont agree with, they simply close it due to "spam".


Smash Hero
Oct 24, 2007
She would we start posting Man Threads again?

Im Game. :3

Edit: MODs aren't Bros.

Except Frames he is a cool bro.


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
Thank you chaddd. Moderator response to this topic will show their true colors. Either they make a civil response or further prove your point.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
Today, I was given a 1 point infraction for a double post, and had my post edited for stating my distaste for Brawl. This, I strongly believe, has crossed the line.
"Today I broke a rule and got an infraction like I'm supposed to, according to the rules. Instead of saying 'sorry it was a mistake' I made a post to cry about it :urg: and to try and get my way"

I got an infraction warning a week or 2 ago. Know what happened? I said it was just a mistake and that I BARELY ever double post. He was fine with it and the next time he sees me double post, BY MISTAKE, he won't give me an infraction(hopefully).

See the difference in responses? Follow the rules or go make your own forum. It's not hard.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
nah **** these guys, i feel you chaddd, ATL SOUTH FTW
lol well keep it up and it will be ATL SOUTH FT banned


there's the rules for you too :p

"These rules are global rules which means they must be followed at all times in all rooms unless exceptions are made."

By posting you agree to be in compliance to the rules.

"c. Respect Moderators/Administrators. You are entitled to your own opinion and may tell them what you think of their style, etc. However, it is important that you listen to what they say. For example: if they tell you not to post something, don't post it. Common sense and listening will get you in their favor and will contribute to your overall happiness at the forums."

Read that part too.

Xiahou Dun

Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2008

Nobody cares how you would run a forum and the staff here are pretty lax compared to almost everywhere on the intarweb. Like it or not this is a fascist regime, and mods can and will define posts however they want to. However you'd have to be pretty darn insecure to get a power trip off modding a small insignificant internet forum. The mods are not power mad behemoths corrupting truth and justice throughout the world but simply doing their jobs and your nitpicking is bringing nothing but negativity. Not all Off Topic posts are Spam and not all Spam is Off Topic. Not all opinions are created equal and nobody likes a telltit.

If you *really* have a serious issue with a way a Mod is doing something don't try and start a rally for truth and justice in public and cause a scene but just politely PM the Mod and say what you wanna say. If the mod is being truly unreasonable politely PM an Admin and say what you wanna say. Doing it here just creates pointless drama.

Oh and "If you close this thread you only prove my point!!!!!11" is a pretty childish argument to make.



Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
Sometimes my browser lags for a long time upon hitting reply. That's the only way for accidental double posts to happen. It's obvious to tell which are accidents and which aren't... and I don't think those should be punished the same way as truly spammed double posts because they aren't deliberate. There is a 30 seconds per post limit that prevents double posting as well.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2007
In Your Mom
Sometimes my browser lags for a long time upon hitting reply. That's the only way for accidental double posts to happen. It's obvious to tell which are accidents and which aren't... and I don't think those should be punished the same way as truly spammed double posts because they aren't deliberate. There is a 30 seconds per post limit that prevents double posting as well.
Yeah, that crap happens to me all the time.

Xiahou Dun

Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2008
Sometimes my browser lags for a long time upon hitting reply. That's the only way for accidental double posts to happen. It's obvious to tell which are accidents and which aren't... and I don't think those should be punished the same way as truly spammed double posts because they aren't deliberate. There is a 30 seconds per post limit that prevents double posting as well.

If you notice lag while you're posting don't just hit reply again straight away as soon as your Internet's working again. Copy and paste your post just in case then open the thread again in a new tab/window. Check if your post went through. if it did then good don't post it again. if it didn't then hit reply in your other tab/window. It's fairly simple stuff.


Sep 29, 2007
UCF (Orlando, FL)
I'm not gonna mess with this because it's not random spamming or flaming, but rather somewhat intelligent discussion about a pretty serious issue.

Of course when people start acting stupid, then i'll intervene, but for now this looks fine.

1 point just for a double post does seem excessive, so I would take that up with the mod who gave it.

As for the hugs/wc scenario, I don't know the whole story for sure but I believe they were banned for posting pornography, which is now an automatic ban i think.


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
A list of recently closed threads:

Falco is a Turdburglar
Melee anyone?
**** Brawl+
C3 in T-Minus 12 hours...

and many more. All of those are either spam threads or things that do not belong in AS. If some one wants to know how another person in their region's day went, you can post that in the state or tourney threads. We know they are already filled up with a lot of non tourney spam as it is. But having threads about individual people or losing your phone or whatnot are not valid threads and will be closed. If I remember correctly, Tom even allowed your "retirement" thread to remain open, even though he shouldn't have and knew so. But things like Renth posting utterly insane topics isn't tolerated very well. And because of Renth and other major spammers, we posted this, clarifying the new rules to the area. Everyone had the ability to see it and no one complained about it in any way, shape or form. Several people already infracted asked about it and I clarified SWF's stance on the matter. Your thread, here, was a full three days after our warning. There is no debate about the two week ban.

And about a 2 point infraction: it is not a ban. It is essentially saying "Don't do this: if you don't mess up several more times in two weeks then this will be permanently gone". It's honestly not too big of a deal. Just don't double post or troll or post/reply to spam and you'll be good.

And HugS and the rest of SoCal were banned for a very serious offense, one looked into and upheld by all the administrators (including JV, who owns the site) and virtually every mod, including many very integral smash mods. Just because he is an elite smasher and there are many of them does not mean they are above the rules.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
There are ways to do things and there are wrong ways to do things and these is the wrong way. We have a forum disputes section where members talk one-on-one with the admins about issues regarding mods and smods, which I suggest using if you feel at a disadvantage.

My advice? If you have a problem with a mod, contact him or her first before taking it to the public venue. All you will do is come off as "give into my demands or else," which is what this can be construed as. I talk to Tom from time to time, and if you really feel he overstepped something, PM or IM me and I'll talk to him and get both sides of the story. If you really want to know why we come off as harsh is because these sections aren't about how good of a player you are, but about posting in a safe environment. With the SoCal section, they broke our more severe rules, and in doing so, they were permanent banned on their main accounts, despite being extremely well known players. We are not about preferential treatment but about treating everyone equally when it comes to rules.

This problem came out very rambling, but in short: contact mods you have problems with or other mods to bring it forward, try forum disputes if you don't want to do that, PM me or IM me if you have other issues and I'll take care of what I can.
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