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Things I Like - The Mafia Game - Game Over


Smash Lord
Mar 23, 2020
Yes, fine, I'll read Vanilla Mafia tonight.
Stop after D1. D2 is just me and Xivii in a death stare for a while day phase. It won't give much insight into FF's general play because it was a bizarre situation and easy coasting for him.
BoomFrog BoomFrog please tell me more about why you decided to hammer somi and your thought process leading up to that.
I agreed with Sync's reasoning but still had doubts about a Somi yeet. We had 15 minutes to go so I didn't think we had time to switch to someone else, and not being up to date on the game state I didn't want to lead a charge against someone. In the end I just counted how many slots I trusted on each wagon and Somi's wagon had one more.

but I guess your vote is less sus than boomfrog or wam's. That's not saying much tho.
Why was wam's self prez vote suspect?

I think Boom is only Town here if wam is in fact mafia. If both wagons are Town, Boom's decision is NAI-to-slightly scummy.
This seems really backwards. If wam was my mate, then the way I would have voted is exactly the same as what I did. Sabrar's call out would have forced me to vote Wam for consistency with my town approach to that situation. But then I pull a part minute swerve to save wam. That's classic boomfrog. I'd even have NKed sabrar, because he would scum read me forever if wam flipped scum and he's stay on wam.


Smash Lord
Mar 23, 2020
Vote malakadra

He should not be town reading me at this point. I really haven't earned it. Fonti and syncro and maybe Chaco have reason to consider me at least neutral but everyone else should be scum reading me at this point. Kary is town for actually doing it. Mala is scum for not doing it. DH is suspicious for being wishy washy about it. He should have voted me when Kary did. I'll need to read LG's full posts above that I only skimmed to see my evaluation there.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2020
Synchronicity Synchronicity at what point did Chaco first ping you as town, and why? Please quote a specific post.
Right brain: Around 49. That sort of follow up is like the kind of thing that comes from a genuine read. That being said, at this point I was mostly suspicious of him despite that because his play so far was weird. My suspicion grew to a full scum read on page 4 because of this:
Fairly obvious, imo, why Boom put me at the top from his perspective. But I’m gonna let him answer to see if it’s really just that.
No, you first. I'm pretty sure my reason will be different then yours so don't worry about me copying you.
Chaco Chaco Can you use more words there? Are you saying I put you at the top in order to pocket you and then called myself out on it?
No no no. I’m saying you put me at the very top because I said I had a good grasp of your slot and it’s to mess with me subtly. I think you’re legitimately town reading me, but idk why I would be the top slot. You do have a lot of exposure to me as town though. Probably more than anyone in recent games sans Xivii, FF, and anyone else who was in all 3 recent games. But I think that’s it? I didn’t count Somi because they replaced out of Midnight.
Haha, fine. Yes exactly. You legitimately should be a few slots lower, but I put you at the top to mess with you. It's a little TMI indicative that you nailed it, but I don't think you would be so blatent about you knowing what I'm doing if you were scum. Guess I'm not as confusing as I thought. : /
The "I think you’re legitimately town reading me" came off as TMI town reading Boom, the same thing you picked up on.

I started to develop a town read on him soon after that from multiple things that just grew over time:
Then let me figure it out and don’t tell me how to tone it down when it was strictly at your behest.
The let me figure it out seems like genuine frustration, similar to how you reacted to Fonti.
I’m here and I’m actively playing. If I’m choosing to stay out of peoples conversations and sit back, but still producing reads, what is the issue?
Townie tone.
Thats boom townreading me...
Completely didn't get how his statement was TMI, feels innocent.
Overall I have not sorted Boom yet. He’s waffled his stance of me post Laser “case”, and produced a read list that I don’t understand how he’s done with the amount of content across the board. The scum reads aren’t solid, and a few town reads I could understand but overall, no. He hasn’t been active enough yet to produce a solid read yet, and I’m not just gonna toss a read out if I’m uncertain. So still null for now.
Objective solve-minded read.
So it’s town of me to OMGUS Laser, rather than try and figure out why he’s going after this. Kind’ve an odd thing to rip off early D1, don’t you think?
To be clear there is no OMGUS to Laser. I said there’s two clear motive paths that one would come from scum and the they severely misguided town. If I was going to OMGUS him I would’ve already laid out his case, timing of case, etc. I laid out why I would think of both and said I’m still trying to figure out which it is.
Recognizes that people town read omgus, then argues that he's not OMGUSing.
And LaserGuy LaserGuy dont take anything personally at all. Cause it’s not intended as such. It’s just frustrating. But I’m not doing my part if I don’t tell you that case is truthfully terrible. You’ll realize that as well. So we’re good.
Town oriented. Though looking over this again, this seems TMI as well. But I think Chaco responded similarly when I made cases on him in the last two games. I'll check after this.

My read solidified with the discrepancy between his points and his conclusion/votes. Also to be clear, this isn't exactly linear. I only thoroughly read the first few pages at one point while skimming the rest. And then reread again from the beginning. I did not have a town read at the time I questioned FF about the 'equality' thing even if it does look like I was defending Chaco. My focus wasn't on disproving FF's Chaco read, it was on investigating FF.

Left Brain: Scum read up to about the point he began to do the point posts. Before that, I felt he was active lurking by asking filler questions, especially the early pages when he was talking with Dark Horse and Kary about how they were going to approach Synchronicity which went on for way too long.

Here are Right brain's notes up to about page 4 for a more thorough look at its progression:

Page 1

Wam response to Chaco in #21 feels natural.
Chaco had level-headed response to Sabar in #16
Evaluation: Chaco and Wam are not mates.

It's doubtful that Chaco switches from his RVS vote to tie the wagons with a Boom vote if he and Mala were partners (#28). RVS is the opportune stage to distance from your partner.
Evaluation: Chaco and Mala are not mates.

This goes similarly for pythag but less so since he was prodded into choosing a wagon and Chaco was not. However, I do think that if Pythag is scum, Mala is probably town because of his answer in involving the HBC mindset in #29.

It looks like DH picked up on the peculiarity of that statement as well in #30, which is +1 in terms of townminds.

Sabrar is coming out strong and very differently than Sumting. Already a town Ping. #13

I don't like that Gorf liked #21. BoomFrog suggesting a yeet wasn't weird. Gorf should know this. This seems forced.

Frozen's #35 is suspect. In #34 he votes Chaco for being concerned with optics for an RVS wagon, yet in #35 Frozen is concerning himself with optics over and RVS wagon. I think scum are more likely to notice things in others that they themselves are inclined to do. #37 is also really forced.

Sabrar and DH have strong starts. Chaco is not mates with either Wam or Mala. Pythag is also unlikely mates with Mala.

Shotgun scum team
Kary, Frozen, Fonti

Bin (a mix of stream of conscious thoughts and impressions that don't hold much weight):
-Kary's is instinctively suspicious
-Laser opening with town meta
-Frozen same rvs town wagon position as his town game in DT
-Pythag was excited to play mafia, but had a lackluster opening
-The interaction between pythag and Chaco is weird. How did --Pythag remember something as obscure as "Concision is pro-town" but not the fact that they played together.
-Gorf's opening looks rigid. The question to wam in #18 seems too textbook.
-Kary's #19 is a good look, building a wagon and forcing pythag to engage.
-Kary's 20: why does he actually care about the answer? Why did Gorf like the post? For Kary I'm not going to assign weight to this because his #19 shows that he had a desire for content and thus could have just been trying to get something going.
-Gorf looks worse. I'm not sure why anyone would particularly care for the answer. And if they did, we not ask LaserGuy who understood it.
-The fact that I'm not scumreading Wam is concerning.
-Chaco's question to Kary in #22 is awkward. But he did ask similar things at the beginning of Midnight.
-I'm not sure what to make of Pythag's response to Kary in #23, voting Boom.
-Pythag's #24 feels natural wrt Wam. Low mate potential.
-DH came in #27 with good responses.
-Curious as to why Sabrar voted Kary in #31
-After reading Chaco's explanation for his Mala read on page 2, I see what he means. Mala's #33 actually acknowledges the wagon built on him rather than simply trying to look like it didn't phase him as he did in Midnight.
-I'm not sure what to make of Frozens's #34 equality optics post. It seems like a reachy point, but it also doesn't seem like the sort of thing that would stick out to scum. I think I might town read this.
-Actually looking at #35 I change my mind.

Page 2

Chaco's #49 is townie to me. The followup to his interaction with Frozen just feels natural.

BoomFrog's interaction with Chaco in #50 is natural.
Evaluation: Chaco and Boom aren't scummates.

Frozen's #54 is a big stretch. It's unrealistic that scum would be coordinating to that degree.

Laser's reasoning for town reading Mala is very concerning (#54).

Chaco is on the upswing. He is playing more mellow, but I noticed he was playing mellow in CV as well. Frozen's case on DH/Kary is a bad look. Why bring it up if you didn't think it had merit?

-Somi in #41 asked me something that Kary already asked me. This is always a bad look imo.
-Somi took Boom's yeet Mala comment seriously?
-Chaco's response in #45 is level-headed and in line with what I've seen from his town tone before.
-I can see gorf's pov in #48 with the way DH framed the question.
-DH #51 seems reasonable.
-Keeping track of DH's pursuit's: Pythag, Gorf, Somi
Also responses to Frozen, Chaco
-I like Frozen's "Why" in #57.
-Would like to keep track of where Frozen's view of Gorf goes based on #60.
-DH's #69 also reasonable.
-I see both sides of gorf vs DH. If there's scum there though, it's on Gorf's end. Specifically, the reaction in #78 is strange.

Page 3

Evaluation: Pythag is not mates with Dark Horse (#82)

Dark Horse's #83 is very good.

#104 and #111 is lowkey defensive.

"And my point has nothing to do with how you presented that connection, it's about how singling out that connection in the first place is illogical. " +1 QFT

"Aren't you the same FrozenFlame who was 100% sure in Crossover that the mods wouldn't include toxic roles like Survivors and Bombs?"
To be fair, that's different as it was an Overswarm game, a role madness host who makes his games entirely of custom roles.

Pythag isn't mates with DH. Kary is suspicious.

-Laser's explanation for his Mala read is fine I guess. #84
-Tracking: Frozen explains DH's pov to Gorf #86. Backtracks on Gorf #87. Follows DH on voting Gorf #92
-Frozen's gut read of somi in #86 seems to be jumping the gun
-Chaco's Mala read seems too strong #105.
-Laser's somi read seems premature #107 (just as his Mala read).
-Note, Track Laser's tone: he seems to be more into this game. Need to determine if it's because the review I gave about his meta in Midnight or if it's because he's town. If necessary, a test would be to see if I could get his reads to fluctuate. Update: nope he's firm on Chaco even after my Kary case. So we are probably dealing with scum Laser.
-#115 did Laser forget Kary did one of the EoD's in Midnight? Town vibes through Laser's response to Kary here. Low mate potential.
-BoomFrog's read list is good, but NAI.
-#120 is this part of Laser genius or too much information.

Page 4

I disagree with Kary's #125 wrt Chaco. I think that post from Chaco came off as townie and that Kary's read is forced. I think it's unlikely Kary makes this post in a Kary, Frozen, Chaco team.
Evaluation: The solve is not Kary, Frozen, Chaco

Wam's shade of Syncrho in #126 is going for low apples.

Boom's #130 is something that comes from a townie perspective. Boom and Chaco are also not scummates.

Pythag's #131 is all over the place. Not the type of construed post I'd expect from scum. The Boom read stands out though. I'm not sure how anyone could have taken Boom's yeet Mala seriously. It's worse looking at this post from Sumting which shows that pythag is well versed in sarcasm.

The Frozen read also stands out. He's voting him for missing a rule that anyone other than Sabrar tends to skim over? And he doesn't understand his position on Gorf? DH was pushing Gorf the hardest but DH is his second town read.

#138 is good from Mala. +1 for townminds.

#140 from Boom is +1 for townminds. I think the fact that Chaco got that is hella TMI...

#144 comes off as fairly townie from Frozen. I also like his "*** that stings" reaction in #146.

#148 is town pythag and his explanations alleviate the concerns expressed above. Pythag is very town #150.

Gorf's #160 is great.

Kary is not on a team with both Chaco and Frozen (but could be with one). Boom and Chaco aren't mates. Pythag, Frozen, Boom, and Gorf all trend upward. Pythag, specifically is playing in an assertive way that I believe is town. Wam and Chaco trend downward. Wam seems to just be throwing around shade and I liked Gorf's case. Chaco's interpretation of Boom's motives come across as TMI, specifically the "I think you genuinely have me as town" part.

Here are Left brain's notes from around the same time:

This is totally town Sabrar. Meta reason is the timing, previously discussed. Content is town Sabrar (proactive/genuine vs reactive).

Filler. Could be Wam trying to find his bearings but for now suspicious.

Things that are wrong with this post:
1. Sabrar also made reference to an xkcd game and voted BoomFrog. Kary followed with a vote on BoomFrog but did not question the reference. Why the interest in these references, which relate to meta? Note to self: look up in Flavorless Mafia where I asked Kary if meta was important and see if it is relevant.
2. Why would this be the Zen half, when the games referenced are xkcd? I think this is putting out early feelers to cast suspicion on the slot.

Chaco to Kary. Irrelevant. I think this is putting out early feelers to cast suspicion on the slot.

Reply, see above.

I really like this reply.

For anyone that missed the three previous posts on the subject…/s


My feeling is that this vote is serious and Sabrar may have seen what I saw.


What about Sabrar’s Dark Tower reference? Why isn’t that cryptic? Or do you know BoomFrog’s alignment?

Sabrar is too townie I fear for his life.

Not possible. BoomFrog is water slipping through a sieve.

This was exactly my early D1 read of LaserGuy in The Dark Tower. LaserGuy should know better, or this read is not genuine. See also post #84 where LaserGuy revises this.

Interesting, will Sabrar follow up on this? Because Sabrar is like me in that we don’t always recognize sarcasm from others, even though we use it often ourselves. Note: Sabrar does follw up in #74.

If this is genuine I feel this is an alarming misjudgment from Chaco.

Ah if only the xkcd archives were more easily accessible. I could probably find something.

Gut feeling, this is a scummy post from Gorf.

Fluff masquerading as content. See #109 for LaserGuy’s response.

Somitomi is capable of this content as town or scum.

This is the wrong answer. Sabrar should know better. Note this for now, in case my read of Sabrar changes later.


IMPORTANT. It will be interesting to see if Sabrar follows up on this, because I feel Sabrar’s vote for Kary is not RVS, but is serious. And Kary should have the same conclusion.

I think this is BoomFrog signaling he is behind any potential gambit we may pull.

Fluff. Kary is too experienced for this to be an honest question.

I do not know Pythag well enough to know how to interpret this

hahaha I’m not the only one that thinks so knows this to be true.

Note: Why has BoomFrog not responded to our post?

Note: I really like Malakandra.

Note: I will not be able to read FrozenFlame unless he makes a tactical gameplay slip, Right is going to have to handle this read.

Ask and you shall receive.

Dying in a fire in a mental institution?

Note to self: think about this.

Note to self: think about this.

This is a good point.

Malakandra gets it. Or he’s scum with someone that knows both Right and I well.


Laser: "For some reason I just assumed you would adopt your usual style. I suppose I can work with this, though I will probably need to let people know how to tell you apart if they haven't seen it. But I'll leave it for now."
this should be irrelevant.

somi:"before I forget. I see the meta here is to vote someone pretty much all the time, but I'm used to a different mode of operation and I'm gonna need a minute to decide where it should go next."
Who cares, unless you're making a deliberate effort to blend in? Note somi unvotes but does not revote and is still not voting.

Chaco:" Even though I have a pretty good BoomFrog grasp."
Chaco was warned and not just by me. Why is he insisting on this?

#228, #254
Ok, Sabrar's reason for voting Kary is different than mine.

Kary's #231 and #241:
Kary: "Pythag What's your opinion on Synchro's #139 ?"
I wanna know his take on this post.

Dark Horse's comments, I agree in theory but I don't think this is the entirety of Laser's case on Chaco.

somitomi:"I have a guess, at least I was pinged a little by that post, but I'm not going to jump the gun."
Refers to a question from Dark Horse to Sabrar on his Kary scum ping.
I have a scum ping from somitomi from this comment.
See also #272 where somi agrees with Sabrar’s explanation.

Laser: "Synchronicity - NullTown. Seems to be dancing to their own music."
And swinging to the voices in my head.

I kinda feel this read of Synchronicity by Pythag is BS. But I don’t see the point of the interaction if Kary and Pythag are scum together, unless it is just to make useless non-committal chit chat.

Boomfrog picking up on Page 1 Kary-Chaco interaction, but only suspects Chaco.

Chaco:"I have zero experience with Bessie either, so I don’t know what to expect from them."
Again, Chaco points out he doesn’t know us, and again, makes no effort to engage us.

I don’t have townLaser meta to go off of, so I can’t say if he’s that obsessive as town to do that, but that’s a scum push 9/10."
Same observation re bessie; Chaco says he has no town Laser meta, but does not ask for a reference. He wants justification, not verification for his reads.

Kary:"Xivii is like the poster child for a slot you cannot trust under any circumstances, but yeah I suppose if you ignore all of the context and just play mafia by numbers then I guess I can understand why you think that was scummy."
hahaha +1 QFT etc for the underlined, but Kary’s counterpoint is faulty and doesn’t address Sabrar’s point is that it is not a valid sentiment but active lurking.



Kary’s and Chaco’s active lurking interaction on Page 1. Feels like scum-scum testing the waters to cast suspicion on Synchronicity. A lot of “well you know you can’t trust Zen” and “well I don’t really know bessie”. Well if you want to know better you could have asked Sabrar, BoomFrog, LaserGuy, somitomi, Wam for their opinions on my meta.

somitomi following Kary in asking about the games Synchronicity referenced, but not Sabrar. He also voted Synchronicity.

Chaco’s confidence that he can read BoomFrog. The more I think about this, the more I think this indicates they are not scum partners. Chaco is not scum with LaserGuy, BoomFrog, Sabrar. I feel this does not rule out being partners with somitomi or Wam though.

Note: Wam has been completely uninterested in Xivii. As far as I know, Xivii=Zen has not been discussed in the forum since he signed up. So this makes me suspicious that Wam is scum and has already been informed in scum chat.

Synch, does any Of EOD shift your views on Wam?
No, is there a reason it should?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2020
FF I'm willing to believe I was wrong about you Day 1 because of how the wagons played out. I still think you are putting too much trust in Fonti. Lets do what I should have done last day and yeet Wam.
Malakandra Malakandra seriously how bad is synchros scumteam holy **** lmao me you and laser are playing NOTHING like we tried to accomplish in midnight ops, I can't believe that town!bessie or town!xiivi could actually think that scum team rolled again here
I absolutely regret switching from wam to somi and if it was fonti pocketing me I feel even worse
LETS GOOOO. And yah, you going with Fonti there looks sus, but your reason for trusting Fonti feels genuine to me looking back. We can discuss your read of Fonti sometime, but I'm pretty sure its Synchronicity and Wam at this point


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2020
like ffs seriously who here actually believe that me of all people is acting TMI in this game, lmao its so removed from reality it has to be paranoia tunneling or scum
TMI as in you knew somitomi's alignment which is why you town read him early into the day despite his play being identical to Completely Vanilla.
You are treating me way differently here than you did in midnight when you thought I was scum.
How so?
You even had sus on Wam before
Nah, I just wanted to see his reaction (he had none).
Are you trying to convince Frozen?
@BoomFrog BoomFrog BoomFrog (weird it's only tagging if I do it twice) why did you like this post?
Maybe. Are you going to answer my question?
Sure, I'm happy to help you continue posting filler once you answer my stuff form yesterday.
Also Frozen being TMI is ridiculous. He tunneled me so hard D1 before anyone else brought anything forward, so it’s not like he did it opportunistically on a viable ML.
TMI is when you are aware of someone's alignment (because you are scum) so you jump to conclusions in your reads that someone with an ignorant town perspective wouldn't make. So in this case, when Frozen made the statement to somi "you're playing so differently from last game I kind of want to gut town read you lmao," he was making a conclusion based off the fact that he was aware of somitomi's alignment. Had he been town and didn't know somi's alignment, somi's play wouldn't have looked any different than in Completely Vanilla.
And Xivii's me/Frozen read feels kind of insane? Like, if Frozen's mafia, he's going out of his way to keep me pocketed, and Xivii seems aware of that. And Frozen's response is way better than Xivii's accusation, and I don't think that's just my bias speaking.
@BoomFrog BoomFrog BoomFrog why did you like this? Fonti is more than capable of playing in this way. She plays and thinks nearly identically to Xivii as scum. She came into the game hard town reading Frozen in order to alleviate pressure from him, knowing that her voice would carry influence due to her accurate read of him in Midnight.
pushing for wam and backing down on FF and not the other way around, especially after the anti FF sentiment from synchro and wam to start the day.
This is a really good point.
boom had the perfect excuse to pull that vote considering he relieved you of all of that stress.
I also agree with this.
Pythag and Kary also look very good from the EoD, pythag for being on wam early and kary for being in the thread and not seeming sold on the somi wagon whatsoever.
This is bad reasoning. We can't make any conclusions like that without knowing wam's flip. He actually might not be a bad play for that reason.
both malak and somi for TMI views, but despite somi flipping town they still try to push similar reasoning on to malak.
I explained how they are different. I'm not sure how you missed it.
Several posts together:
Could you explain these please.
avoiding attempt to engage with the thread
It's called work and school during 4-day phases while everyone and their mother is blitzkrieging the thread like it's 1945.
several hundred posts later
I was asked about my reasoning at the time. I only happened to get to it several hundred posts later.
effort to persuade anyone to join their preferred yeet
You missed this post: #764
Frozen's townread on fonti is completely irrational, but this interaction does not strike me as a buddy interaction at all. Contrast Frozen's interactions with me, Raxxal, Malakandra and somitomi in his recent scum games. Frozen is much more careful to keep his distance even if he's Townreading his buddies. I think his puppy love of fonti is genuine, but stupid.
It's not Frozen who came up with it.
You're ignoring all the points for why he is town.
As I said, in that very post, and in a little bit earlier, I was travelling on Friday and was only able to post sporadically on mobile. As much as I may have wanted to comment on your case in more detail, it wasn't practical for me to do so at the time.
My reasoning isn't that you didn't thoroughly address it, it's that you found nothing in it to consider. Since you and I think the same, this is a red flag.
I do this all the time. We spent the better part of D1 in B99 arguing about my lockTown read on Vicarin off of his confirmation post (I was wrong about Vic but we were both Town, as you'll recall). I dropped Town leans on a bunch of people, including you, Mala and 3DS in the first couple of pages of SS. I'm really struggling to see how the person who wrote the above comments about me is the same person who wrote this.
Right, Vic was scum. So I don't get why town!you would make the same mistake. However, scum!you has a reason to do so: to maintain consistency. I referenced the B99 moment in Midnight, so scum!you would of course do something similar in order to look as if you're playing to your meta. I could see it coming from town!Laser if they were flash conclusions on someone you didn't have experience with or if they were based on points that weren't obviously invalid, but you town read Mala for reasons he was town read in Midnight, and you town read somi for playing no differently than Completely Vanilla.
My notes say that Malak has townie tone, Gorf/fonti is town and if Dark Horse is scum then Gorf must be scum which together with the previous must mean that Dark Horse is town as well.
Since Sabrar can't answer, can anyone channel his spirit and guess why is scum!Gorf required for scum!Darkhorse?
My guess is that it's because of their spat at the beginning of the day. Gorf's aggression was disproportional to the situation so it indicated scumbuddy distancing.

I also want to say that Sabrar's logic was faulty here: if X then Y does not imply that Y being true means X is true.

Stop after D1. D2 is just me and Xivii in a death stare for a while day phase. It won't give much insight into FF's general play because it was a bizarre situation and easy coasting for him.
Actually fontisian fontisian I think near end of Day 2 is most like his play here. As well as end of Day 1 in his back and forth with osie.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2020
I'm puzzled by syncs 100% town read of me. Synchronicity Synchronicity is that purely meta or us there something else behind it?
It's not 100%. I was just responding to the idea that I should be scum reading you because a quick wagon formed on somi and he was town. I don't think there was any master plan to save you by yeeting somi, I think his wagon formed just out of coincidence. Looking at the votes:

-I don't think Fonti wasn't expecting the wagon to form. No one was really going for somi, and Sabar had just put everyone who had voiced suspicion of you in the spotlight. Not voting for you would look suspicious and he was town read enough that the call to arms was going to go through, so it was highly likely you were going to be yeeted. Scum!Fonti voted somi in order to end the day off the (town) lynch and put herself in a position where she could push somi the next day.
-Frozen sheeped Fonti. He was going to vote with her no matter who she chose, so we can't assign his motivation as protecting you because he stated he was going to sheep her before Sabar's call to arms and before she voted.
-I voted somi at the same time as Fonti. If you look back, I was ninjad and then delighted that Fonti was going that route too.
-Dark Horse had a desire to yeet somi since early on. The idea that he was being opportunistic and trying to save you here is invalid.
-Boom is the only vote here that is scummate indicative.

So if Wam is scum, it is only suggestive that Boom is scum. The idea that the wagon formed deliberately by scum to oppose the wam yeet is superficial and simply not valid.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2020
Mala looms like unsure town to me.
Can you explain why. This and your read of somi are the only things that have scum pinged me. It's like you're deliberately trying to be town read by looking non-survivalistic: Somi is my counterwagon but I think he's town so I don't want to vote him unless self defense. Mala is pushing for me hard, but I think he's town. But I see no reason for why you should have/have had that view on either of them.


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2020
Synchronicity Synchronicity


FF I'm willing to believe I was wrong about you Day 1 because of how the wagons played out. I still think you are putting too much trust in Fonti. Lets do what I should have done last day and yeet Wam.

LETS GOOOO. And yah, you going with Fonti there looks sus, but your reason for trusting Fonti feels genuine to me looking back. We can discuss your read of Fonti sometime, but I'm pretty sure its Synchronicity and Wam at this point
And the first half of the below

Boomfrog is up there because I don't think scum switches onto Somi last moment like that if they know that slot is innocent. He could have voted Somi ealier, since he was one of the last to switch votes from you on the final two wagons. Willing to re-eval later.

Why I would rather talk about Fonti later is because they looked less blatantly manipulative than Synchro about the Wam thing, so my read there isn't as solid.

As for your confidence, Fonti is a very smart player. She can see the value on taking someone who trusts you to endgame as a scummate. If she isn't intimidated by you, she's more likely to try to use you as a piece in my mind, rather than going for a kill she can get elsewhere on someone who won't trust her as much.


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2020
where did I assume the lynch was between you and somi? you are literally inventing this assumption and saying I made it. I asked the question of how I was a better yeet than either you or somi because frankly you are and still remain better yeets than me. absolutely gross that you would try to frame it like this

#HBC | FrozeηFlame #HBC | FrozeηFlame Why sheep font? even if they were 100% confirmed town they could still be wrong? WHy do you want to sheep them? Also I find openly stating sheeping being missed given the amount of flak I caught for sheeping!
you're stating the obvious here and acting like you're making a real point, of course fonti could be wrong. I could be wrong and fonti could be scum and I could be sheeping scum! you're acting like I blindly believe in sheeping people, like **** off this is such a strawman. I'm sheeping fonti because thats lot is my strongest town read and I also know you have a solid scumdar and a slot I believe has a very similar feel re: the gamestate as I do. Therefore, since I don't really have a great deal of confidence in most of my reads, I'm trying to lean on a slot that I strongly feel is town and has the game better sorted than I do. That is pro town play. I'm not blindly sheeping, I was sheeping in a manner calculated to throw support behind a slot I believe to be town with better aim than I do at this juncture. Coalition building with town slots that have the strongest reads is how town ****ing wins games. Not every slot can be a coalition leader, not every strong town player will ace the game, you have to know when you listen sometimes instead of go rogue or be obstinant. Reasoned following of a slot you have reason to trust is not the scummy blind sheeping you slot brings to the table

if you're town and you legitimately believe this you're going to be choking on your foot when I flip, I have not TMI'd **** this game, I'm literally flailing desperately for reads hence the anchoring to fonti, how do you not see this?

you think Fonti would sign off on me open buddying her D1 after she sank my battleship D1 in midnight ops? Why would she ever agree to such a ****ty plan? She would be apprehensive about trusting my longevity, why would you ever go for a gambit open buddy strat IMMEDIATELY upon her replacing her (because this would have to have been an instantaneous and LIVE strategy adaptation immediately upon her replacing in, because I was fueding hard with gorf before his sudden replacment!)? fonti and me open buddying as scum literally makes ZERO strategic sense and is absolutely wrought with logistical difficulties re: the timing and execution of the strat that this is an absolute fantasy

I will openly admit I could be wrong about fonti and she could be snowing the **** out of me knowing I'd be desperate for a validating townread given my scum rolls last two games and her taking and absolutely chunk out of me in midnight ops. but as I said before, I think scum!fonti probably just defaults to spending her efforts snowing the xkcd core and using trashing me as a means to accomplish that. Boom and sabrar were certainly keen on it D1, why not get in good with that camp for example?

you need to realize the scumteam you're proposing here is entirely the progeny of you tunneling hard on the assumption that I'm scum and building upon that, whether it be the result of legit town paranoia or scum seeing blood in the water

two slots coming for me this hard right out of the gate though and not looking at the way the wagons formed closer to EoD is extremely concerning though, of course though, should have seen it coming that scum see me as a free misyeet waiting to happen at this point
Two questions to this.

1) do you believe that sheeping a strong town read day 1 is good play? I agree on making town consensus is the way to win I disagree strongly it's the way to win day 1.

2) what do you take from the eod wagons?

On another note frozen your fonti read descended into wifom easily. You say she wouldnt do that as scum but surely that's the right move for scum fonti to take the pressure off day 1? And we go could round and round this.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Why did self pres votes feel scummy when we are 30 min from deadline and exactly tied votes?
Correct me if I'm wrong Wam said that they thought somi was townie.
Maybe the vote is NAI but it doesn't feel good whatsoever.
There is a small % of times where town players give up and say 'okay everyone's misreading me just yeet me and look at XYZ tomorrow'
Mafia 100% vote to save themselves in that situation.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
BoomFrog BoomFrog please tell me more about why you decided to hammer somi and your thought process leading up to that.
I agreed with Sync's reasoning but still had doubts about a Somi yeet. We had 15 minutes to go so I didn't think we had time to switch to someone else, and not being up to date on the game state I didn't want to lead a charge against someone. In the end I just counted how many slots I trusted on each wagon and Somi's wagon had one more.
If you're not up to date, then why decide to take matters into your own hands? Did you scumread Mala at end of Day 1?

What reasoning from Synchro did you agree with?


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2020
Correct me if I'm wrong Wam said that they thought somi was townie.
Maybe the vote is NAI but it doesn't feel good whatsoever.
There is a small % of times where town players give up and say 'okay everyone's misreading me just yeet me and look at XYZ tomorrow'
Mafia 100% vote to save themselves in that situation.
I have had this argument before. I think town should always 100% vote in self defence. You are the only person you know 100% is town. Bessie should have the reference. Synchronicity Synchronicity .

So yes I read somi as town and still voted in self defence.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Same question for Chaco Chaco .
The first post was to cryptic for me so I sat back. Small things here and there I’ve responded to, but at no point I’ve felt that it’s dire I communicate with synchronicity fully yet. I’ve been observing more so and reading their interactions. Like even though I am suss of Kary, I had nothing to add to that case except to shift focus and Kary attack me more so I left it alone as to not taint the argument. Other than that your slot hasn’t been overly active so I haven’t gotten directly to that point yet in this game.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
LaserGuy LaserGuy Ive responded to your case. I can’t continue to respond to something that’s baseless. You continue to say as well “even if I’m wrong”, and phrases like that, so what gives? You understand that means you basically know you’re wrong right? Which means if that’s the case you’re pushing a scum agenda. So what’s the deal here? What finally gets you out of your tunnel? Cause I’m just not doing the same brick wall battle with you toDay.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Fonti and Synchronicity does not feel TvT. Looking closer when I get time at work.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
I'm trying to be kind of hands off here, because I don't want to put myself in a position where I'm trying to guide you and end up with you as a blind-spot again.


You're not always going to get everyone's arguments. Just like with Gorf, we have different experiences and think differently, and some seeing things in a different way doesn't mean they're mafia, and, in fact, strong disagreements of opinions often come from town. I have personally found that feeling of "this is just town" or "this is manipulating me" to be more accurate than most logical take-downs. It does not always work, and it fact worked very badly with you.

I recommend hashing the points out for yourself, and comparing the feelings from the arguments and the feelings from the one liners. This has the added benefit of letting other people in on your process.
I also want to know the reasoning behind this post. Because to me this is a naked attempt to pocket Malakandra and serves no other purpose.


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2010
Vote Count 2.2

Wam (2): Malakandra, Dark Horse
Malakandra (2): Synchronicity, Boom Frog
Boomfrog (1): Kary
Synchronicity (1): Laserguy

Not voting (5): fontisian, Chaco, #HBC | FrozeηFlame, Pythag, Wam
Day 2 Ends on Thursday the 17th at 5 PM CST. End of Day Countdown With 11 Alive, it takes 6 votes to eliminate


May 7, 2007
Stop after D1. D2 is just me and Xivii in a death stare for a while day phase. It won't give much insight into FF's general play because it was a bizarre situation and easy coasting for him.
I agreed with Sync's reasoning but still had doubts about a Somi yeet. We had 15 minutes to go so I didn't think we had time to switch to someone else, and not being up to date on the game state I didn't want to lead a charge against someone. In the end I just counted how many slots I trusted on each wagon and Somi's wagon had one more.

Why was wam's self prez vote suspect?

This seems really backwards. If wam was my mate, then the way I would have voted is exactly the same as what I did. Sabrar's call out would have forced me to vote Wam for consistency with my town approach to that situation. But then I pull a part minute swerve to save wam. That's classic boomfrog. I'd even have NKed sabrar, because he would scum read me forever if wam flipped scum and he's stay on wam.
Why should I not be voting for you then?


Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2020
Mala why are you unwilling to yeet boomfrog? What about his vote in somi sold you?
Boomfrog is up there because I don't think scum switches onto Somi last moment like that if they know that slot is innocent. He could have voted Somi ealier, since he was one of the last to switch votes from you on the final two wagons. Willing to re-eval later.
I think Boom is only Town here if wam is in fact mafia. If both wagons are Town, Boom's decision is NAI-to-slightly scummy.
Why? What reason does scum boom have to switch over and hammer a wagon if both are town. My reserve in Boom is he could have seen my starting to lean towards Wam and switched over, but I'm focusing more on the people who were more obvious in that for now.

I regret not forcing you to choose before I revealed my changed preference. Tell me more about what you were thinking when deciding between the two wagons.
Thats reasonable, I didn't expect anyone to change, but I thank you for it. My brain was telling me to yeet somi because I felt that case there was stronger. None of it was really my original thought, not going to lie I didn't really focus on Somi at all yesterday besides a few posts, but I saw a lot of arguments (yes Synchronicity there were multiple arguments, I'll admit I can be a bit hyperbolic sometimes though) that in the moment made sense to me. My heart was telling me Wam, because of what I brought up early today, and mentioned at the time. The whole Somi wagon felt scumlead in desperation to save Wam. And I had a suspicion on a lot of the people who were leading that wagon. I should have trusted my gut, but part of me was also worried that if I voted Wam, and he flipped town, and then later Somi was yeeted and turned up scum I would be screwing myself because people were associating us, and I'd rather not get yeeted.

He should not be town reading me at this point.
To be fair to myself, I'm not townreading you, I'd call it a town lean. And yes maybe I'm pulling a Frozen and blindly trusting someone for helping me out, but I feel there are others I think deserve more focus today, and you can be re-evaled later.

you yeet me today and I flip town. How does that change your views in the eod1?
Then theres some weird crap going on. I'd have to look at who was on the Chaco and FF wagons before, and where they went.

In Midnight, even when you were sus of me, you directly presented me with your cases, and went in depth analyzing all my actions to draw together a reasoned motive, because you realized it was hard to read me off individual posts. Here, though you have addressed me occasionally, you have been throwing out small cases about word choice and who I associate with, ignoring my overall posting.

Nah, I just wanted to see his reaction (he had none).
I don't believe this.


Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2020
To explain why i'm sus of Synchronicity more for their case on me, I realized last game how damn good Xivii is at town, and while I've yet to play with Bessie as town, I remember her posts from Sumting were usually the longer more analytical type. Call me OMGUS, but I get what Chaco means now in how it can be easier to analyze someone based on a case they make on you. Both Left and Right brain noted things about me in their notes that made them think I was town, and nothing about being sus of me. I feel their push of me now is held back and feels unnatural because they are struggling from the TMI they have on me, but think I can be a relatively easy yeet to get, since my town game isn't that great, and I do often make mistakes.


May 7, 2007
Why? What reason does scum boom have to switch over and hammer a wagon if both are town. My reserve in Boom is he could have seen my starting to lean towards Wam and switched over, but I'm focusing more on the people who were more obvious in that for now.
I mean, he could be scum having fun and not letting the game be set it and forget it, in the process Gain some townie cred, which you seemed more than willing to give. If two townies are on the chopping block, what did scum!boom have to lose at that point?

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
Big ass wall of mostly responses coming

I think Boom is only Town here if wam is in fact mafia. If both wagons are Town, Boom's decision is NAI-to-slightly scummy.
This post is ringing alarm bells for me. Imma need you to elaborate on this because I feel like this is the opposite of the natural way this idea would flow

#HBC | Dark Horse #HBC | Dark Horse you yeet me today and I flip town. How does that change your views in the eod1?
Boomfrog’s vote goes from scummy to just weird.

Kary and Pythag lose their town points, malak looks more town.

This might be a little early for EoD time period but I also think fonti looks worse on a wam townflip, that post where they’re like “I’ll probably end up on wam even though I’m not scumreading them hard” could be scum trying to hedge their push

I don’t think it changes much in terms of how I view FF or synchro

I also think chaco looks better and laser looks bad upon a wam town flip but those aren’t strictly based on EoD play

Why did you make this vote at this time?
Fonti’s sudden scumread on me made me second guess my frozen read so I switched gears

Why was wam's self prez vote suspect?
I dislike the naked vote and dip, I feel like town would have made more of an effort to try and solve close to EoD. The closest we got to new content from him was him trying to sus sabrar of all people which felt half-assed

DH is suspicious for being wishy washy about it. He should have voted me when Kary did.
I think my scumread on you is closely tied with my read on Wam and I think we gain way more from a wam flip than we do on flipping you. I don’t see how you’re framing it as wishy washy, nowhere in my initial post did I try to hedge my read on you.

Are you scumreading mala for anything other than his townread on you?

This is bad reasoning. We can't make any conclusions like that without knowing wam's flip. He actually might not be a bad play for that reason.
I agree that those conclusions go out the window with a wam town flip.

I explained how they are different. I'm not sure how you missed it.
I noticed your explanation, I just didn’t think it’s very convincing. They both say “yeah you’re right it’s mostly the fourteen post difference which made me think 'inaccuracies'.” If anything I feel like somi pulling out completely after you started sussing them looks more suspicious than mala stubbornly trying to continue pointing out their problems, especially since it happened close to EoD and you had expressed a willingness to flashyeet people. So if somi flipped town with the scummier response then I don’t think mala looks that bad for trying to keep responding to you and playing it less safe.

Honestly I think if somi were still alive you wouldn’t have been like “I think somi backing down is the town response,” I think it’s more likely you would have kept pursuing both of them over the apparent TMI slip. Idk about you, but if I was scumreading someone over an apparent TMI slip mistake and they backtracked with “oh you’re right that is a mistake,” that wouldn't stop my scumread on them because it doesn’t change the slip. That fact that you’re now trying to say the distinction is “Oh mala tried to keep it going while somi gave up immediately” makes me think that you’re trying to look for a reason to justify your push instead of reevaluating your read.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
I don’t think scumLaser pushes me as hard as he is here, cause he would know he would get yeeted when I flip since he’s been the main proponent and everyone is dismissing his case as bed. Further points indicative of this is that he says I’m hedging on him, which isn’t true. I could’ve fabricated a Laser case easily and probably got him yeeted yesterDay if I wanted to. More than a few people were ready to yeet him, and I won’t be surprised when it gets brought up again. So that leaves me with this, some scum were on me and some scum were trying to save me. If we eliminate Laser, the only remaining are Wam, FF, and Kary. (Boom made a comment but never tried to pursue me.) Eliminate FF because I have a town read on him. Left with Wam and Kary.

On the defense side you have mainly Fonti, DH, Synchro. Someone is TMI protecting me. I just have to look back and see which makes the most sense here. DH seems the absolute most natural to me out of all currently. You can actually see his thought process through his posts. So we are left with Synchro and Fonti who I don’t believe is TvT at all. The whole feel seems off.


Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2020
I mean, he could be scum having fun and not letting the game be set it and forget it, in the process Gain some townie cred, which you seemed more than willing to give. If two townies are on the chopping block, what did scum!boom have to lose at that point?
Sure, he could get townie cred from me, at the cost of getting scum viewed by like, everyone else. Note that he was immediately voted by Kary and has sus on him from other people. Thats what he had to lose at that point. If it was truly TvT and he was scum, it would have been much smarter to let me choose and then pair me with the other one and push that.


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2020
In Quarantine
LaserGuy LaserGuy Ive responded to your case. I can’t continue to respond to something that’s baseless.
You haven't responded to my case in 548, no.

You continue to say as well “even if I’m wrong”, and phrases like that, so what gives? You understand that means you basically know you’re wrong right? Which means if that’s the case you’re pushing a scum agenda. So what’s the deal here? What finally gets you out of your tunnel? Cause I’m just not doing the same brick wall battle with you toDay.
I want to know why you believe I am pushing a scum agenda but don't believe that I am scum. This is exactly why I think your position on me is TMI... you already know I'm Town.

Why? What reason does scum boom have to switch over and hammer a wagon if both are town. My reserve in Boom is he could have seen my starting to lean towards Wam and switched over, but I'm focusing more on the people who were more obvious in that for now.
This post is ringing alarm bells for me. Imma need you to elaborate on this because I feel like this is the opposite of the natural way this idea would flow
I think if both Boom and wam were mafia, Boom would have found a reason to switch his vote much earlier. I don't think he would have left wam dangling at L-1 with Malakandra sitting on the fence so close to deadline. It's too risky. Unless the scum team is exactly Malakandra, Boom and wam, and this was all theatre, I don't buy it.

If both wagons are Town, and Boom is mafia (and Sync is Town), he doesn't care about who gets yeeted and his interest is more in keeping up appearances with Sync who was pressuring him to make a move.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Laser, I don’t think you’re scum. I’m giving you the two options to your play, either you’re trying to force a mislynch, which I don’t think is likely cause you’d get yeeted immediately, or you’re just in a gross tunnel and can’t see yourself out of it. I’m asking you why you’re visibly doubting yourself in your posts or leaving ways out. Either you know you’re wrong and just won’t accept it, or you’re leaving a way out. I can’t understand it because it doesn’t make sense. Don’t you think you’d at least have someone co-sign you if it was anything to put stock in? Take the sign that you’re not right here.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2020
Vote: wam

Kary: please point to a specific post
fonti: here's six different posts
Sync: here's twelve different posts
Kary: ...
I linked a single post. The rest was expanding on my progression. If that wasn't necessary for you, you don't have to read it. Concision is pro-town, but critical reading is even more so.
The first post was to cryptic for me so I sat back. Small things here and there I’ve responded to, but at no point I’ve felt that it’s dire I communicate with synchronicity fully yet. I’ve been observing more so and reading their interactions. Like even though I am suss of Kary, I had nothing to add to that case except to shift focus and Kary attack me more so I left it alone as to not taint the argument. Other than that your slot hasn’t been overly active so I haven’t gotten directly to that point yet in this game.
What's your read on me.
Synchronicity Synchronicity Synchronicity Synchronicity why did you never vote frozen during Day 1?
This is a silly question as are all questions asked in the negative.
In Midnight, even when you were sus of me, you directly presented me with your cases, and went in depth analyzing all my actions to draw together a reasoned motive, because you realized it was hard to read me off individual posts. Here, though you have addressed me occasionally, you have been throwing out small cases about word choice and who I associate with, ignoring my overall posting.
This is silly and forced.
I don't believe this.
Exhibit A:
Vote: Malakandra
I just wanted to vote Mala since we weren't executing yet. Though I do need to review em, which I'll do later tonight.
To explain why i'm sus of Synchronicity more for their case on me, I realized last game how damn good Xivii is at town, and while I've yet to play with Bessie as town, I remember her posts from Sumting were usually the longer more analytical type. Call me OMGUS, but I get what Chaco means now in how it can be easier to analyze someone based on a case they make on you. Both Left and Right brain noted things about me in their notes that made them think I was town, and nothing about being sus of me. I feel their push of me now is held back and feels unnatural because they are struggling from the TMI they have on me, but think I can be a relatively easy yeet to get, since my town game isn't that great, and I do often make mistakes.
First of all, neither Xivii or bessie is in this game. Treating me like I'm them is nonsensical. A hydra is obviously going to play differently than either of it's individual parts. Second, you don't actually know how either individual plays. Your experiences with Xivii is limit. Your experience with bessie is essentially non-existent. Third, my notes were up to page 4. I began scum reading you around page 18.

Chaco Chaco why did you like this post?
I noticed your explanation, I just didn’t think it’s very convincing. They both say “yeah you’re right it’s mostly the fourteen post difference which made me think 'inaccuracies'.” If anything I feel like somi pulling out completely after you started sussing them looks more suspicious than mala stubbornly trying to continue pointing out their problems, especially since it happened close to EoD and you had expressed a willingness to flashyeet people. So if somi flipped town with the scummier response then I don’t think mala looks that bad for trying to keep responding to you and playing it less safe.

Honestly I think if somi were still alive you wouldn’t have been like “I think somi backing down is the town response,” I think it’s more likely you would have kept pursuing both of them over the apparent TMI slip. Idk about you, but if I was scumreading someone over an apparent TMI slip mistake and they backtracked with “oh you’re right that is a mistake,” that wouldn't stop my scumread on them because it doesn’t change the slip. That fact that you’re now trying to say the distinction is “Oh mala tried to keep it going while somi gave up immediately” makes me think that you’re trying to look for a reason to justify your push instead of reevaluating your read.
No, I had the thought when he made it, had there been another day in the day phase I would have likely switched off somi, but we were at EoD in a high pressure situation with little time to think. And I think your reasoning is backwards, which is standard between you and I.


Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2020
Yo Malakandra Malakandra what do you think of this
Sorry, missed it earlier.

I'd say this was more valid but here
I regret not forcing you to choose before I revealed my changed preference. Tell me more about what you were thinking when deciding between the two wagons.
he doesn't seem to use that defense of doing it with the excuse of helping me, he says it was a change in preference.

I'd prefer to talk less about this, I'll still answer questions if needed, but at this point I think boom should defend himself for this instead of me saying what I see in his actions.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
I could make a case against you for gaslighting my play in an attempt to get me lynched, and strawmanning anything I say back to you. Literally it would stick to cause you’re seeping doubt into your slot the further we go in.

Synchronicity Synchronicity still trying to determine due to post above where I say someone protecting me and to be scum. And I liked malas post because they agreed that the way I read is nice. Lol. I’ll tell you in a few hours my thoughts on you. I’m taking a break at work atm. I have to read back.
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