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There's one thing I really hate about With Anyone.


Smash Ace
Oct 28, 2007
Dome City
Aside from the lag, the spammers, and the high levels of fail present in most players.

The inability to add people you meet there to your friends list. Just today, I met a brave, green Kirby who taunted alongside me for great justice and victory. We waged many wars together, and had lots of lulz until Sir Craptastic Connection came, caused a disconnect, and took the green Kirby away. I'll probably never see that brave warrior again. If I could have added him as a friend, though, this tragedy would never have occurred.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2008
Ontario, Canada
That's the only thing you hate? Not even the fact that you can't play stock and almost always have items? The fact that 80% of the time you play with 4 people and can't set the player limit?

But yeah, I see what you mean. I never play With Anyone, but Brawling with an awesome, funny fighter must've been epic.


Smash Capitalist
Mar 28, 2008
Switch FC
The only "good" With Anyone (well, team) match I had was when I was Dedede partnered with a Ganondorf. We played on Shadow Moses against two Ikes. So I think you know what I was doing the whole time... But anyways, one of them just stood at the bottom and charged side B, leaving the other one for us to take care of, so my teammate just followed me waiting for the chainthrow to start, and when it did he stood behind me and repeatedly Warlock Punched for a good 30 seconds until we finally killed him. I would have added him in a second if I had the choice, but, sadly, its a Nintendo game. :(


Smash Cadet
Mar 17, 2008
Austin TX
I agree, it would be nice to add someone from a With Anyone match. It would ALSO be nice if we could invite friends into a with anyone match, or even a larg list of all the games that can currently be joined. I mean, StarCraft has free online, and its got like 7x the content of online for Brawl. Granted its a Computer Game compared to a PC game, but we should at least be able to play on Custom Stages, and have an incomplete list of avaliable games to join. This would have been able to use Speacial Rules matches this way as well, because all the matches wold be organized. Ug. I dunno why I rant about this, its the way it is, and it aint changin'.


Smash Ace
May 22, 2008
Upstate, NY
With anyone sucks cow utters. I never play it unless I'm desperate for some fun team matches.

I,too, wish I could at least send requests to those I play against in that mode.

I once choose Bowser for my first match with a particular group and was paired up with a Charizard. At almost the same time ( it would have made my life if it was at the immediate beginning) we both attacked with our B moves and our opponents both went up to 48 and 54 percent before anything else happened.

Unfortunately that was when the game disconnected and stole that moment from me.



Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2008
That's the only thing you hate? Not even the fact that you can't play stock and almost always have items? The fact that 80% of the time you play with 4 people and can't set the player limit?

But yeah, I see what you mean. I never play With Anyone, but Brawling with an awesome, funny fighter must've been epic.
Agreed 100%. Why do we have to play 2 min matches only? Stupid decision imo. I also don't understand why we can't have the option of requesting someone's FC in a "With Anyone" match if you enjoyed playing with them.
Mar 28, 2008
I have this problem too, yesterday the player four in my With Anyone brawl was pretty freakin' good, and we spent about ten matches having at each other and throwing the other two players away whenever they tried to interrupt. I really wanted to add them, because it's rare to find such an intense matchup online.


Smash Rookie
May 1, 2008
Chicago, IL
I met a Toon Link/Snake in team battle. All we did was Hyrule jump and secret taunts. We once had 3 Falcos taunting in sync. I played with that guy for like 2 hours.

Sad Panda323

Smash Journeyman
May 27, 2008
QC, Iowa
Improving the online would be too pleasing to the fans, and we all know Nintendo doesn't want that.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2007
Menswear section
Brawl Wifi in general is fail. How can a game with such promise with online play be turned into the epitome of crap? What's worse is that Wifi on Mario Kart is virtually lagless when I play it.
wtf nintendo seriously.
I met some cool dedede online once and me and him were chaingrabbing random foxes and garbage all night long.

Wouldn't it be cool if like the next post was some dedede main who was like "omg YOU'RE THAT FALCO"


Smash Rookie
Apr 17, 2008
I definitely agree with the statements made in this thread, I mean COME ON SAKURA! Why do some of the simplest things have to be overlooked.

I was playing late last night/early morning with 2 Marths and on Snake, player2 stayed most of the games (20+). I was having tons of fun, especially one game where it was two Marths and myself (Ike). Then it happened, no, not a disconnect, player2 left. :( I so wish I could have added him to my Friends List.

To me, 1v1 are the best experiences I have in Brawl, but "friends" aren't always online and since With Anyone doesn't have a mode for 1v1... :mad: Sakura has this idea that Brawl is meant to be played in your living room and secondly online. why aren't all of the features in regular Brawl available online as well? Why can't one of my friends join in on a With Anyone match? Why no allowance for custom stages? And the biggest why is: WHY NO HOPE FOR DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT! :urg:

Just as a side note: I like Mario Kart Wii's online setup way better the Brawls. Mario Kart's Worldwide, Regional, Friends options could be translated for Brawl (since Brawl would fail epically trying to connect Worldwide) into National (basically its current setting), local (to dramatically reduce lag present in national gameplay and find players within 200 miles or so of you), and with friends.

Does anyone ever send letters, e-mails, requesting this of Nintendo?


Smash Ace
May 18, 2008
Bay area, California
I agree, it would be nice to add someone from a With Anyone match. It would ALSO be nice if we could invite friends into a with anyone match, or even a larg list of all the games that can currently be joined. I mean, StarCraft has free online, and its got like 7x the content of online for Brawl. Granted its a Computer Game compared to a PC game, but we should at least be able to play on Custom Stages, and have an incomplete list of avaliable games to join. This would have been able to use Speacial Rules matches this way as well, because all the matches wold be organized. Ug. I dunno why I rant about this, its the way it is, and it aint changin'.
starcraft has 9 1/2 years on brawl so dont compare. lol and its own campaign editor and patches that shows blizzard actually cares about gameplay and balancing.

other than that i agree on friend requests. dont get me started.
1 time me and another guy was losing hella bad so the guy started walking up to me and basically suiciding after i knock him so in the end i won and the othe rtwo players were hella pissed off when they saw what was going on :D


Smash Lord
May 4, 2008
That was YOU?!

Harrr, lamejk, lamejk.

Anyway, I totally agree. I wish I could set one of the taunts as my friend code. Or there was some kind of website that tracked all the players, and you could type in the colors and names of the characters playing, the level it was on, and the time you were playing at and find out who they were.

I doubt this will ever ever happen though. Nice to dream.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 12, 2008
Aside from the lag, the spammers, and the high levels of fail present in most players.

The inability to add people you meet there to your friends list. Just today, I met a brave, green Kirby who taunted alongside me for great justice and victory. We waged many wars together, and had lots of lulz until Sir Craptastic Connection came, caused a disconnect, and took the green Kirby away. I'll probably never see that brave warrior again. If I could have added him as a friend, though, this tragedy would never have occurred.
a green kirby that taunted with you?

I had one of those too

Maybe we met the same guy...


Smash Apprentice
Sep 2, 2007
I only dislike the fact of incoming CPU player fiiling the empty spaces... if I wanted to figth CPU i just play offline


Smash Rookie
Jun 3, 2008
I once was on team battle as Lucas with G&W as my teammate. We stood next to eachother with the PSI magnet and the bucket thing for about 20 seconds while the stupid Samus kept firing her lazer at us. I miss him.


Smash Ace
Jul 16, 2006
In your kitchen, drinking your kool-aid
I played Brawl online (with anyone) for the first time today, and it made me want to go kill some puppies with a shotgun.




My character reacts a good second after I press a button and it screws up my timing completely.


Smash Rookie
May 11, 2008
Napa CA
I only dislike the fact of incoming CPU player fiiling the empty spaces... if I wanted to figth CPU i just play offline
Oh, God, I know! I can never combo or use any (even mildly) advanced techniques online when there's two other people running at you while you fight 1v1.

Is it so much to ask for a 1v1 or a 3 man free-for-all more than once in a row, without a CPU being thrown in??

Besides that, I play as MK (when I'm not messing around as a red kirby), so eventually that noob Ike or Dedede will hit you with a lucky forward smash when you aren't paying attention! There's another cheap kill!


Smash Obsessed
Aug 3, 2007
Switch FC
Green Kirbys ftw
But yeah I wiiiish you could add people like that. =(
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