Why can't anyone believe that the Wiimote sideways can be used? d-pad for movement, a for a, b for b, 1 or 2 for jump, 1 or 2 for shield. Only thing that's lost is the grab short cut. Smashes and dashes? I say double taps.
If anything, what I CAN'T fully figure out is nunchuck + wiimote.
You're saying I'm gonna have try to press the D-Pad
and the A button to attack?! No offense, but I think this makes more sense:
D-Pad - Movement
A Button - Jump? Taunt?
B Button - Shield
1 Button - Normal Attacks
2 Button - Special Attacks
Double tap of the D-Pad for dashes. Tilts would involve pressing a direction and then 1 or 2. Pressing a direction and 1 at the same time would result in a smash attack. Jumps would be a double tap up. Depending on how long you hold down the D - Pad on the second tap you get a Short Hop or a Full Jump. A third press does your double jump.
Unfortunately, the A Button is in such an awkward place I can't see it being used for anything useful. Perhaps a jump button? But using it to jump would be difficult. We're just gonna have to leave this one to Sakurai's creativity.
As for the Wiimote + Nunchaku, that's easy.
Control Stick - Movement
A Button - Normal Attack
B Button - Special Attack
C Button - Grab/Jump/Shield
Z Button - Shield/Grab/Jump
D-Pad - Taunt
1 & 2 Buttons - Useless
See? Dashing, jumping, tilts and smash attacks would work just like on the GameCube Controller. It doesn't take much imagination. :\