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The_Altrox makes a move-set: Mr. Resetti


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
Youngstown, OH
Link to original post: [drupal=956]The_Altrox makes a move-set: Mr. Resetti[/drupal]

So yeah, they have a topic about this kinda stuff, but it's so crowded, I get a bit closterphobic.I figured I'd post move-sets here for characters I would have created for Brawl. Feel free to rate, or give me suggestions for characters (I'm sticking to nintendo characters for now. I don't play a whole lot of video games, so suggestions I'll take are limited.)

Well, here we go.

Stance: Stands above ground, at a Toon Link height. He does a semi-burrow (half body in ground) when he runs. Hold's a pick (pick-axe) in one hand.
Costumes: Blue Overalls, Red Overalls, Green Overalls, Purple Overealls, and Don Rackity suit (from first AC.)
Special Property: Like how ICs don't slip on Ice, and Link's standing sheild if you will. Resetti can't be "pounded into the ground" by things like DK's side B.
Shield is normal, but his shield roll has him dig under ground an appear a few feet away. His Side step is similar.
Jumps are short: Nothing special.

A: Swings pick horizontal.
AA: Swings pick H horizontal twice.
AAA: Like AA, with axe continuous spin at the end.
Walking A: Sticks his axe out real quick. Quick damage.
Running A: Semi-burried, he gives a strong headcharge, but leaves vunerable.
Down Tilt: Ducks and slides pick out on ground for dammage
Up Tilt: Sticks Pick in air fast to send high percents flying.
Nair: Flips in air with pick out, nice damage builder.
Fair: In air, swings pick forward down, and can spike on a sweet spot.
Bair: Swings axe backwards, making a great kill move.
Uair: Spins pick upward for damage
Dair: Like TL's only weaker, and can't spike. Good power move.
Down Smash: Spins pick around on ground both sides. starts with side he faces.
Side smash: Holds pick above head, and sends it flying towards the gound as if he was breaking a diamond. Kill move.
Up smash: I REALLY WANTED TO INCORPORATE THIS! He charges up in rage, and then screams with a giant talk bubble appearing over his head saying things like "RAAAAHHH!" or "AAAAHHH!". Ith's far enough above the ground that tall characters can't be hit unless they're in the air, or standing right next to Resetti. The longer he charges, the bigger the bubble. KO move if your right above him. off to the side in the bubble gives petty damage.

When Resetti grabs, he goes semi-under.
Grab strike: Holds with hand and pick, and hits with his head for petty damage.
Side-grab: Kill Grab move at high percent. Tosses opponent right in front and slams with axe.
Back-grab: Burrows under, and appears on the other side to use a weak smash. Can be used as a mini-chain at low percents.
Down-grab: Puts opponent on ground and drills him into the ground with his pick(inb4inuendos).
Up-Grab:Tosses in air on the end of his pick. Good to follow up with an air move.


Neutral B: Pops underground and re-apprears quickly in a few feet it build damage. Good damage builder, but punishable if spammed.
Side B: Tosses pick on a chain and swings around like shiek. Slow but can kill, and if it hits the ground before he re-tracts it, he is immobilized to pull it out. Hurts himself if axe hits him. Can be punishable if rolled through.
Down-B: Pull's opponent underground, "grounding" him like DK's Side-B. Can be shielded.
Up-B: Swings axe on a chain that can attach him to ledge. If B is held, chain can be controlled to hit any in reach point of the stage. Can jump again after he pulls himself in, as well as air attack, but can't re-up-b.

Final Smash: A giant reset button appears somewhere on stage. If anybody steps on it, Resetti will burrow to him (or fly to him, if in air) in a secone, and in five seconds at the opponent position, he yells a whole rants worth, and the opponent flies off to death. During this mode, Resetti can drag or push opponents to the button via grab. Opponents can escape this grab by spinning out.

Up-taunt: Spins pick in a ninja routine.
Side-taunt: flips pick in air and blows on the end as if it were a pistol that fired a shot.
Down-taunt: In animalise voice, text bubble come up and he says "Don't touch that reset button cause I beat'cha kid." That can fit in the bubble btw. Up smash mind game?

Lose: stands semi-burried looking irked. Not clapping

Win stance
1: Does a pick routine and ends looking smug.
2: Pops out from ground and screams with victory.
3: Yells "Scram!" and disappears underground.


Next Move-set: Magikarp (I kidd you not)
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