Smash Champion
What do you think of the wii points system, I personally love it ^-^ I love classic games, and this gives me the oppertunity to have them on my hard drive and play them when I get a little bored of Red Steel and Smash. But, my friend hates it, because he says they "copied" Microsoft points, or whatever Xbox points are called. Now I feel that why not answer a good idea with a replica if it hurts no one, they do not have overlapping games to sell, and helps the company (nintendo) and the people who are having a hard time finding these "rare" games. Matter of fact, I am such a wii point junkie that I have searched far and wide for a way to get them free legaly, and found a website, so if you wanna check that out look at the link in my sig, all you do is some surveys. AHHEM, anyways, back on topic, do you think that nintendo is just a "copycat" and sellout (boo!!!) or that they just saw an oppertunity and took it, reselling games to the fans again.
Discuss over the wii points system, tell stories of how they ripped/helped you, whatever you want to say about the awesome (IMO) system!
Discuss over the wii points system, tell stories of how they ripped/helped you, whatever you want to say about the awesome (IMO) system!