Smash Lord
Number 2 - Wifi Roundup 2008 - Is Now Up!
Click here to download: http://www.wifiwars.com/?q=node/44
This week, in The Warriors:
Jason (M3D), Scav and Kirbykid discuss 2008's upcoming Wifi games, touching on Advance Wars: Day of Ruin, Super Smash Bros: Brawl and Civilization: Revolution, plus a few colon-less games: Street Fighter IV, Mario Kart and Wii Chess.
Specifics include wild speculation on Street Fighter IV's ploys to reclaim the mass market, a reckless retrospective of old Mario Kart games, and a winding detour through Mario Galaxy's control schemes.
We wrap things up with speculation on Brawl's release date and whether the rumors of a delay have any credence. Yes, we realize the news hit yesterday. We didn't expect our pre-recorded podcast to get antiquated so quickly.
So, to ease your listening experience, pretend that whenever we say "rumor," we actually say "sad fact."
What is The Warriors?
Each week, out website staff will gather 'round the fireside for scintillating discussion. Though "fireside" is actually "internet" and "scintillating discussion" is more accurately referred to as "shenanigans." More to come every week!
Previous "The Warriors" Podcasts: