Hi guys! Just posting this since I wanted to keep contact with all the smashers and hear some more from what happened after I went to watch the cosplay, like what happened to Yuna, Echoist (if that's how it's spelled) and so on. And of course, I want to thank Randomness one more time for that awesome set, we have to bring something to record with next tournament. I also thank everyone else I played friendlies against, like Lootic, Meldo, Jadde and "the Captain Falco mainer" (it's up to you if you want your real name on the boards, and you didn't have any nick at the tourney so that's why I'm calling you this). I know I forgot some names, sry 'bout that, but I hope you will post!
I was also thinking, when is the next time we meet? We have to look around for other swedish tournaments. And other people from Sweden reading this, you have to meet these guys; they're awesome
I mean, maining C. Falcon, Link or even Random? It takes balls to do that. Congratulations again for the victory Jadde, I'm hoping to hear from you.
Edit: Omg my 100th post! YES!
I was also thinking, when is the next time we meet? We have to look around for other swedish tournaments. And other people from Sweden reading this, you have to meet these guys; they're awesome
Edit: Omg my 100th post! YES!