Smash Journeyman
ok this is the team i was planing to use on the smash boards tourney that got canceled. some new moves added by platinum added to the team.
Tyranitar @ choice scarf
jolly nature
EVs 10 hp/ 252 atk/ 248 spd
stone edge
aqua tail
it has 248 spd evs so it outruns non scarfed base 115 Pokemon. EQ, crunch, and stone edge are the basic moves ttar uses and i added aqua tail for extra coverage against ground types. i usually try to ohko the opponents starter then switch it out and try to use it later on as a late game sweeper when i know most of the opponents remaining Pokemon and they are weakened. it has saved my *** multiple times when it's my last poke and it kills the opponents remaining 2-3 Pokemon.
metagross @ left overs
jolly nature
evs 152 hp/ 252 hp/ 104 spd
meteor mash
thunder punch
a basic algigross. I've sweeped teams with this metagross as it usually survives 1 or 2 hits and after agility is faster then most pokes. if i baton pass it swords dance then agility it is nearly unstoppable.
gliscor @ leftovers
impish nature/ sand veil
evs: 212 hp/ 12 atk/ 218 spd/68 sp. def
baton pass
swords dance
the speed tank set at smogon with diffrent evs to serve my needs. i try to get a swords dance in then baton pass if i can't hurt the pokemon with earthquake. if needed i can tank pokemon with sand veil and roost.
mamoswine @ expert belt
adamant nature/ snow cloak
evs: 176 hp/ 116 atk/ 196 spd/ 20 sp. def
ice shard
stealth rock
the basic support build from smogon. if i predict a switch i either stealth rock or toxic. i ice shard anything weak to it or if it would be just better to sacrifice mamoswine after doing some dmg.
scizor @ leftovers
careful nature/ technician
evs: 252 hp/ 80 def/ 176 sp. def
bullet punch
quick attack
this is a weired set. this is aimed at tanking the enemy while healing itself with roost/leftovers and scouting out moves with protect while giving them residual damage with sand stream. it does it's job well while doing decent damage on opponents. does a decent at revenge killing some pokes.
Heatran @ wise glasses
modest nature
evs: 40 hp/ 216 spd/ 252 sp. atk
dragon pulse
hidden power ice
the choice specs set on smogon but with wise glasses so i wont get stuck on one move until i switch out. ut in HP ice instead of explosion. my team has a big fire weakness so heatrans flash fire ability works wonders. it's main job is to switch into fire moves aimed at my scizor/metagross/ mamoswine and try to kill said pokemon targeting my fire types.
should i remove flamethrower and add in lava plume?
any way i can improve this team?
Tyranitar @ choice scarf
jolly nature
EVs 10 hp/ 252 atk/ 248 spd
stone edge
aqua tail
it has 248 spd evs so it outruns non scarfed base 115 Pokemon. EQ, crunch, and stone edge are the basic moves ttar uses and i added aqua tail for extra coverage against ground types. i usually try to ohko the opponents starter then switch it out and try to use it later on as a late game sweeper when i know most of the opponents remaining Pokemon and they are weakened. it has saved my *** multiple times when it's my last poke and it kills the opponents remaining 2-3 Pokemon.
metagross @ left overs
jolly nature
evs 152 hp/ 252 hp/ 104 spd
meteor mash
thunder punch
a basic algigross. I've sweeped teams with this metagross as it usually survives 1 or 2 hits and after agility is faster then most pokes. if i baton pass it swords dance then agility it is nearly unstoppable.
gliscor @ leftovers
impish nature/ sand veil
evs: 212 hp/ 12 atk/ 218 spd/68 sp. def
baton pass
swords dance
the speed tank set at smogon with diffrent evs to serve my needs. i try to get a swords dance in then baton pass if i can't hurt the pokemon with earthquake. if needed i can tank pokemon with sand veil and roost.
mamoswine @ expert belt
adamant nature/ snow cloak
evs: 176 hp/ 116 atk/ 196 spd/ 20 sp. def
ice shard
stealth rock
the basic support build from smogon. if i predict a switch i either stealth rock or toxic. i ice shard anything weak to it or if it would be just better to sacrifice mamoswine after doing some dmg.
scizor @ leftovers
careful nature/ technician
evs: 252 hp/ 80 def/ 176 sp. def
bullet punch
quick attack
this is a weired set. this is aimed at tanking the enemy while healing itself with roost/leftovers and scouting out moves with protect while giving them residual damage with sand stream. it does it's job well while doing decent damage on opponents. does a decent at revenge killing some pokes.
Heatran @ wise glasses
modest nature
evs: 40 hp/ 216 spd/ 252 sp. atk
dragon pulse
hidden power ice
the choice specs set on smogon but with wise glasses so i wont get stuck on one move until i switch out. ut in HP ice instead of explosion. my team has a big fire weakness so heatrans flash fire ability works wonders. it's main job is to switch into fire moves aimed at my scizor/metagross/ mamoswine and try to kill said pokemon targeting my fire types.
should i remove flamethrower and add in lava plume?
any way i can improve this team?