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The Smiling Sorcerer, Henry, Ruins the Competition (maybe in SSBU)!


Smash Cadet
Aug 19, 2018

"Hiya! I'm Henry, and I don't want to brag, but I'm preeeeetty much the scariest dark mage in Plegia!"

Henry is quite the character in Fire Emblem: Awakening, on and off the battlefield. It's a rare sight to see him without a smile; however, this Dark Mage carries a gruesome love for battle with him. He often talks of raising the dead, death itself, as well as curses and hexes. Regardless, Henry's power is known throughout his home region of Plegia, and according to a fellow Dark Mage (Tharja), his reputation consists of being a person with "an extraordinary gift for magic, guarded by fierce crows so that very few had seen the true extent of his powers." While Henry himself isn't quite as popular as other Awakening characters, including Tharja, he would bring a fresh Fire Emblem personality to Super Smash Bros. that we haven't quite seen yet!

"So, why should we care? Why Henry?"
Other than bringing a fresh coat of malevolent, gleeful paint to the roster, Henry's Dark Mage class means that he doesn't normally have access to swords, lances, or axes. That means we could have a Fire Emblem character that solely uses magic. While Robin uses magic, he also has the Levin Sword with him, so having a character that uses just magic would be a cool new take on what fighters can do! He would still have to use the durability system, but perhaps he could have more tomes at his disposal. Thanks to Henry's starting class, he can freely use dark magic tomes (something that Robin shouldn't be able to do...I'm looking at you, Nosferatu!), with the elemental tomes already under his command. This brings a lot more possibilities for attacking onto the table! Tomes like Flux and Nosferatu could be used for close-mid range, while others like Mire and Ruin could be used further away. I'll cover those in a moveset later!

As for his popularity and chances for inclusion...admittedly, he's not as popular as folks like Chrom, Robin, or even Tharja, but he definitely has some fans out there (as he placed 11th for males on the Fire Emblem Heroes Choose Your Legends Poll)! He also has some ties to all three Awakening characters currently present in Smash...
... in the Drama CDs! He assists Lucina by projecting her voice to a Chrom and co. in danger. In turn, Chrom is able to help Robin recover from a strange ailment.

"Sure, great! But what about..."

(AKA The Arguments Section!)​

"...There's too many Fire Emblem representatives--especially from Awakening!"
  • The idea that Fire Emblem has enough representatives is respectable, and with Lucina, Robin, and now Chrom entering the fray, things may get a little dicey! However, we have yet to see a Fire Emblem representative of this exact caliber in Smash Bros. If developed around just the concept of magic, Henry could be a very interesting and fun addition! He isn't a necessity by any means (and there are plenty of mage characters in Fire Emblem!), but with the recent inclusion of Chrom, things may be looking up.
"...We already have Robin!"
  • Again, Robin has the Levin Sword to use, while Henry wouldn't be able to use anything other than magic. Their personalities are also very different from each other, and that change of pace is only one of the factors that set them apart!
"Speaking of his personality, isn't he a little....much for a game like Smash Bros?"
  • This is tricky to answer! We have characters that range from a small electric mouse to a woman with guns on her shoes and the power to slay angels. Henry's personality doesn't quite fit snugly anywhere on that spectrum, but among the other wanted characters or newcomers in Smash Ultimate, he doesn't seem too out of place (someone like King K. Rool or Ridley for a newcomer, and Camilla for a wanted fighter)! While Henry isn't a villain, he definitely shares some common traits with them.
"...He's not important!"
  • Depends on who you ask! Anyone could argue this point for any character, for any amount of time!

Neutral Attack: Using Flux, swipes to the left, then the right, and finishes with a push forward. Uses 1/3 of a durability point (out of 20) for each hit.
Forward Tilt: Using Flux, pushes ahead of him, much like the end of the neutral. Has more range than the neutral, but uses 1/20 durability points.
Up Tilt: Using Flux, swipes upward. Uses 1/20 durability points.
Down Tilt: Using Flux while crouching, jabs forward with a small dark pulse. Uses 1/20 durability points.
Dash Attack: Using Flux, jabs underhandedly. Uses 1/20 durability points.

Forward Smash: Using Ruin, casts a spell that summons spikes of energy from the ground in an X shape, damaging enemies caught. Uses 1/8 durability points.
Up Smash: Using Ruin, casts a spell above himself similar to Mewtwo's Up Smash. Uses 1/8 durability points.
Down Smash: Using Ruin, casts the spell in a circle around himself, which activates first from the front, then moves to the back. Uses 1/8 durability points.

Neutral Air: Using Flux, summons dark energy around him as he moves. Uses 2/20 durability points.
Forward Air: Using Flux, jabs with one arm, with the dark power emanating from his hand. Holds this position for a short moment. Uses 1/20 durability points.
Back Air: Using Flux, he twists his body and swipes upward with one arm. Uses 1/20 durability points.
Up Air: Using Flux, draws a quick semicircle above himself, in an arc from front to back. Uses 1/20 durability points.
Down Air: Using Flux, draws a quick semicircle below himself, in an arc from back to front. Uses 1/20 durability points.

Grab: Similar to Robin, wraps the opponent in a whirlwind of magic. Looks a bit more menacing before acting, though!
Pummel: Jabs at the opponent with dark magic.
Forward Throw: Brings the opponent behind, before forcefully throwing them ahead with magic.
Back Throw: Drags the opponent along the ground for a moment before flinging them behind himself.
Up Throw: Concentrates his dark energy, then launches them above himself with a double-handed swipe upward.
Down Throw: Forcefully slams the opponent to the ground, then quickly rakes across their body from back to front. Launches them more vertically than Forward Throw, but still ahead of him.

Neutral Special: Using Waste, can charge for a short time before blasting dark energy around himself, then either above, ahead, or behind him in a given tilt direction. Can be used to get a combo going at lower percents, otherwise the second blast will launch them too far. Uses 1/6 durability points.
Side Special: Using Mire, creates an acidic mass from the ground ahead of him. Works similar to Greninja's Side Special, but Henry doesn't move places. Uses 1/4 durability points.
Up Special: Using Verrine, launches himself upward while leaving three dark rings in his path. While these are stationary, they are difficult to jump through without getting caught in them for a short moment, before they implode and launch the opponent. Uses 1/6 durability points.
Down Special: Using Nosferatu, it's basically Robin's Down Special, but with more damage and less healing being done overall. Uses 1/4 durability points.

Final Smash - Grima's Truth: Henry calls upon the power of the Fell Dragon to cast forth. Works similar to Mario's Final Smash, but with a wider vertical range and more damage being done. Grima's Truth doesn't drag enemies with it, however; instead, it paralyzes opponents wherever they are for a moment, before they either get attacked out of the state by someone else, it wears off, or Henry himself lands a blow. His attack unleashes the dark energy around the opponent, launching them quite far.

Supporter List!

1. it's-a me, fortun8!
2. Frizz
3. WeirdChillFever
4. TailsTheAssassin
Last edited:


Will Thwack You At 0%
Mar 20, 2015
Even though it's not yet complete, I support. And on a side note, I like how neat and organized this is. It's nice to look at.


Smash Cadet
Aug 19, 2018
Note: I finished my moveset! While it doesn't have percentages, it covers Henry's means of attacking--with extra notes for durability points!

Even though it's not yet complete, I support. And on a side note, I like how neat and organized this is. It's nice to look at.
I'm glad you like the way it looks! I guess being up in the middle of the night has its perks. I'll add you to the list, thank you!

I support! Henry, and morally grey characters in general, is my favorite from Fire Emblem and I actually have a base for a moveset lying around too.
Great! I'll add you to the list as well, thank you! If you want to show me that moveset, I can add that if you'd like!


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
Note: I finished my moveset! While it doesn't have percentages, it covers Henry's means of attacking--with extra notes for durability points!

I'm glad you like the way it looks! I guess being up in the middle of the night has its perks. I'll add you to the list, thank you!

Great! I'll add you to the list as well, thank you! If you want to show me that moveset, I can add that if you'd like!
Well, turns out I only listed Henry's canonical movelist and I haven't started even the actual moveset yet.


Smash Cadet
Jul 29, 2018
Switch FC
SW 4398 2362 0516
Henry would be great! I'd love him as an original, but an echo (even though he doesn't use swords) could have a better chance if any. But either way, I support!


Smash Cadet
Aug 19, 2018
Well, turns out I only listed Henry's canonical movelist and I haven't started even the actual moveset yet.
That's fine! If you ever finish it I'd be happy to give it a look.

Henry would be great! I'd love him as an original, but an echo (even though he doesn't use swords) could have a better chance if any. But either way, I support!
You're probably right on the echo thing! Perhaps he could be an echo of another mage newcomer? :0
I'll add you to the list though, thank you!


Smash Cadet
Jan 26, 2017
He has almost no chance, but as my favorite Fire Emblem character, I definitely support his inclusion!
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