Sales numbers are subjective and Shovel Knight is most definitely widely-known.
Sales numbers are
objective, not subjective. They represent the number sold, as reported by the makers. Opinions are subjective.
That's why everyone has heard of him (gamers, that is).
Like I said, the echo-chamber effect in action. Like-minded groups in certain circles may have heard of him, but this amplifies the perception that "What one likes is what everyone likes, therefore everyone knows of this", which is an erroneous one. (To cite an example, it's like when folks say that "Everyone wants a new F-Zero game", without paying heed to the fact that the series has never sold very well due to being part of a very niche subgenre, because they aren't aware of the echo-chamber.)
There are a
lot of gamers who have never heard of Shovel Knight. It's only by pure fluke I ever even did, and I've been a video games enthusiast for almost all of my life - that's multiple decades of endless enthusiasm, at this point.
If his positive word-of-mouth keeps up and maintains this momentum, he certainly will become widely-known, though. There's no disputing that, and I really hope for him and his creators that it does - we need more games like that around!
The character also already has numerous cameos in other games, including Runbow, Road Redemption, Armillo, etc. and upcoming ones like Hex Heroes, Starr Mazer, and Bloodstained: Ritual of the Knight.
Sad to say that I've only heard of one of those (Runbow), again purely by fluke.
and the Shovel Knight amiibo is the first indie amiibo and non-Nintendo character that isn't part of the Smash series.
People keep saying this means something as if an Amiibo being produced is somehow some sort of "rite of passage", but that's actually not the case. It's simply another item
that they've licensed and
arranged the manufacture of, exactly the same as they've done for
the plushes, shirts, foam shovel, and so on. Any licensed developer can do this if they so choose.
And apart from that, the character is likable and unique, sporting a variety of moves that are magic-based besides his main shovel attack. He'd be a great character in Smash.
You don't need to tell me this - I already know it.

Please don't mistake my pointing out of people's genuine concerns, and mentioning the game's sales, as being an attack against the character, because it absolutely isn't.
I think if done right, Daisy could be a brilliant semi-clone of Peach, but I'd even take her as a clone. Honestly it is weird that Sakurai apparently never considered it.
Wait, he really hasn't? I agree, that is incredibly strange. I mean, I honestly expected her to appear as a clone by Brawl...
I think what Daisy really needs though is her own game where she can be fleshed out a bit more. That did wonders for Yoshi, Luigi, Wario, and Toad...
If they do this, they
need to make Sarasaland the setting, and not be afraid to hold back with its unusual nature.
I can dream, can't I?