Oh my god guys, I'm so happy right now! I legit thought Rosalina would be the type of person who teaches, like a teacher, to her Lumas and telling them stories. This has been in my mind for a while now, and I'm so happy it's canon! EEEEK!! No, seriously.. I really think she is like a teacher in the galaxy games, where she is like: "Listen, little ones. I shall teach you the borders and boundaries of the cosmos..." and open her book and begin her story and multiple thing like that. But for her to have a Tennis School? It would be the best Tennis school, and probably the best IRL if it wasn't fictional, due to her being the strongest female in Mario for sports.
That sounds like my kind of school.
I wonder how strict a teacher she is.
Actually, if she were that strict then Bowser would be getting detention all year long, lol.
I personally believe that Rosalina wouldn't be as strict to her students, due to her being a calm character and a motherly one at that. I could imagine her saying stuff like: "Oh no, that isn't right my dear... I know you are very capable of performing said tasks, the power in you remain dormant until you arise from beneath the clouds of insecurities." Literally hearing her teaching and stuff is what you'd expect from a teacher. Not to mention that she would be that one motherly teacher who nurtures her student, like a kindergarden teacher.
I do kind of wonder why Rosalina would have a tennis school. She'd seem too soft of a teacher, or at least, that's how I feel about the matter.
Teachers can be soft. There are teacher with bubbly personalities while there are boring ones (not to point out names). I've been to High School, so I'd know. If you take Rosalina's character, altogether, and make her a teacher, she would teach you unlimited wisdom of the cosmos because she bears such knowledge for being a goddess of the stars.
I really like that Nintendo made my dream of her being a teacher come true (even though she was like one in her first debut), but I do want her to have full authority over her school.. So wouldn't she be like a principal? Also, there's one thing I'm afraid of and that is how she is portrayed in a scenario with Bowser in it for Star Rush.
It was just a quick pose as a joke so I wasn't going for perfection.
Her hand isn't supposed to be in a fist, actually. It's just a sort of neutral position a lot of catwalk models seem to rest their unused hand in.
Oh, so I guess we don't have to mind memoryman3's O.O.C comment then.
Kinda feels late for me to ask this but I will anyway. Can we really be so certain that Rosalina was formerly a redhead? I'm thinking of a possible scenario where it may just be for the sake of the storybook's art style as well as them trying to hide the fact that it actually is young Rosalina portrayed in the story. It could be a somewhat similar thing as the first Metroid where they try to hide the fact that Samus is a woman with the manual calling her a "he." Or I'm just missing something entirely and it was already explained long ago why she actually was a redhead?
It could also be that when Rosalina got her powers, and went into motherhood, her hair change would be an indication of growing up and maturing to take on an eternal responsibility.
One thing I would like to mention is that Rosalina's normal dress is a hue of the blue sky we'd normally see everyday (in real life and in Mario games), along with the fact that it's also used to represent sorrow. Yeah, I was thinking of this for a while too.