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The Ridley for Smash 4 DLC Thread: Don't Give Up Hope, Size Does(n't) Matter

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Feb 14, 2015
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
A main antagonist in the Metroid franchise, having appeared in almost every single game in the franchise (except Metroid II and Metroid Prime 2: Echoes). His role doesn’t vary from game to game; he’s generally one of the last bosses you take on before getting to the final boss. Though he hasn’t been playable in a main line game before, Ridley is one of the most wanted Smash newcomers on both sides of the world; only barely losing to King Dedede in Brawl.
Ridley has varied in appearance throughout the franchise, but his basic design is the same; a bipedal, winged dragon-like beast with a spade-tipped tail, three toes on each foot and four-fingered hands and long, narrow, tooth-filled jaws.
The Essentials
Weight Class
: Medium
Availability: Unlockable (beat Classic Mode on 7 or higher as Samus or play 6,000 VS. matches)
Strengths: Strong and quick, with fast projectiles and an excellent recovery
Weaknesses: Throws are mediocre in damage and has a bit of floatiness to him

Moveset:Basic Attacks:
Neutral-A (Slash): A simple, but quick attack with Ridley’s clawed arms. Does about 3-4%.
Up-A Tilt (Winger): Ridley uses his wings to bash opponents with. Does about 5-7%.
Down-A Tilt (Tail Assault): Ridley uses his tail to strike at anybody around him, assuming a crouching position while doing so. Does about 7-9%.
Side-A Tilt (Heavy Slash): Ridley attacks with his claws faster and stronger than his default A attack. Does about 5-7%.
Special Attacks:
Neutral-B (Fireball): Ridley shoots a ball of fire that travels for longer distances and grows in power the more it’s charged. Uncharged shots do 7-8%, while fully charged shots do 10-15%.
Up-B (Soar): Ridley uses his wings to fly in the direction the analog stick is tilted. Causes knockback, but no damage.
Down-B (Super Stomp): Ridley kicks his feet down harshly, causing about 15-20% and spiking opponents.
Side-B (Hurricane Swipes): Ridley flies in the direction he’s facing towards with a furious spin. Does 20-25% damage, more if the foe is caught in the full assault.
Other Attacks:
Grab: Ridley grabs his opponent in both hands, and holds them at arm’s length.
Pummel: Ridley bites down on his opponent viciously. Does 4-5% damage.
Up Throw: Ridley tosses an opponent into the air and strikes them with his tail. Does 3-4% damage.
Down Throw: Ridley slams his foe on the ground and breathes a puff of fire on them. Does 2-3% damage.
Forward Throw: Ridley throws his opponent forwards and rams into them. Does 4-5% damage.
Back Throw: Ridley suplexes the opponent. Does 5-6% damage.
Final Smash (Meta Ridley)
: Ridley transforms into Meta Ridley and becomes stronger, slower and harder to knock around for 100 seconds (1 minute and 52 seconds). All damage output is multiplied by 2.
The Non-Essentials
Trophy Descriptions:
Normal: “The cruel leader of the Space Pirates, Ridley soars through space on wicked wings. The killer of Samus’ parents and her mortal foe, Ridley loves nothing more than to meet Samus in battle, hoping to finally complete his decimation of the mining colony K-2L; an event that she despises him for. He was killed in the destruction of Zebes, but has continued to rear his head since in the form of clones.”
Classic Mode: “Despite looking massive, Ridley is not all that heavy; in fact, he’s in the same weight class as Mario! He makes up for the weight in terms of his attacks, all of which are fast and damaging, and his recovery, which is among the best. He’s pretty quick, too! He’s also somewhat floaty in jumps and his grabs aren’t the most damaging, though. Ridley’s Fireball gets stronger the longer you charge it; but it leaves you open while charging, so pick when to do it wisely. Fully charged Fireballs are powerful enough to launch foes at medium percentages, though; so it’s always good to keep a Fireball on standby.”
All-Star Mode: “Ridley’s Soar, while not damaging, is just another facet of his immense recovery game; able to save him from many a fall. The move also knocks away anybody trying to spike you back down, too! His Super Stomp does decent damage, but spikes opponents in midair, making it a viable knockout option. Just don’t miss with it, or you may be the one being KO’d. His Hurricane Swipes are dangerous, especially if you catch someone in them. They also act as an horizontal recovery option, too!”
Final Smash: “When Ridley snags the Smash Ball, he transforms into the titanic Meta Ridley. Enhanced by cybernetic armor and more powerful than before, Meta Ridley is heavier and harder to knock about than regular Ridley is, and packs a punch, to boot! The only downside of this transformation is that it’s limited to only 100 seconds; but that should be enough time to wipe up the KO’s needed to pull into a victory. Well, that and it can’t be used to win size arguments with. Alas, thus are the limits of a Final Smash.”
Taunt 1 (Up on the D-Pad): Ridley snarls as a puff of flame bursts from his maw.
Taunt 2 (Down on the D-Pad): Ridley beats his fists together twice and roars.
Taunt 3 (Either Left or Right on the D-Pad): Ridley flares his wings and stomps on the floor.
Victory Theme: A metal remix of Samus’ victory theme.
Victory Poses:
1 – Swoops in, lands and roars at the camera.
2 – Swipes twice, then roars.
3 – Breathes a stream of fire while spinning and roars while flaring his wings.


Alternate Costume 1 (Classic):

Alternate Costume 1 (Super Boxart):

Alternate Costume 2 (X-Ridley):

Alternate Costume 3 (Zero Mission):

Notes: When Ridley is in use, he is replaced as the Pyrosphere boss by Goyagma.
Stage: Norfair, returning from Brawl. Like all stages, it has an Omega version that removes the lava hazards, but retains the three platforms.
Like a sizable number of people, I really would like Ridley to make a playable appearance in Smash someday; and with DLC a known factor, that could be realized. The moveset is supposed to emphasize his strengths while keeping him from being Brawl Meta-Knight levels of broken. What do you guys think of it?


Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
I'd like Ridley, as long as Sakurai is in charge, hoping for Ridley is only going to lead to disappointment.
I applaud you for the hard work you put in the OP though.
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Great work and all, but the original thread was closed for a reason. Very contoversial. That and he has a very little chance.
This one will probably wind up being closed. I can work on you being inducted the the mansion tho. . .

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Ridley is considered to be uneligible for a DLC support thread considering his current status. Hence why his thread was locked like many others.
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