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The Real Event 50


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2003
Storrs, Connecticut
Ok, I'm gonna start this event so we can have a real event 50 that is hard but fair. It will basically be 3 stages with increasing difficulty leading to the final fight.

- No characters are banned.
- No handicap and 100% damage all the time.
- When the game freezes or crashes due to some weird error, the hand lost. No exceptions, unless it's obviously some other weird error, specially if one of the hands isn't even close to 0 health.

1st Stage - Polygon Team Stage. 3 Lives.

2nd Stage - Tutorial Stage. 3 Lives. To me, removing the platforms make it harder to dodge masterhand's attacks. Suggestions are accepted for this part, since Ness is sort of gimped on this stage, seeing as you can't see him while he's recovering.

3rd Stage - Metal Mario stage. 1 Life.

One person can attempt this against one hand, or with a partner on a team against 2 hands and one of the hands can be controlled by a computer. The actual Win - Loss record will be kept and updated here in this topic. A list will also be kept here of all the people who have beaten this event, so we can see who has actually done it, regardless of whether it was on a team or by yourself. Anyone can sign up to be a Event 50 "hoster", so they can host Event 50 for other people and they can post here and update the score and the names of the people who have beaten it.

One-Handed Champions:

- Garuda
- Project Hazoid/Zibbert

Two-Handed Champions:

- None

Team Champions:

- None


- Fireblaster

The Hand's Record: 6 Victories - 2 Losses

Have Fun!


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2006
Springfield, MO
Well since i sorta know u...It would be ok. MH/CH is just cocky and thinks hes the best T_T Even tho me and tigerbombz beat him.

But im not gonna take the challenge. Cool new rules.


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2007
Lol Masterhand is a joke. The only time I played him as a real character and not the hand he swore at me and complained I was using bombs as Link and that was unfair.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2006
Springfield, MO
Ya last time he left cuss apparently i was being a noob by grabing the edge. I was an edgeguard abuser back then :D


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Lol Masterhand is a joke. The only time I played him as a real character and not the hand he swore at me and complained I was using bombs as Link and that was unfair.
LOL everyone hates that guy, and I know why.

But I meant the hand itself has ****ty mindgames.

master/crazyhand has no skill at all, nevermind mindgames those come later. His are nonexistent.


Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2007
Atlanta, Ga
Yeah i agree, i hate masterhand/crazyhand, guys just an ***. He told me to stop spamming with yoshi, called me a newb, and kicked me out. I mean if he is going to be MH, then im goin to be yoshi, hide under platform, and just dair the crap out of him. What is more newb than being MH anyways? Isnt that the FIRST thing you do when you get PJ64 is think, holy crap i can be MH or Metal mario, AWESOME. Then, thirty minutes later, you realize that its pointless and sucks, and you go back to playing with legitimate characters, and trying to actually improve your smash play.

Now im not calling the MH/CH stuff that Fireblaster is talking about newb, sounds like a fun idea, so dont get that idea Fireblaster (i dont want your mario to come beat the crap out of me again) im just complaining about MH/CH on kaillera because i seriously dont like the guy.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2003
Storrs, Connecticut
Yeah i agree, i hate masterhand/crazyhand, guys just an ***. He told me to stop spamming with yoshi, called me a newb, and kicked me out. I mean if he is going to be MH, then im goin to be yoshi, hide under platform, and just dair the crap out of him. What is more newb than being MH anyways? Isnt that the FIRST thing you do when you get PJ64 is think, holy crap i can be MH or Metal mario, AWESOME. Then, thirty minutes later, you realize that its pointless and sucks, and you go back to playing with legitimate characters, and trying to actually improve your smash play.

Now im not calling the MH/CH stuff that Fireblaster is talking about newb, sounds like a fun idea, so dont get that idea Fireblaster (i dont want your mario to come beat the crap out of me again) im just complaining about MH/CH on kaillera because i seriously dont like the guy.
I agree. Another reason I started this was to get MH/CH to end his charade and boasting about his silly event so we can end arguments about the **** thing on kaillera. When he sees that people won't bother going to his Event 50 because of this one here, he might stop being an *** to everybody and stop causing arguments just because of his **** Event 50.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2006
Springfield, MO
Lol everytime u say "word" kso it reminds me of u in ur band's myspace pic lol

Anyways i say close the event when mh/ch gets annoyed with it


Smash Master
Nov 4, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
haha thats good, i guess? lol speaking of which i havent checked up on that lately...think i should add some new songs sometime...if im not lazy :p


Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2007
Atlanta, Ga
I agree. Another reason I started this was to get MH/CH to end his charade and boasting about his silly event so we can end arguments about the **** thing on kaillera. When he sees that people won't bother going to his Event 50 because of this one here, he might stop being an *** to everybody and stop causing arguments just because of his **** Event 50.
Haha, yeah, the arguing on Kaillera about event 50 has become absurd. This should help stop that topic, but as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, there will be a NEW, even dumber argument on kaillera. Every day I am amazed at what people argue and fight about on Kaillera, and usually with the same people, and probably on the same topic, just different day. Sometimes, its nearly as entertaining as the game, and other times, i have to just log off, b/c i fear that if i read any further, my head will explode.
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