Smash Cadet
As any Snake player should, I mortarslide. However, I find myself wondering if there is an easier way of mortarsliding. I know there are multiple ways of performing the mortarslide, but which is the best/easiest/most effective?
For my mortarslide, (using the GC controller setup with tap jump OFF) I dash attack (with the control stick and A) then quickly flick the control stick vertically and tap/charge A to fire off the round. I can perform both versions of the mortarslide this way (hitting something and not). What do you use or recommend? Is one way better than another?
My apologies if this has been answered before.
For my mortarslide, (using the GC controller setup with tap jump OFF) I dash attack (with the control stick and A) then quickly flick the control stick vertically and tap/charge A to fire off the round. I can perform both versions of the mortarslide this way (hitting something and not). What do you use or recommend? Is one way better than another?
My apologies if this has been answered before.