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The Pikmin Adventures


Smash Apprentice
Dec 1, 2007
Hello everyone! My name is fluffy, and me and my friend have been playing brawl and it is really fun. We also have been playing pikmin. Then, one day, my friend randomly typed a short story about pikmin. Ok, it was extremely stupid, but i have to admit, i was laughing so hard i couldn't breathe. Some of the jokes were inside jokes, but we wondered if the rest of the world would laugh at them too. So we decided we'd post a few and if poeple thought they were kinda funny, we'd write more. You will find that most of these jokes are pikmin related, but i decided to put some smash jokes, too. some of you will find these really stupid, or some will laugh really hard. The first few may seem...odd, but soon we will stop using inside jokes and use more ones you might get. I don't know...tell me what you think.

PS My friend isn't a member here yet, but he will be getting one shortly. Thanks!

PSS Dont yell at me for grammer, i wasnt paying attention to that.

STORY I The Pikmin discovery

One day on the pikmn planet, olimar was searching for his last ship part,which
would get him off the planet. So he led his pikmin over a river, and they all
died except his blue ones. Then he found his ship part and when his blues were
about to grab it, a new enemy popped out. It wasn’t a monster he ever saw
before. It was ryan, the pikmin hater. So olimar threw all his blues at ryan,
but ryan ate every single one as he threw them. “ahhhhhhhhhh” screamed olimar as
he ran away and got away safely. Back at the ship, a tiny black pikmin walked up
to him. “hello” it said. “hi, I never saw a black pikmin before” said olimar. “I
cant help u alone, but if u let me bring u to the black pikmin colony, we can
work together to help u kill ryan the pikmin hater. So olimar got his friend
louie and they all headed to the black pikmin colony.as they walked threw the
forest of hope, about 10 bulbins, red bug things with white spots, popped out of
nowhere. Louie and olimar screamed, but then the black pikmin said “die u ****in
bulbins.” The black pikmin took out a gun and started shooting the bulbins.
“what the ****!!!” said louie and olimar. “we want more black pikmins!” they
said. Once the bulbins were dead, the black pikmin spoke. “well, black pikmin
are kinda extinct, but I no how u can get more!” “You lied you *****! You said
you would take us to an entire colony!” said louie. “if u pick up that black
coin that says 50,000 on it, and carry it to my onion, u will get an army of
me!” he said. So louie and olimar carried the heavy coin, struggling, and
brought it to the black onion. As they put it in, 50,000 olimars came out of the
onion. “what the ****!!!!!” said olimar. The black pikmin shot all of the clone
olimars. “my bad. I forgot to tell you that whoever puts the coin in the onion
gets cloned. But I no where another black 50,000 coin is. Folo me. Ill carry it
this time. “so we wasted our time and strength by carrying that coin for no
reason? I bet u new that all along!” screamed olimar. “ya I did…but I thought it
would be funny if u cloned urself. And it was fun to shoot the clones” olimar
turned red with anger. “how come I didn’t get cloned? I helped, too!” said
louie. “because no one likes you” said olimar. Finally, they found the other
50,000 black coin, and the black pikmin easily brought it to the black onion.
Then a ton of black pikmin shot out of the onion. “pluck them out” said the
black pikmin. They did so, but it took an hour. Then olimar said “ok guys, ready
to help us go kill ryan?” the black pikmin then said “gwahahahaha. You fools! I
tricked you into reviving my army! Now we shall take over the world!” said the
black pikmin leader. Then all of the black pikmin ate louie and he died, but
olimar saw a roller coaster and jumped into it. “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
he screamed as it dropped 50 million feet. Then the roller coaster started
flying upward at full speed. At the top, olimar saw that the track ended. The
cart flew off the track. Olimar jumped out just in time. He landed on his boingy
thingy that’s on his head, and it saved his life. He got away from the black
pikmins, but the roller coaster brought him to a place that felt strangely
familiar. As he looked around, he saw it. The last ship part. He new what would
happen next. He turned around, and ryan was staring at him. “time to die!!!!!!!”
said ryan. “minions!” ryan called out. Then thousands of black pikmin fell from
the sky. “now u will die!” said ryan. This last boss was harder than olimar
thought. Then he turned around and saw a tiny orange pikmin behind him. Instead
of a flower or leaf on top of his head, it had a fuse. “IT GO BOOM!” screamed
ryan. In 2 seconds, the orane pikmin exploded, killing everyone except olimar.
Olimar took the last ship part to his ship, and went home. As he flew through
space, he hurd a thud on the top of his ship. He looked on top of his ship, and
then saw louie hanging on, holding a gun. “I thought u were dead!” screamed
olimar. Louie head blood and scratches all over himself. “you left me behind!
Now ill kill you!” screamed louie as he shot blasts from his lazer gun. Since
louie was hanging on to the massage machine, olimar pressed the eject massage
machine button, since he didn’t need the massage machine. Then louie got
ejected, and went flying threw space. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” screamed louie, as he
died. Olimar landed back home, and visited his family, and they were all happy…

STORY II PIKMIN: The return olimar
Back at home, olimar and his son were playing there new game system, the
Nintendo wii. “wat the ****, im sick of playing with wii sports. Lets get a new
one” said olimar junior. “ok son” said olimar. At the game store, junior was
walking down the aisles. Then he saw something. It was as if it hypnotized him
or something. He just stared at what he saw. The words “wii play” seemed to
attract him. “OMG I MUST BUY THIS GAME OMG MUST BUY WII PLAY.” So olimar bought
junior wii play. All day long, junior played wii play. He couldn’t stop.
Meanwhile, all around the world, people were buying wii play. All around the
galaxy, people were buying wii play. All over the universe, people were buying
wii play. The next day, olimar went for a walk. No one was outside. They were
all inside playing wii play. Olimar was suspicious. The next day, everyone
started walking around saying “all hail the emperor, all hail the emperor, all
hail the emperor.” Olimar was the only person in the universe who hadn’t play
wii play! “join us join us join us” everyone started saying to olimar. Olimar
was chased home. He locked his doors and ran to his garage, where he kept his
ship. He scanned the wii play disc. The readings were coming from the pikmin
planet! He had to find out what was going on, and stop this madness!!!

Olimar landed on the planet. Then he saw a weird creature. It was a bulbin, a
creature he’d seen before. “hey, your that olimar guy! The one who killed ryan
and the black pikmin! Well, you’ll find that this planet has changed since the
last time you’ve been here! Well, I didn’t have lunch, so mabey I could eat y-”,
there was a gunshot, and then the bulbin fell dead. There is heavy metal music
playing in the background, and olimar blows off his gun.

Now, the story begins. So olimar goes to his ship and takes some pikmin he
saved from his last journey. Olimar wanders around until he sees a bridge. Then
he threw a fat purple pikmin at it. Then it collapsed. “oops” he said. So he
wandered around until he saw a huge factory. Guarding it was someone named
charzard. “hey stupid, u have wings but u cant fly” said olimar. “yes I can”
said charzard. Then olimar saw a cliff. “fly across that cliff. Charzard did,
but he couldn’t fly so he fell down the cliff. Then olimar walked into the
factory where they made wii play. There were wii plays being made everywhere.
Olimar saw a switch that could make the machine turn off, but he was too lazy,
so he threw a fat purple pikmin at the machine so it blue up. Then this guy
named ike ran down from up stairs. “hey you! Wat the **** r u doing down here.
Hey u blew up the machine!” he said. “well the universe is already under the
emperor’s control, so we don’t care is we are out of wii play. You see, the
emperor used wii play to hypnotize everyone” said ike. Olimar asked who the
emperor was, and ike said louie. “but I killed louie” said olimar. “well he came
back to life” said ike. So anyway ike chased olimar out of the factory and
killed a purple pikmin because they are so fat and stupid and slow and ugly.
Then olimar saw the cliff charzard fell down. Then he saw a golden hammer and
picked picked it up because they have the power to fly. So olimar used it to
start flying across the cliff. Then ike saw a normal hammer and tried to fly
across the cliff with it, but normal hammers aren’t magic, so he fell down the
cliff. Finally olimar made it to the other side. “I need to find louie and kill
him so everything is back to normal.” Thought olimar. So olimar brought his
pikmin around and said ok folo me. Instead they started attacking grass. The
olimar whistled so they would come back, but they kept attacking the grass. Then
olimar shouted “GET THE F*** OVER HERE” and then they came. Then they saw a
bulbin sleeping, so olimar threw some yellow pikmin over to some bomb rocks.
They picked them up. Olimar threw his pikmin at the bulbin and the bulbin woke
up and was all like “wat da f***” as they started killing it. But stupid olimar
threw his bomb rock pikmin last and they blew up all the pikmin, and olimar was
al alone but good thing the bulbin was dead. So he wanted to find some more
pikmin. He started walking forward, pikminless. Then he thought, I need to take
a p**, so he went over to a bush. The his weeny got bit and he was like wat the
#$@! Now I cant be anymore. So he looked down and it was pichachu. He kicked it
to china. Then he looked and saw a castle. On his way he plucked a few pikmin.
He went throught the castle killing bulbin gaurds until he saw a big door,
guarded by an elephant. The elephant was like “I have fire so I can kill all ur
pikmin” and olimar was like “I don’t care” and kicked it in the balls so it
Now olimar went through the big doors and saw the emperor aka louie. then louie
was like “well well well if it isn’t olimar. Im glad we meet again. Now I can
destroy u once and for all! I am in control of the universe, along with my
minions! Its all thanks to wii play!” to put it short, olimar shot louie in the
face, blew up the control center of the wii play, and everyone was back to
normal. So olimar went home, and junior bought a new game called wii fit...

NOTE: Those were some of our first stories. They will sound a little, or alot, stupid. Here's another one of the first story. Like I said, the first few are alot of inside jokes. But we have plans for future stories that will hopefully be better. Please understand that the last two stories and the next two stories are completely unrelated. So, the storyline shouldn't match up. Now here ya go! This time, its a different author!

STORY III A Scary Story about Dan and His Pikmen

Since Dan had collected all of his ship parts with the Pikmen, he decided to give them a break. He decided to go camping with them to make them face there fears of the creatures that come at night (to me there not scary.) He made the Pikmen do all the work with no help like he always does. The purple ones set up the tent because they can’t do much because there so fat. The blue got the water and red started a fire. Then the white went and got the food. All the Pikmen were doing the work while Dan was in a beach chair drinking lemonade.
If you look at the picture
I provided you will see Dan and Olimar relaxing and drinking lemonade. I put the picture of a glass of lemonade because I couldn’t find two babies drinking lemonade and relaxing so you get the point. Now back to the camp site. When the Pikmen are done it is dark and there are monsters growling in the woods. The Pikmen are now scared so they run and hide in there so called “onions” which look nothing like and onion. Dan and Olimar just go over and magically pull them out of the onions. Don’t ask how because I don’t know they just do it. So when the Pikmen come flying out, they hide behind Dan and Olimar because they here another monster growl. So since Dan and Olimar are so mean because they boss there Pikmen around all day, half the time the Pikmen don’t even know what there doing, Dan and Olimar decided to tell the Pikmen scary stories. While they are telling the story they hear all the monsters go away. Dan and Olimar think that the scary story scared them away so they kept on telling it. Right now the Pikmen are so scared that if they were wearing socks they would pop right out of them. Then, all of a sudden a Dan and Olimar hear really loud monster scream. It was nothing like them dumb frog sound or the stupid elephants or bugs or what ever other dumb monster they have in the game. This was the weirdest sound they have ever heard so now, not only were the Pikmen scared (Well the Pikmen are always scared) Dan and Olimar were scared to. Instead of running into there ships and flying away which would be the smart thing to do, they jumpt and hid in the tent and started screaming like little babies.

So now they are sranded in the tent with no place to go. They hear the strange monster scream again, but this time it is closer. They are still crying, but now they are crying even harder and louder.
Then they see the shadow of the creature and it is huge. The creature lifts up the tent and kills all the Pikmen and Olimar. Now Dan and the creature are face to face. Dan has seen the monster before. It was Ryan, but he was huge to Dan because Dan was really tiny. Then Ryan steps on Dan and Dan Is dead.

The End

NOTE: Here it is! The final rough draft. After this, we will be making all new stories filled with betterness!

STORY IV Dumb Pikmen

If you read the first story you should now that Dan and Olimar are magic. So some how they magically come back to life after being stepped on by ryan and again don’t ask why because they just freaking do! So as in Dan’s story Ryan is dead so we won’t be talking about him any more and he wasn’t that funny either. Now I’ll just get back to the story. Dan and Olimar actually fly away when they don’t even need to now when they did when Ryan was coming, but now they hid in a tent and cried like little babies.
I couldn’t find a little baby so as you can see this baby is really… how should I put this… large… no…. ah ha I got it FAT. Yes the baby is fat and Dumb like Dan and Olimar. So they are flying away when some how Dan and Olimar crash like they did earlier and the pieces, again, magically scatter into five different worlds. So now they have to beat every not so scary monster and walk for miles without getting tired. And I defiantly won’t forget the most important detail that Dan and Olimar do best………. They boss there Pikmen around while they do umm nothing. So for some reason they only have 36 days to do it and the Pikmen are still scared.(when aren’t they scared?) So on there journey they see to small little red things that have white dots. When they see it they all have flash backs of Ryan so they take off running and screaming when this monster thing is so small they can step on it. Now they are so scared that they make another tent to hide in while the monsters are coming after them. (Which they’re not, Dan, Olimar, and the Pikmen just think they are because they are dumb.) Ooo ya and did I mention that it was the Pikmen Idea to set up the tent and hide in it because they are so dumb. When they finally realize that the monsters aren’t following them they make the Pikmen go out and see if the monsters are there because Dan and Olimar are very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very bossy. When the Pikmen don’t come back and Dan and Olimar are.. POOW. “Holy ****. “screamed Olimar.The reason Olimar said that was that Dan pushed Olimar out of the tent to see if the Pikmen were alright. When Dan checked to see if everything was ok, there was a big mouth of those weird frog thing open in front of the tent door. So that meant that the Pikmen walked into the mouth of the frog because they didn’t know what it was so that meant that the Pikmen are dead. Then Dan remembered that he pushed Olimar out of the Tent. So that means “Wait! Olimar I’m coming!” To clear things up for the dum people reading this (cough cough Dan) Dan pushed Olimar into the mouth of the weird frog thing and it ate him so Dan jumped in to go and see if Olimar was alright so he got eaten too. So now you know that my characters die in every story and magically come back.

The End…. Or is it
No. It’s not the end because they all magically come back.


Smash Rookie
Mar 22, 2008
Stupid Pikmin and Scary story about dan and his pikmin

Hello everyone! My name is fluffy, and me and my friend have been playing brawl and it is really fun. We also have been playing pikmin. Then, one day, my friend randomly typed a short story about pikmin. Ok, it was extremely stupid, but i have to admit, i was laughing so hard i couldn't breathe. Some of the jokes were inside jokes, but we wondered if the rest of the world would laugh at them too. So we decided we'd post a few and if poeple thought they were kinda funny, we'd write more. You will find that most of these jokes are pikmin related, but i decided to put some smash jokes, too. some of you will find these really stupid, or some will laugh really hard. The first few may seem...odd, but soon we will stop using inside jokes and use more ones you might get. I don't know...tell me what you think.

PS My friend isn't a member here yet, but he will be getting one shortly. Thanks!

PSS Dont yell at me for grammer, i wasnt paying attention to that.

STORY I The Pikmin discovery
By fluffy1021

One day on the pikmn planet, olimar was searching for his last ship part,which
would get him off the planet. So he led his pikmin over a river, and they all
died except his blue ones. Then he found his ship part and when his blues were
about to grab it, a new enemy popped out. It wasn’t a monster he ever saw
before. It was ryan, the pikmin hater. So olimar threw all his blues at ryan,
but ryan ate every single one as he threw them. “ahhhhhhhhhh” screamed olimar as
he ran away and got away safely. Back at the ship, a tiny black pikmin walked up
to him. “hello” it said. “hi, I never saw a black pikmin before” said olimar. “I
cant help u alone, but if u let me bring u to the black pikmin colony, we can
work together to help u kill ryan the pikmin hater. So olimar got his friend
louie and they all headed to the black pikmin colony.as they walked threw the
forest of hope, about 10 bulbins, red bug things with white spots, popped out of
nowhere. Louie and olimar screamed, but then the black pikmin said “die u ****in
bulbins.” The black pikmin took out a gun and started shooting the bulbins.
“what the ****!!!” said louie and olimar. “we want more black pikmins!” they
said. Once the bulbins were dead, the black pikmin spoke. “well, black pikmin
are kinda extinct, but I no how u can get more!” “You lied you *****! You said
you would take us to an entire colony!” said louie. “if u pick up that black
coin that says 50,000 on it, and carry it to my onion, u will get an army of
me!” he said. So louie and olimar carried the heavy coin, struggling, and
brought it to the black onion. As they put it in, 50,000 olimars came out of the
onion. “what the ****!!!!!” said olimar. The black pikmin shot all of the clone
olimars. “my bad. I forgot to tell you that whoever puts the coin in the onion
gets cloned. But I no where another black 50,000 coin is. Folo me. Ill carry it
this time. “so we wasted our time and strength by carrying that coin for no
reason? I bet u new that all along!” screamed olimar. “ya I did…but I thought it
would be funny if u cloned urself. And it was fun to shoot the clones” olimar
turned red with anger. “how come I didn’t get cloned? I helped, too!” said
louie. “because no one likes you” said olimar. Finally, they found the other
50,000 black coin, and the black pikmin easily brought it to the black onion.
Then a ton of black pikmin shot out of the onion. “pluck them out” said the
black pikmin. They did so, but it took an hour. Then olimar said “ok guys, ready
to help us go kill ryan?” the black pikmin then said “gwahahahaha. You fools! I
tricked you into reviving my army! Now we shall take over the world!” said the
black pikmin leader. Then all of the black pikmin ate louie and he died, but
olimar saw a roller coaster and jumped into it. “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
he screamed as it dropped 50 million feet. Then the roller coaster started
flying upward at full speed. At the top, olimar saw that the track ended. The
cart flew off the track. Olimar jumped out just in time. He landed on his boingy
thingy that’s on his head, and it saved his life. He got away from the black
pikmins, but the roller coaster brought him to a place that felt strangely
familiar. As he looked around, he saw it. The last ship part. He new what would
happen next. He turned around, and ryan was staring at him. “time to die!!!!!!!”
said ryan. “minions!” ryan called out. Then thousands of black pikmin fell from
the sky. “now u will die!” said ryan. This last boss was harder than olimar
thought. Then he turned around and saw a tiny orange pikmin behind him. Instead
of a flower or leaf on top of his head, it had a fuse. “IT GO BOOM!” screamed
ryan. In 2 seconds, the orane pikmin exploded, killing everyone except olimar.
Olimar took the last ship part to his ship, and went home. As he flew through
space, he hurd a thud on the top of his ship. He looked on top of his ship, and
then saw louie hanging on, holding a gun. “I thought u were dead!” screamed
olimar. Louie head blood and scratches all over himself. “you left me behind!
Now ill kill you!” screamed louie as he shot blasts from his lazer gun. Since
louie was hanging on to the massage machine, olimar pressed the eject massage
machine button, since he didn’t need the massage machine. Then louie got
ejected, and went flying threw space. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” screamed louie, as he
died. Olimar landed back home, and visited his family, and they were all happy…

STORY II PIKMIN: The return olimar
By fluffy1021
Back at home, olimar and his son were playing there new game system, the
Nintendo wii. “wat the ****, im sick of playing with wii sports. Lets get a new
one” said olimar junior. “ok son” said olimar. At the game store, junior was
walking down the aisles. Then he saw something. It was as if it hypnotized him
or something. He just stared at what he saw. The words “wii play” seemed to
attract him. “OMG I MUST BUY THIS GAME OMG MUST BUY WII PLAY.” So olimar bought
junior wii play. All day long, junior played wii play. He couldn’t stop.
Meanwhile, all around the world, people were buying wii play. All around the
galaxy, people were buying wii play. All over the universe, people were buying
wii play. The next day, olimar went for a walk. No one was outside. They were
all inside playing wii play. Olimar was suspicious. The next day, everyone
started walking around saying “all hail the emperor, all hail the emperor, all
hail the emperor.” Olimar was the only person in the universe who hadn’t play
wii play! “join us join us join us” everyone started saying to olimar. Olimar
was chased home. He locked his doors and ran to his garage, where he kept his
ship. He scanned the wii play disc. The readings were coming from the pikmin
planet! He had to find out what was going on, and stop this madness!!!

Olimar landed on the planet. Then he saw a weird creature. It was a bulbin, a
creature he’d seen before. “hey, your that olimar guy! The one who killed ryan
and the black pikmin! Well, you’ll find that this planet has changed since the
last time you’ve been here! Well, I didn’t have lunch, so mabey I could eat y-”,
there was a gunshot, and then the bulbin fell dead. There is heavy metal music
playing in the background, and olimar blows off his gun.

Now, the story begins. So olimar goes to his ship and takes some pikmin he
saved from his last journey. Olimar wanders around until he sees a bridge. Then
he threw a fat purple pikmin at it. Then it collapsed. “oops” he said. So he
wandered around until he saw a huge factory. Guarding it was someone named
charzard. “hey stupid, u have wings but u cant fly” said olimar. “yes I can”
said charzard. Then olimar saw a cliff. “fly across that cliff. Charzard did,
but he couldn’t fly so he fell down the cliff. Then olimar walked into the
factory where they made wii play. There were wii plays being made everywhere.
Olimar saw a switch that could make the machine turn off, but he was too lazy,
so he threw a fat purple pikmin at the machine so it blue up. Then this guy
named ike ran down from up stairs. “hey you! Wat the **** r u doing down here.
Hey u blew up the machine!” he said. “well the universe is already under the
emperor’s control, so we don’t care is we are out of wii play. You see, the
emperor used wii play to hypnotize everyone” said ike. Olimar asked who the
emperor was, and ike said louie. “but I killed louie” said olimar. “well he came
back to life” said ike. So anyway ike chased olimar out of the factory and
killed a purple pikmin because they are so fat and stupid and slow and ugly.
Then olimar saw the cliff charzard fell down. Then he saw a golden hammer and
picked picked it up because they have the power to fly. So olimar used it to
start flying across the cliff. Then ike saw a normal hammer and tried to fly
across the cliff with it, but normal hammers aren’t magic, so he fell down the
cliff. Finally olimar made it to the other side. “I need to find louie and kill
him so everything is back to normal.” Thought olimar. So olimar brought his
pikmin around and said ok folo me. Instead they started attacking grass. The
olimar whistled so they would come back, but they kept attacking the grass. Then
olimar shouted “GET THE F*** OVER HERE” and then they came. Then they saw a
bulbin sleeping, so olimar threw some yellow pikmin over to some bomb rocks.
They picked them up. Olimar threw his pikmin at the bulbin and the bulbin woke
up and was all like “wat da f***” as they started killing it. But stupid olimar
threw his bomb rock pikmin last and they blew up all the pikmin, and olimar was
al alone but good thing the bulbin was dead. So he wanted to find some more
pikmin. He started walking forward, pikminless. Then he thought, I need to take
a p**, so he went over to a bush. The his weeny got bit and he was like wat the
#$@! Now I cant be anymore. So he looked down and it was pichachu. He kicked it
to china. Then he looked and saw a castle. On his way he plucked a few pikmin.
He went throught the castle killing bulbin gaurds until he saw a big door,
guarded by an elephant. The elephant was like “I have fire so I can kill all ur
pikmin” and olimar was like “I don’t care” and kicked it in the balls so it
Now olimar went through the big doors and saw the emperor aka louie. then louie
was like “well well well if it isn’t olimar. Im glad we meet again. Now I can
destroy u once and for all! I am in control of the universe, along with my
minions! Its all thanks to wii play!” to put it short, olimar shot louie in the
face, blew up the control center of the wii play, and everyone was back to
normal. So olimar went home, and junior bought a new game called wii fit...

NOTE: Those were some of our first stories. They will sound a little, or alot, stupid. Here's another one of the first story. Like I said, the first few are alot of inside jokes. But we have plans for future stories that will hopefully be better. Please understand that the last two stories and the next two stories are completely unrelated. So, the storyline shouldn't match up. Now here ya go! This time, its a different author!

STORY III A Scary Story about Dan and His Pikmen

By oventoastedhashbrowns2

Since Dan had collected all of his ship parts with the Pikmen, he decided to give them a break. He decided to go camping with them to make them face there fears of the creatures that come at night (to me there not scary.) He made the Pikmen do all the work with no help like he always does. The purple ones set up the tent because they can’t do much because there so fat. The blue got the water and red started a fire. Then the white went and got the food. All the Pikmen were doing the work while Dan was in a beach chair drinking lemonade.
If you look at the picture
I provided you will see Dan and Olimar relaxing and drinking lemonade. I put the picture of a glass of lemonade because I couldn’t find two babies drinking lemonade and relaxing so you get the point. Now back to the camp site. When the Pikmen are done it is dark and there are monsters growling in the woods. The Pikmen are now scared so they run and hide in there so called “onions” which look nothing like and onion. Dan and Olimar just go over and magically pull them out of the onions. Don’t ask how because I don’t know they just do it. So when the Pikmen come flying out, they hide behind Dan and Olimar because they here another monster growl. So since Dan and Olimar are so mean because they boss there Pikmen around all day, half the time the Pikmen don’t even know what there doing, Dan and Olimar decided to tell the Pikmen scary stories. While they are telling the story they hear all the monsters go away. Dan and Olimar think that the scary story scared them away so they kept on telling it. Right now the Pikmen are so scared that if they were wearing socks they would pop right out of them. Then, all of a sudden a Dan and Olimar hear really loud monster scream. It was nothing like them dumb frog sound or the stupid elephants or bugs or what ever other dumb monster they have in the game. This was the weirdest sound they have ever heard so now, not only were the Pikmen scared (Well the Pikmen are always scared) Dan and Olimar were scared to. Instead of running into there ships and flying away which would be the smart thing to do, they jumpt and hid in the tent and started screaming like little babies.

So now they are sranded in the tent with no place to go. They hear the strange monster scream again, but this time it is closer. They are still crying, but now they are crying even harder and louder.
Then they see the shadow of the creature and it is huge. The creature lifts up the tent and kills all the Pikmen and Olimar. Now Dan and the creature are face to face. Dan has seen the monster before. It was Ryan, but he was huge to Dan because Dan was really tiny. Then Ryan steps on Dan and Dan Is dead.

The End

NOTE: Here it is! The final rough draft. After this, we will be making all new stories filled with betterness!

STORY IV Dumb Pikmen
By oventoastedhashbrowns2

If you read the first story you should now that Dan and Olimar are magic. So some how they magically come back to life after being stepped on by ryan and again don’t ask why because they just freaking do! So as in Dan’s story Ryan is dead so we won’t be talking about him any more and he wasn’t that funny either. Now I’ll just get back to the story. Dan and Olimar actually fly away when they don’t even need to now when they did when Ryan was coming, but now they hid in a tent and cried like little babies.
I couldn’t find a little baby so as you can see this baby is really… how should I put this… large… no…. ah ha I got it FAT. Yes the baby is fat and Dumb like Dan and Olimar. So they are flying away when some how Dan and Olimar crash like they did earlier and the pieces, again, magically scatter into five different worlds. So now they have to beat every not so scary monster and walk for miles without getting tired. And I defiantly won’t forget the most important detail that Dan and Olimar do best………. They boss there Pikmen around while they do umm nothing. So for some reason they only have 36 days to do it and the Pikmen are still scared.(when aren’t they scared?) So on there journey they see to small little red things that have white dots. When they see it they all have flash backs of Ryan so they take off running and screaming when this monster thing is so small they can step on it. Now they are so scared that they make another tent to hide in while the monsters are coming after them. (Which they’re not, Dan, Olimar, and the Pikmen just think they are because they are dumb.) Ooo ya and did I mention that it was the Pikmen Idea to set up the tent and hide in it because they are so dumb. When they finally realize that the monsters aren’t following them they make the Pikmen go out and see if the monsters are there because Dan and Olimar are very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very bossy. When the Pikmen don’t come back and Dan and Olimar are.. POOW. “Holy ****. “screamed Olimar.The reason Olimar said that was that Dan pushed Olimar out of the tent to see if the Pikmen were alright. When Dan checked to see if everything was ok, there was a big mouth of those weird frog thing open in front of the tent door. So that meant that the Pikmen walked into the mouth of the frog because they didn’t know what it was so that meant that the Pikmen are dead. Then Dan remembered that he pushed Olimar out of the Tent. So that means “Wait! Olimar I’m coming!” To clear things up for the dum people reading this (cough cough Dan) Dan pushed Olimar into the mouth of the weird frog thing and it ate him so Dan jumped in to go and see if Olimar was alright so he got eaten too. So now you know that my characters die in every story and magically come back.

The End…. Or is it
No. It’s not the end because they all magically come back.
This is the best ever and you should compliment on it
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