Banned via Warnings
The online is a short-bus joke thats easy to manipulate with taunt party insecure geeks crouch spamming to tag team on the last of 3 opponents in a stock match WHEN I DIDNT EVEN ASK FOR A STOCK IN THE FIRST PLACE, I SAID TIME!! If you cant find a time then TELL ME! Dont ****ing put me in a stock. No-lifers single-handedly ruined smash online, its why we have ban restrictions in a party game(yea i said it, big whoop, thats how it started) where we can no longer taunt, and the violations consist of "ganging up on one player" and basically other **** that stemmed from bad players, so much so, that theres a ban for suiciding. I quit a match because two bums tag teamed on the other player after i was out and once they finished him they were just BSing and crouching the rest of the match so i quit. Stay for what? To give one of their victory screens attention? Hell no. Not to mention theres actually penalties for free for alls, why is there a penalty in general for anything that isnt ranked? What the **** is this enforced competitive rank mode NONSENSE? I can be competitive too but thats not why i ****ing play smash foremost. The online system is trash. Brawl was a given and once (skipped wii u) but not again. **** dealing with this again. theyre trying to make smash have an identity crisis to appeal to sweaties. /rant.