The Eternal Will of the Swarm
I'd rather read what they are saying because it kind of makes the story and some of the jokes in the game nothing...sure I can figure it out...I beat Pokemon Silver before I got it in Japanese...Everyone is such a wimp when it comes to this... Everyone is too scared to play it because he has japanese. So what? There's pictures next to every item, and the scenes explain themselves VERY well. I almost knew NOTHING about MOTHER3 when I bought it, except that you can press the select button in battles to bring up pictures of items and the main family's names. As for what to do in places, it's not THAT hard to figure out. Worst case scenario, you have to talk to everyone you can or press A rapidly over a small area to find something, etc. I did NOT use a translation guide, yet I figured out the major parts of the story.
...It lessens the story and stuff though