I don't think "it is our job" to facilitate a perfectly balanced game.
If that were the case, we should ban the entire top and high tier since they all pretty much **** the low tiers. For the game to be as balanced and competitive as possible we would probably have to ban every character except falcon, ganon, sonic, link and jiggs. Also we should ban every stage except smashville.
our job as a community is to promote a diverse, fun game that is reasonably conducive to tournament play, and if that is impossible--to find a new game to play.
We make tons and tons of concessions in Smash for the sake of fun and diversity, such as allowing obviously dumb counterpick stages to remain legal, and allowing OP'd stuff like chaingrabbing.
all that aside though
my opinion is that MK is NOWHERE NEAR as bad as this community has begun to make him out to be. It's getting kind of ridiculous. The legend of Metaknight is starting to precede the actual attributes of the character.
Your argument does not make sense. You are making claims that have no logical basis and than not backing up your claims at all.
If mk were to be banned it doesnt mean that other characters could or would be banned. What you are arguing is called an illogical slippery slope argument. A logical slippery slope argument goes something like this: Man A is bald. If you add one hair to his head is he still bald? What about one more? He is still bald isn't he? I can go on like this for a while as I am sure you can see, to the point were it becomes difficult to define when baldness ends. This is a logical slippery slope argument. Your argument however is not because there is a clear difference between mk and every other character in the cast. mk, for example has no bad match-ups and no bad stages; this is not true for any other character in the game.
Also what concessions do we make? There is nothing wrong with chain-grabbing it does not imbalance the game. There is also nothing wrong with the stage list as it diversifies the game. Making the only legal stage smashville or some variation like that would extremely buff characters like dedede, snake and diddy, which would make the game less balanced, not more.
theONEjanitor said:
our job as a community is to promote a diverse, fun game that is reasonably conducive to tournament play, and if that is impossible--to find a new game to play.
I am glad you think this way because what you are saying fits with my argument. If banning mk promotes a diverse, fun game that is reasonably conductive to tournament play, than he should be banned.
I really suggest you read
Eyada is neutral to mk being banned but makes an excellent point as to what criteria warrants a ban.