Smash Legend
- Joined
- Feb 16, 2006
- Messages
- 11,870
I'm sure lots of you people in the NU tournament don't want to share your super duper seekrit strategies, but I'm sure we can discuss more general things.
For starters, usage statistics on the NU Server's Ladder:
Why is Medicham NU, again?
For starters, usage statistics on the NU Server's Ladder:
565 Medicham
564 Gardevoir
453 Sandslash
451 Gligar
448 Skuntank
442 Pinsir
422 Jumpluff
379 Manectric
366 Dusclops
363 Slowking
357 Magneton
318 Flareon
305 Relicanth
296 Primeape
293 Entei
280 Hitmonchan
274 Exeggutor
271 Lickilicky
253 Persian
250 Leafeon
232 Drifblim
230 Poliwrath
228 Linoone
217 Ninetales
205 Tauros
203 Haunter
183 Floatzel
180 Venomoth
174 Regice
172 Gorebyss
167 Hypno
163 Camerupt
160 Gastrodon
150 Rhydon
147 Cloyster
144 Armaldo
143 Ursaring
140 Marowak
136 Dodrio
132 Purugly
130 Muk
129 Kangaskhan
129 Golduck
125 Lapras
124 Cradily
123 Probopass
118 Glaceon
117 Parasect
109 Regigigas
108 Aggron
105 Vileplume
105 Gabite
105 Ampharos
104 Banette
97 Cacturne
96 Shedinja
95 Victreebel
87 Sharpedo
86 Zangoose
86 Articuno
83 Bibarel
82 Slaking
81 Luxray
81 Hippopotas
78 Munchlax
77 Quagsire
77 Bastiodon
76 Wailord
74 Rapidash
73 Butterfree
72 Shuckle
71 Sneasel
71 Lopunny
70 Jynx
69 Qwilfish
69 Meganium
65 Torkoal
65 Shelgon
64 Snover
61 Solrock
60 Piloswine
59 Rampardos
51 Walrein
51 Kecleon
49 Sudowoodo
49 Pikachu
48 Seviper
48 Kingler
47 Raticate
41 Golem
38 Kadabra
37 Monferno
36 Dustox
35 Golbat
34 Granbull
34 Arbok
33 Pelipper
33 Mantine
33 Ditto
32 Magmar
32 Machoke
30 Vigoroth
30 Dragonair
29 Delibird
29 Cleffa
29 Clefairy
28 Sableye
28 Chatot
27 Xatu
27 Lunatone
26 Tropius
26 Shiftry
26 Mr. Mime
26 Electabuzz
26 Clamperl
25 Glalie
24 Sunflora
24 Raichu
24 Phione
24 Octillery
24 Chimecho
23 Politoed
23 Metang
23 Magcargo
23 Huntail
23 Dunsparce
23 Bellossom
21 Lumineon
21 Ledian
13 Wigglytuff
12 Plusle
12 Girafarig
12 Crawdaunt
11 Porygon
11 Minun
11 Grumpig
11 Carnivine
10 Pidgeot
10 Delcatty
10 Corsola
9 Togetic
9 Roselia
9 Ariados
8 Exploud
8 Duskull
7 Voltorb
7 Trapinch
7 Togepi
7 Shuppet
7 Pachirisu
7 Mightyena
7 Magnemite
7 Krabby
7 Bonsly
7 Beedrill
6 Yanma
6 Marshtomp
6 Eevee
6 Cranidos
6 Beautifly
5 Tangela
5 Prinplup
5 Noctowl
5 Masquerain
5 Glameow
4 Stantler
4 Murkrow
4 Misdreavus
4 Graveler
4 Furret
4 Farfetch'd
4 Diglett
3 Wormadam-s
3 Vibrava
3 Swalot
3 Seaking
3 Rattata
3 Castform
2 Whiscash
2 Spinda
2 Mothim
2 Combusken
1 Wormadam
1 Unown
1 Sunkern
1 Skorupi
1 Remoraid
1 Pidgeotto
1 Nidorino
1 Nidorina
1 Meowth
1 Meditite
1 Mawile
1 Kabuto
1 Ivysaur
1 Illumise
1 Growlithe
1 Fearow
1 Ekans
1 Dewgong
1 Chimchar
1 Charmeleon
1 Charmander
1 Bronzor