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The Mystery Man


Smash Apprentice
Oct 7, 2005
Jeez, looking at the "Build A Strategy" thread by Rapid Assassin is really helpful. But I couldn't help but notice something...most other players that give advice about Olimar still have NO idea what is true or false about him. There are still people who think that the flowers really do effect Pikmin performance and that didn't know you can kill Pikmin only while they were away from Olimar...

Idea...Spam other forums with false information??? Lol. But seriously though, how do you think we can use this to our advantage?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 21, 2007
Fill up the front page with threads like "Flower'd White Pikmin KO's at 50%" :')


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2005
Don't spam other forums with false info. That solves nothing, and only makes you look like an idiot. Make a thread similar to the Ike threads in the boards that no one posted an Olimar thread in. Maybe ask your friends who don't main Olimar to make them so it's less suspicious.

And yeah, people are going to give ******** advice when they have NO CLUE what he actually is and is not capable of. They just hear "His recovery sucks. I'll gimp him and it's a free win." without any real strategy for getting him off the stage in the first place, for example.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 21, 2007
Lots of peoples just seem to freak out and don't know what to do when they play an Olimar that knows what he's capable of. I played a Ness a couple of days ago. He had beaten lots of other people already, but I 3-stocked him (3 stock matches) and when I read his comment on me afterwards he said like "Wow, those Pikmin sure can be annoying. Never expected an Olimar to be that good."

It's just a matter of knowing your weaknesses. A wise man once said that your weaknesses can be turned around into your strong points. ^^


Smash Ace
Apr 23, 2008
ACT, Australia
Don't spam other forums with false info. That solves nothing, and only makes you look like an idiot. Make a thread similar to the Ike threads in the boards that no one posted an Olimar thread in. Maybe ask your friends who don't main Olimar to make them so it's less suspicious.

And yeah, people are going to give ******** advice when they have NO CLUE what he actually is and is not capable of. They just hear "His recovery sucks. I'll gimp him and it's a free win." without any real strategy for getting him off the stage in the first place, for example.
I'll side with him. Let's beat them fair and square, eh?


Smash Apprentice
Oct 7, 2005
I'll side with him. Let's beat them fair and square, eh?
Oh I know it was just kinda funny. I just thought it would make for interesting discussion, i.e. "White flower Pikimin KO at 50%" lol. I mean what do you think that some people would believe about Olimar?


Apr 10, 2008
Jeez, looking at the "Build A Strategy" thread by Rapid Assassin is really helpful. But I couldn't help but notice something...most other players that give advice about Olimar still have NO idea what is true or false about him. There are still people who think that the flowers really do effect Pikmin performance and that didn't know you can kill Pikmin only while they were away from Olimar...

Idea...Spam other forums with false information??? Lol. But seriously though, how do you think we can use this to our advantage?
are these rhetorical questions? i can answer them if you like. in fact i'd like to answer them anyways, if you don't mind.

g.Explanation of pikmin evolution differences
After doing numerous tests with the help of Projectiled we found there to be no difference between the different types of pikmin (i.e. leaf, b ud, flower).
The following things we confirmed about the subject:

* No variation in damage
* No variation in knockback
* No variation in average latch number
* No variation in durability
* No additional 'armor'
* No healing benefits (when we first noticed the 1% armor, we questioned if perhaps the process of upgrading to the new form reset the damage)
* No variation in range
* No variation in return/moving/flying speed
* No variation in attack lag or windup
* No variation in 'elemental' attack
you may have seen this list that echo so helpfully made, but i found an error in it. feel free to test this out yourself, but from my tests, i found out that the average latch # is affected by flowers and buds. this was a very long time ago that i found this out so forgive the minor errors. they're besides the point i'm trying to make.

scenario: olimar v wolf in training mode. 0% damage for both. I threw white pikmen at wolf several times while in leaf mode.(reset after max hits) the average hit with leafys was 8 hits. buds- average hit was 8, but they sometimes hit 9 times.(roughly 25%)
flowers-average hit was 8, but hit 9 times sometimes also.(roughly 40%!)

conclusion-flowers do affect a small aspect of olimar's game. i havn't done any more testing beyond that b/c i simply didn't feel like it. the tests were done directly next to wolf so the timing factor is PRETTY much eliminated(still more factors though, possibly)

-pikmen can be hit and killed when you attack with them. Is this what you meant koloblican? they can be killed directly after an upsmash or fsmash.

some people just aren't sure of things they post, which can contradict other posts. the only way we can circumvent this is to only post what you/I KNOW to be true, and suggest and state what you BELIEVE to be true with parentheses.

ex. White pikmen do more damage when thrown, but have less "hp"(i think this to be true, check me on it)

something like that.it is frustrating though. I feel it.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 7, 2005
are these rhetorical questions? i can answer them if you like. in fact i'd like to answer them anyways, if you don't mind.

you may have seen this list that echo so helpfully made, but i found an error in it. feel free to test this out yourself, but from my tests, i found out that the average latch # is affected by flowers and buds. this was a very long time ago that i found this out so forgive the minor errors. they're besides the point i'm trying to make.

scenario: olimar v wolf in training mode. 0% damage for both. I threw white pikmen at wolf several times while in leaf mode.(reset after max hits) the average hit with leafys was 8 hits. buds- average hit was 8, but they sometimes hit 9 times.(roughly 25%)
flowers-average hit was 8, but hit 9 times sometimes also.(roughly 40%!)

conclusion-flowers do affect a small aspect of olimar's game. i havn't done any more testing beyond that b/c i simply didn't feel like it. the tests were done directly next to wolf so the timing factor is PRETTY much eliminated(still more factors though, possibly)

-pikmen can be hit and killed when you attack with them. Is this what you meant koloblican? they can be killed directly after an upsmash or fsmash.

some people just aren't sure of things they post, which can contradict other posts. the only way we can circumvent this is to only post what you/I KNOW to be true, and suggest and state what you BELIEVE to be true with parentheses.

ex. White pikmen do more damage when thrown, but have less "hp"(i think this to be true, check me on it)

something like that.it is frustrating though. I feel it.
I just meant you can normally play lots of mind tricks on people if you know what your doing. Because as a couple have people have said before, there are lots of people that are just confused when up against an Olimar. They don't understand our play style.

I guess the main point of this thread is to use your knowledge about Olimar, and the knowledge that your opponent probably doesn't know **** about him, and use that to your advantage.


Apr 10, 2008
hmmm... in the future, people will be more informed on how to play against olimar. for the meanwhile, if you don't care about bad habits, you can take advantage of this and spam shieldgrabs and upsmashes if you want to. I don't want to do this though, as it leads to bad habits... i'd rather assume my opponent knows how to play against olimar and make my split-second descisions/choices knowing that.

Edit:having said that, it's pretty sad what some people post. check out the white pikmen thread, and read some of that(particularly the comment after mine.)(no offense link dude, if you are reading this.:))
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