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The Money Pitt

Blatt Blvd

Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2008
Blatt Blvd
its been about 6 weeks since we closed on my newly purchased house.

and let me say, this was the worst decision of my life so far.

first off the lender is telling me, "you'll be paying round $700 a month".

I was like,"WHAOOOOOO, I'm gonna have so much money for weed every month!!!"

great, right???


apparently the lender didnt like my idea of haveing a 700 dollar a month weed budget to **** with, so he decided to tack on an additional 750 bucks in insurance and taxes.

huge blow to my pockets and too late to get out, so I move in anyways.

the first week everything was fine and dandy.

then, without warning, a 200 dollar fan i had installed in the living room decides to come crashing down from a leak in my roof that some pest control guy prolly created when he was in the attic screwing with termite and other house hating insects($500).


not only that, but the leak spread all the way to the kitchen and is leaking into bowls on top of my brand new wood cabinets as i type this.

so there we have about 10,000 bucks for a new roof that I HAVE TO HAVE in order to not get rained on while i play fat princess and hd remix on my 50 inch plasma in my living room.

so the roof bull **** gets thrown at us and not 2 days later out a/c unit condenser decides to take a **** and leak through the walls into the room where all our boxes were that we didnt unpack yet.

what a mess.

plus the unit outside was over 25 years old, so it would have been trash within a year.

so another 1500 moneys out of my pocket and into some scum bag who thrives off of good hearted people like me(i build buildings).

and thats not including the 300 dollars i paid my buddy to install the **** thing(took the guy 6 hours, i couldnt just let him do it for free, and for someone to install in from the place we bought the 2 units would have cost almost as much the condenser).

so we fix that and now my pool pump is sucking air and is completely useless til i find someone to come take more money from me.

weed is not helping me cope with my problems either.
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