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The Mirage Slaying Everyman: Itsuki Aoi for Smash Switch (Happy Birthday To You)

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Itsuki Slays Like The Popstar He Is!

Who is this highschool student?

Itsuki is the main protagonist of the Atlus/Intelligent Systems RPG Tokyo Mirage Sessions and one of the first few Mirage Masters unknowingly recruited by the mysterious Fortuna Entertainment Studio. He's described as compassionate and helpful character that will do anything to help others achieve their dreams despite his lack of interest in the entertainment business. His desire to save Tsubasa is what dragged him into the business and wanting to help her find out what happened with her disappeared sister years ago. He does happen to run into some interesting characters on the way like his friend Touma (who happened to be a Mirage Master before him and Tsubasa) and even Chrom (Yes, the same blue haired Ylissian Prince we all know and love). Even he goes to appreciate the industry itself after enough training beside his allies under the care of Barry, a retired Mirage Master and hardcore Magical Girl fan. Through the course of the story, Chrom grows to trust Itsuki as a partner and vows to help him fight his way to the top and encourage others in need of help.
What merits does he have? Why should we care about this blank slate?

Tokyo Mirage Sessions is celebrated and described as a anniversary project of both Fire Emblem and Shin Megami Tensei. Initially backlash aside, the game is sill well received and initially hailed as a cult classic RPG on the Wii U. Even the promotional concert managed to make more money than the game's launch sales themselves in Japan. There is still hints that this universe can be expanded in the future (both straightforward and subtle) based on statements from the team and Atlus PR material (mostly the Japanese poll). The show is over, but it can go on as long as he's got enough Performa.
While Itsuki's character is "mixed" from fans as a character, he's meant to be an amalgamation of a FE and SMT protagonist. This works because it allows you to put yourself in his shoes. Even he does have options where you can jokingly give a negative answer to a question. Fact of the matter is, most characters wouldn't accomplish most of their jobs and feats if it weren't for him (like Tsubasa finally being that idol she dreamed of) and saving the world from the Shadow Dragon. He's pretty much a standard RPG hero, which isn't bad on its own. It's more about the potential he can bring with his Mirage Master skills.
Itsuki's Moveset Capabilities and Abilities

The crossover's combat is turn-based and predicated on discovering and exploiting enemy weaknesses . As in both Shin Megami Tensei and Fire Emblem, enemies are weak to specific element or weapon types. Not that Itsuki would need to carry a stamina/weakness gimmick since using said SMT spells, mostly Lightning and Wind, are good enough for his character. The player can also trigger Session Attack combos where the other party members follow up the attacking character's blow with strikes of their own. As party members gain affinity, they can also learn dual attacks where pairs of characters can combine their strength to deal high damage. This could potentially used as a unique gimmick for Itsuki as his tag team attacks with Chrom makes them an unstoppable force. So in a way, the character can work as a summoner along with the use of his trademark rapier (which is implied to be based on Chrom's sword with a different appearance).
But that's not all, Mirages can also be involved in their playstayle for which they can act as sort of a stand that appears for certain attacks akin to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Itsuki can even briefly summon Chrom from his weapon for the more stronger attacks. Even a potential Final Smash could involve a double attack between Chrom and Itsuki. Their bonds are inseparable thus making them an effective team for Smash. There's also potential in the Ad-Lib Attacks too, allowing him to use effectively stronger attacks like screaming through a microphone for a sonic boom or using the power of his allies performa to perform a powerful slash from his rapier. There's a lot of tricks this Fortuna Entertainment veteran can do.
Arguments From the Performa-less Souls
Itsuki is too boring to be in Smash! He's just another freaking swordsman!
Like I've said, he's meant to be a blank slate. Smash isn't supposed to be about bringing personality when it's a fighting game. They rarely have meaningful dialogue other than taunts and victory animations. Even Marth, who is dubbed one of the most boring Fire Emblem Lords, shows enough personality through his swordsmanship and surprisingly cool Japanese. The other characters are more interesting, but he matters the most from a narrative perspective next to Tsubasa Oribe, who's the company's biggest idol. So what's the harm in him being there because of his "blandness"? And he's already got enough going for him with the Ad-Lib Attacks and Mirage Mastery to make his swordsmanship less bland. Can Marth sing his opponents to death with a magic microphone? So the "another boring swordsman" card shouldn't need to be applied here.
Ugh, we have too many freaking Fire Emblem characters!
You are technically right and wrong since this game is more of an original IP than a legit crossover. Sure it contains the copyrighted Fire Emblem characters as the Mirage partners to the original characters (Itsuki and Chrom as a perfect example), but most of everything is completely original while borrowing elements of Shin Megami Tensei and Fire Emblem. So he would most likely have something original like the "#" symbol instead of the Jack Frost face or Marth's Falchion. And the SMT spells in addition to the Mirage system would be proven to be effective for a new, original fighting style that the current Fire Emblem cast lacks. Even the last relevant Wii U Nintendo Direct revealed it specifically as a new IP instead of a crossover. Saying these characters belong to Fire Emblem is like saying Sora is a Final Fantasy character (which isn't true).
But this game is hated by fans of both series and Sakurai would not want to add something that is hated by them!
The Other M content would like to have a word with you. We all know that the game is considered the worst in the franchise and ruined Samus's character, but that still didn't stop the team from making most of everything (stage, Samus's design, etc) inspired by it in the long run. And may I remind you that we also have an abundance of clones (who are last minute appetizers as stated by Sakurai) and the video game equivalent of Scrappy Doo in the roster (who would eventually turn the heads of his former detractors from the 80's and 90's and redeem his controversial character). So whether or not the Megaten and Fire Emblem fanbase hates the crossover should have no effect on Itsuki appearing in Smash. And he does have a big fandom as seen in Japan with his doujins (if you are into that stuff) and Pixiv fanart (which fictional birthdays are taken seriously there).
Shouldn't Tsubasa be considered since she's also a main character? Aren't the other characters more likable and developed? We don't know which one of them is more likely to be in Smash!
It depends on who the original team finds worthy enough to be their own character. Toma, Kiria, Eleonora, and Mamori aren't very likely since they are side characters of the party despite having the more unique weapons/Mirages. In terms of who should represent Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, it should be between Itsuki and aforementioned Tsubasa. The former is the true main characters would would join Fortuna Entertainment with his friend despite his lack of interest in the industry while most of the story focuses on the latter who mostly appears in the trailers out of the entire cast to show off how the Fortuna Industry works. Lord Itsuki has Chrom as his partner and wields a rapier while Tsubasa is a Pegasus Knight with her lance and Sheeda as her partner. One of these two characters would be picked by Sakurai or the team that wants to promote TMS#FE in Smash while any other non-used characters can have roles on the Idolsphere stage that goes along with that character. Even then, Itsuki is more important given
was the one who slain Medeus after getting juiced up on Marth's original Performa and become the president of the entire company in the game's true ending, effectively replacing Maiko.
. Tsubasa is more of a promotional character who's character arc is relevant in the first half of the game and fanservice. Therefore, he is a true star of the game.
Moveset (Work in Progress)

Entrance Animation: Chrom appears in a flash before his master Itsuki (in his school attire) leaps above him for a pillar of light to engulf both. ld result into Ituski wearing his Carnage Form attire as a result of the two assimilating with each other and he elegantly raises his blade into the air.
Idle Animation: Itsuki would be standing in a calm manner with serious posture and a look of professionalism, as his cape flutters in between the animation. There are times when he would either twirl his blade or even flip his hair backwards with a smile.
Walk: He walks slowly while holding his blade to his side with a determined look.
Run: He makes a quick dash similar to Marth, but it's a bit less "controlled" and slightly slower.
Sleeping Animation: He falls asleep on his knees while still holding his blade and the cape drooping on his legs.
Dizzy Animation: He holds his forehead with his free hand and wobbles while struggling to hold his blade with a deep moan.
Dodge Animation: He does a quick dodge similar Marth.
Itsuki swipes his blade once with Chrom appearing from his body to initiate another quick slice and his master deals the final stab. Continuously attacking after that last hit would result in Chrom dealing a flurry of slashes with his blade while Itsuki watches him from behind.
Forward Tilt
He does a quick backhand slice with Chrom following up with an upwards slash.
Up Tilt
Itsuki swings above himself with a serious face.
Down Tilt:
He deals a sideways slash while crouching.
Dash Attack:
Itsuki does a jumping slash while yelling with Chrom assisting with a similar gesture.
Neutral Air
Itsuki and Chrom deals a spinning slash together in a complete circle.
Forward Air
Itsuki commands Chrom to deal a powerful slash that acts as a Meteor Smash.
Back Air
Chrom does a vicious serious of slashes behind Itsuki while the later turns back cautiously. Chrom appears in a blur during this track since he's attack at a speed faster than the eye can see.
Up Air
Itsuki slashes above himself before Chrom follows up with another similar slash.
Down Air
Itsuki swings his blade downwards with his leg spread, meant to be an anti-air attack.
Forward Smash:
Itsuki raises his arm behinds him while Chrom appears with his weapon ready for an attack. He deals a blade slash attack and it can follow up with an upwards stab through Itsuki's command thanks to a second input (Think Toon Link's Double Forward Smash).
Up Smash:
Itsuki gathers electricity in his own blade while having his eyes closed in a charging stance. Then he yells while thrusting this blade into the air to initiate a powerful shock. This can function similar to Roy's Up Smash, with the lack of an explosion being the major difference.
Down Smash:
Itsuki holds his blade to the side as Chrom appears to the other side of him. Then the two would deal a powerful downwards slash to the opponent's feet for both sides.
Itsuki summons Chrom before him to reach out his right hand while the later yells "Get over here!".
Itsuki commands Chrom to continuously stab him while that victim is within his hardened grip.
Forward Throw
Chrom slashes the foe at his/her chest to knock his foe away while Itsuki does an "Over there!" gesture.
Back Throw:
Chrom passes the foe to Itsuki, whole then does a powerful slash that knocks the foe behind the both of them.
Up Throw:
Chrom knocks the foe into the air for Itsuki to quickly deal an uppercut on the foe before he/she flies above them.
Down Throw
Itsuki commands Chrom to kneel the foe into the ground while the latter tries to absorb their energy with his other hand (references all Mirage's hunger for Performa). This would result in a dark energy being injected into the foes body and they would be left lying on the floor a la Snake's Down Throw.
Neutral Special: Lightning Spell: Zio/Zionga/Mazio/Mazionga
Itsuki would use this classic Shin Megami Tensei spell to charge electricity into his blade while looking intense. Depending on the charge, he would cast a spell by its name and attacks his opponents with it. Zio allows a minor flash of lightning to appear before him which is the default press or minimum charge. Zionga allows him to launch a large bolt of lighting as strong as Pikachu's Thunder before him at medium charge. Mazio allows him to launch a series of lighting flashes before him in a row (with a length of a weak Hadouken) at a much larger charge. Then Mazionga allows him to launch powerful lighting bolts around his entire body at a length of two Charizards at maximum charge. Like Robin, he would have to be completely still to charge and would only be allowed to fully move around with that charge when it's full.
Side Special: Session Attack
The first part of this attack would result in Itsuki dashing at the foe with his blade ready for an attack. If this connects, he would deal a Fatal Stab to their body to cause the foe to fly. Pressing the Special Method again would result in Chrom appearing near the foe to deal another deadly attack to the opponent to knock him/her away. Pressing it for the last time would result in Itsuki to home in towards his opponent and deal the final strong attack. This would the two to combo their opponents with a consecutive attack from far way.
Over all, there are different variations of how the move works based on the direction of the button where Itsuki or Chrom are near the opponent after they press the Side Special move. The foe can be knocked to the side, into the air, or towards the ground based on this inputs (there are no backwards attacks with this special). Though the move can be rather risky since the third strike can lead Itsuki flying off bounds with the opponent and fall towards the ground in a defenseless manner after the attack.
When used in mid air, it allows him to do an aerial dash and works very well as a great recovery move if there aren't any opponents in the way. It more or less functions the same with all three Side Special pressed when you are near an opponent or if you send Chrom after him.her during the second press.
Up Special: Performa Boost
Itsuki engulfs himself in the rainbow aura while holding his blade out in a calm manner. Based on the directional input, he would launch himself in that direction in a powerful burst of Peforma like a rocket. Pressing the attack button when an opponent is struck by this drilling move, allows Chrom to appear and knock the opponent away with a slash a la Meta Knight's Dimensional Cape.
Down Special: Rakukaja
Ituski would say "The power of Performa is within me!" while swingy his blade around with a blue light emanating from the blade. This would result in him holding it into the air and emanating a flash of blue light from his body. This would eventually allow himself to raise the defense of anyone that's near him in a Team Battle (or himself in a regular match) for a short amount of time (5-8 seconds).
The main thing with this spell is that he can now take the more heavier attacks without flinching or serious knock back while a blue light continuously glows from his body. While this may sound broken in context, it does have a few downsides like sacrificing his own speed and light weight to make himself a heavier target in battle. This would be proven dangerous if you are dealing with a fast opponent or having trouble recovering to the stage.
Final Smash: Void Blade
Based on one of his Critical Arts, Itsuki would toss his blade at the opponent while yelling "Chrom, assist me!". This is a Final Smash that depends on the number of opponents that are hit by the flying blade (which moves as far as your average Fire Emblem Critical Attack in Smash) and it triggers a cutscene where the attacked foes windup in the Idolsphere with a series of evil Mirages surrounding him. But all is lost when these supernatural baddies would be sliced away in a flash due to Chrom's blinding speed.
This would result in the shady Mirage appearing before his victims with his twin Falchions while yelling "It's time for you to die like those monsters!" in a frightening voice. Then he deals a few powerful slashes to his victims in the Idolsphere while the crowd cheers within each hit. Then he would eventually finish things off with a cross slash to send his opponents flying out the stage with the crowd cheering. Then it returns to regular gameplay with the foe flying (and possibly KO's based on their damage input) with Chrom appearing behind Itsuki while laughing. This would result in Itsuki doing a victorious pose with a smile before the latter reenters his body.
Taunt 1: Itsuki raises his blade into the air with a calm face and quickly swings it to the side as a reference to his in-game idle animation.
Taunt 2: He takes out his cellphone and checks his messages with the familiar bottom click sounds being made during that "message". Then he hangs it up and his blade appears again when it's over.
Taunt 3: Itsuki swings his blade extravagantly with a smile and laughs while his cape flutters. Then Chrom appears to briefly scold him and his young master shrugs in an embarrassed manner.
Victory Animation 1: Itsuki slashes a few times seriously with Chrom appearing beside him for the last swing. "It's show time!" they both yell after that final slash.
Victory Animation 2: Itsuki reverts back into his Civilian Form in a flash and rubs the back of his head with a smile. His last words would be "That was a pretty hard performance, don't you think?" as Chrom appears to watch his fatigued master.
Victory Animation 3: Itsuki sings part of the lyrics for Reincarnation without his weapon while Chrom already appears next to him. This time he would place his hand on Itsuki's shoulder to stop him and the latter does a nervous laugh.
Itsuki's Hit Single: Smile Smile
Fortuna Entertainment Itsuki Aoi Fandom
Yomi's Biggest Fan
Aussie the Shinobi
Professor Pumpkaboo
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
"Tsubasa is more of a promotional character who's character arc is relevant in the first half of the game and fanservice."


Also, the random fact about his doujins is random.

Though I still prefer Tsubasa as the TMS rep, I used to be all for the idea of Itsuki. Don't get me wrong, I still want her more. But I wouldn't be too upset if he was chosen over here in the end. Can't ignore his most important moments in the plot.


Smashing idol~
Jun 18, 2014
Locked in Wii Fit Gym since 2014.
Switch FC
Count me in for the team. Especially if him & Mirage Chrom yell out "UNMEI WO KAERU!"as a taunt.

"Tsubasa is more of a promotional character who's character arc is relevant in the first half of the game and fanservice."


Also, the random fact about his doujins is random.

Though I still prefer Tsubasa as the TMS rep, I used to be all for the idea of Itsuki. Don't get me wrong, I still want her more. But I wouldn't be too upset if he was chosen over here in the end. Can't ignore his most important moments in the plot.
Doujin's? You mean they weren't the canonical adventures of him & his boyfriend Yashiro? :troll:


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Count me in for the team. Especially if him & Mirage Chrom yell out "UNMEI WO KAERU!"as a taunt.

Doujin's? You mean they weren't the canonical adventures of him & his boyfriend Yashiro? :troll:
LOL Itsuki confirmed as Nintendo's first gay protagonist.

Sadly, they aren't canon. Just cannon stuff.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Count me in for the team. Especially if him & Mirage Chrom yell out "UNMEI WO KAERU!"as a taunt.
Yes, yes. This would be a fitting one. Given that's what they say sometime before doing a Dual Art.

LOL Itsuki confirmed as Nintendo's first gay protagonist.

Sadly, they aren't canon. Just cannon stuff.

We already have an LGBT character in Smash, his name is Corrin babe.

Baby steps, but still good. And besides, we all know Touma is his true love. :troll:


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
You know what would make a good taunt, an epic bro fist. Not like the Carnage Clads Chance though. But something "bro"-like.

Yes, yes. This would be a fitting one. Given that's what they say sometime before doing a Dual Art.

We already have an LGBT character in Smash, his name is Corrin babe.

Baby steps, but still good. And besides, we all know Touma is his true love. :troll:
Itsuki x Yashiro >>>>>>>>> Itsuki x Touma.

They are better as friends while Yashiro sounds lie he's legitimately in love with him. Pay attention to the game's story. ;)


Smash Lord
Aug 2, 2015
Uhh..."shipping" and M!Corrin's sexual preferences aside (he's just another avatar character that can bang most of the Fates cast. He'll always be straight in my eyes and F!Kanna is too adorable to miss out on)...I'll gladly support the "Lord of Fortuna", Itsuki.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Uhh..."shipping" and M!Corrin's sexual preferences aside (he's just another avatar character that can bang most of the Fates cast. He'll always be straight in my eyes and F!Kanna is too adorable to miss out on)...I'll gladly support the "Lord of Fortuna", Itsuki.
Not to worry, they are just jokes.

And welcome aboard.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Uh love, the image is broken.

You might want to fix that soon.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Uh love, the image is broken.

You might want to fix that soon.
D'oh. Forgot the link is old.

Definitely fixing it now.

New topic, what costumes would you like to see of him?

Personally I feel that Super Saiyan Blue Marth would be a good one if it's not a Final Smash

Even the Fortuna Boss costume since he own the company now.


Smash Lord
Aug 2, 2015
Costumes, eh? Lets' see...

- His casual clothes
- Training clothes
- "Lord" outfit
- Swim trunks (Hey, we have swim trunks Shulk. Might as well get him a buddy)
Super Saiyan Blue Marth

- I would love for that one to be his Final Smash or even his default because screw spoilers.

Fortuna Boss

Fighting while wearing a suit. Yes.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Costumes, eh? Lets' see...

- His casual clothes
- Training clothes
- "Lord" outfit
- Swim trunks (Hey, we have swim trunks Shulk. Might as well get him a buddy)
Super Saiyan Blue Marth

- I would love for that one to be his Final Smash or even his default because screw spoilers.

Fortuna Boss

Fighting while wearing a suit. Yes.
Nice selection of costumes.

I would main him hard if we get the Swim trunks that had to be dummied out in the West (they must be bulgephobic).

Same thing goes for Super Saiyan Marth Itsuki. Imagine a secret victory of him singing "that song" when he wins, though costume specific quotes never happened.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
What's better to celebrate Easter than to share some Fire Emblem Heroes style Easter costumes for the star himself and his fellow starlet.

They fit in so well. If only the FEH developers can just stop thinking about "TMS characters would be too out of place" and actually take the risk for their inclusion.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
What's better to celebrate Easter than to share some Fire Emblem Heroes style Easter costumes for the star himself and his fellow starlet.

They fit in so well. If only the FEH developers can just stop thinking about "TMS characters would be too out of place" and actually take the risk for their inclusion.
"TMS characters would be too out of place"

>Puts in bunny costumes. Totally not out of place.
>Already a crazy crossover game with proper canon thrown out the window.
>Istuki and Tsuabasa already have FE style costumes. Just use those.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
"TMS characters would be too out of place"

>Puts in bunny costumes. Totally not out of place.
>Already a crazy crossover game with proper canon thrown out the window.
>Istuki and Tsuabasa already have FE style costumes. Just use those.
Exactly. Not to mention the summoner is from the real world and alluded to cars (not to mention he summon heroes through a gun).

Honestly, there's nothing stopping any TMS protagonists from being in Fire Emblem Heroes other than Atlus themselves. Caeda does have her new voice actor from TMS in the Japanese versions of the game. So maybe one day we can hope to see them.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013
I personally never saw how the TMS characters would be "out of place" in any given Fire Emblem world or media, so I certainly hope they do make an appearance in Heroes or heck, why not even the upcoming FE Warriors game.

Speaking of which, I wonder if any references from Heroes gets carried into console games... like Warriors.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
I personally never saw how the TMS characters would be "out of place" in any given Fire Emblem world or media, so I certainly hope they do make an appearance in Heroes or heck, why not even the upcoming FE Warriors game.

Speaking of which, I wonder if any references from Heroes gets carried into console games... like Warriors.
Like having the original characters like Shareena and Alphonse in Warriors? I really wonder if they would take advantage of the games popularity. It's probably too far in development for them to be in the base game. But as DLC? I see that as likely.

Speaking of which, how would any of you feel if Itsuki or Tsubasa appeared as DLC characters in Fire Emblem Warriors?


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Like having the original characters like Shareena and Alphonse in Warriors? I really wonder if they would take advantage of the games popularity. It's probably too far in development for them to be in the base game. But as DLC? I see that as likely.

Speaking of which, how would any of you feel if Itsuki or Tsubasa appeared as DLC characters in Fire Emblem Warriors?
I would be excited if they went through all the trouble to have those two as DLC. Tsubasa would be my main all day if they give her the best skills (both FE and SMT).

As for Heroes characters, I wouldn't mind any of them at all. I'd prefer Veronica and Shareena more as playable characters. Or maybe the Mysterious Man and not because of how jacked he his without his shirt. lol


Smash Lord
Aug 2, 2015
Exactly. Not to mention the summoner is from the real world and alluded to cars (not to mention he summon heroes through a gun).

Honestly, there's nothing stopping any TMS protagonists from being in Fire Emblem Heroes other than Atlus themselves. Caeda does have her new voice actor from TMS in the Japanese versions of the game. So maybe one day we can hope to see them.
Both Caeda and Young Tiki have their TMS voice actresses reprising their roles for FEH. Cain and Abel swapped voice actors for FEH.

@ FE Warriors: TMS characters are a likely possibility as DLC. Same for Alfonse and Sharena.

@ FEH: I hope the TMS characters make an appearance. We could always use another Falchion user (Alm is basically Chrom 2.0) and the rest of the gang would fit in nicely.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
With the recent news of Fire Emblem Warriors being Shadow Dragon and New Era only, I'm starting to thing the idea of Itsuki or his friends joining are unlikely.

Especially when they have to compete with plenty of other fan favorite Fire Emblem characters (even ones that were known for their Smash appearances). And while I believe that slots don't exist, you can't ignore that DLC is limited and they have a **** ton of characters to compete with.

Fire Emblem Heroes is his best bet at appearing in any real Fire Emblem crossovers.
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
With the recent news of Fire Emblem Warriors being Shadow Dragon and New Era only, I'm starting to thing the idea of Itsuki or his friends joining are unlikely.

Especially when they have to compete with plenty of other fan favorite Fire Emblem characters (even ones that were known for their Smash appearances). And while I believe that slots don't exist, you can't ignore that DLC is limited and they have a **** ton of characters to compete with.

Fire Emblem Heroes is his best bet at appearing in any real Fire Emblem crossovers.
Ephraim, Eirika, Ike, Roy, Lyn, Hector, Eliwood, Sigurd, Seliph, Leif, Lyon, The Black Knight, Micaiah, Manfroy, Lute, Cain, Abel, the Pegasus Sisters. Yep, Itsuki or any TMS character is basically more screwed than Loptr.

Even the Fire Emblem Heroes OC's are likelier than them right now. Especially given that it's a huge mobile game in Japan.

Oh well. Better luck next time.



Smashing idol~
Jun 18, 2014
Locked in Wii Fit Gym since 2014.
Switch FC
With the recent news of Fire Emblem Warriors being Shadow Dragon and New Era only, I'm starting to thing the idea of Itsuki or his friends joining are unlikely.

Especially when they have to compete with plenty of other fan favorite Fire Emblem characters (even ones that were known for their Smash appearances). And while I believe that slots don't exist, you can't ignore that DLC is limited and they have a **** ton of characters to compete with.

Fire Emblem Heroes is his best bet at appearing in any real Fire Emblem crossovers.
I think with the focus on Awakening and Shadow Dragon, there is a decent chance of Tiki and Caeda as characters. With that, I hope we can at the minimum see costumes for those two (and Chrom) based on TMS. Same with Atlus, if Persona 5 gets a Switch version I can imagine them having a TMS costume/bgm set for the characters, since the PS4 version even had SMTIV costume dlc.

But yeah, for an actual appearance Heroes is the most likely, unless there's suddenly a huge push for TMS stuff.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
I think with the focus on Awakening and Shadow Dragon, there is a decent chance of Tiki and Caeda as characters. With that, I hope we can at the minimum see costumes for those two (and Chrom) based on TMS. Same with Atlus, if Persona 5 gets a Switch version I can imagine them having a TMS costume/bgm set for the characters, since the PS4 version even had SMTIV costume dlc.

But yeah, for an actual appearance Heroes is the most likely, unless there's suddenly a huge push for TMS stuff.
Perhaps you're right, those two are without a doubt likely as character. Getting some costumes based on their TMS likeness (Caeda, Chrom, and Tiki) would be at least a consolation prize if they can get the licensing from Atlus. Perona 5 depends if they ate willing to break away from that PlayStation 4 exclusivity, which is pretty unlikely. But hey, we'll know for sure at E3 sooner or later.

Agreed. Unless they suddenly confirm a sequel or even a Switch port for those extra sales. Not that the censorship purists would want to give it another chance and it would still flop.


Smash Lord
Aug 2, 2015
With the recent news of Fire Emblem Warriors being Shadow Dragon and New Era only, I'm starting to thing the idea of Itsuki or his friends joining are unlikely.

Especially when they have to compete with plenty of other fan favorite Fire Emblem characters (even ones that were known for their Smash appearances). And while I believe that slots don't exist, you can't ignore that DLC is limited and they have a **** ton of characters to compete with.

Fire Emblem Heroes is his best bet at appearing in any real Fire Emblem crossovers.
Well, there's always DLC or alts for Marth, Chrom and the others getting some TMS-related stuff.

As for possibility of a TMS Switch port. Just make it uncensored and it'll do pretty well. Let the censorship police defecate on themselves.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Even thought this is a little controversial, I found something that we can talk about. Even though most of this screams "Fake!" just talk in spoilers in case this has a chance to be real.

Some guy from 4Chan games to have been working with the displays for E3 and let's just say that Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE has something to do with it.

No, it's not a sequel, but a port that was probably created for the sake of extra sales. And it's implied to be the last Wii U port that will happen on the Switch. This is going upset plenty of Xenoblade fans. I'll even post the link here for you to see it.


What are your thoughts on this and why do you think it's unbelievable for this game to get another chance so soon?
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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Sigh, I really appreciate the effort, but this isn't really worth a conversation. Not after I took a glance at it myself.

For starters, why would Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE be the only and last Wii U port for the Switch? Even I don't see Nintendo glancing over things like Xenoblade X or Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze if they've wanted to. And that's not even the oddest part.

Things like Sin & Punishment and a Wave Race/Pilotwings crossover being there is another massive red flag? Aren't Treasure technically dead and why would Nintendo revive Sin & Punishment for the Switch? And I just don't see a Pilotwings and Wave Race crossover working at all. Even if it would be something that lady_sky skipper lady_sky skipper or smashkirby smashkirby would like.

Also, those who supposedly worked at the E3 show floor took actual screenshots and said that things would only be set up the day before E3 itself at the last minute. That kill all credibility this leaker had.

TL;DR It's not even worth the topic. Nice try on trying to trick fans into thinking that TMS would be "revived" in some form this generation (not you, the anonymous clown).

It takes an everyman to know if these things aren't believable.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Sigh, I really appreciate the effort, but this isn't really worth a conversation. Not after I took a glance at it myself.

For starters, why would Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE be the only and last Wii U port for the Switch? Even I don't see Nintendo glancing over things like Xenoblade X or Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze if they've wanted to. And that's not even the oddest part.

Things like Sin & Punishment and a Wave Race/Pilotwings crossover being there is another massive red flag? Aren't Treasure technically dead and why would Nintendo revive Sin & Punishment for the Switch? And I just don't see a Pilotwings and Wave Race crossover working at all. Even if it would be something that lady_sky skipper lady_sky skipper or smashkirby smashkirby would like.

Also, those who supposedly worked at the E3 show floor took actual screenshots and said that things would only be set up the day before E3 itself at the last minute. That kill all credibility this leaker had.

TL;DR It's not even worth the topic. Nice try on trying to trick fans into thinking that TMS would be "revived" in some form this generation (not you, the anonymous clown).

It takes an everyman to know if these things aren't believable.
Ah well, it doesn't hurt to wait at least four more days until the Nintendo Digital Presentation presentation.

But I shared it here anyway because it gives us something to talk about (even if it's faker than Excellus' act).


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
Sigh, I really appreciate the effort, but this isn't really worth a conversation. Not after I took a glance at it myself.

For starters, why would Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE be the only and last Wii U port for the Switch? Even I don't see Nintendo glancing over things like Xenoblade X or Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze if they've wanted to. And that's not even the oddest part.

Things like Sin & Punishment and a Wave Race/Pilotwings crossover being there is another massive red flag? Aren't Treasure technically dead and why would Nintendo revive Sin & Punishment for the Switch? And I just don't see a Pilotwings and Wave Race crossover working at all. Even if it would be something that lady_sky skipper lady_sky skipper or smashkirby smashkirby would like.

Also, those who supposedly worked at the E3 show floor took actual screenshots and said that things would only be set up the day before E3 itself at the last minute. That kill all credibility this leaker had.

TL;DR It's not even worth the topic. Nice try on trying to trick fans into thinking that TMS would be "revived" in some form this generation (not you, the anonymous clown).

It takes an everyman to know if these things aren't believable.
Going to be honest, I'm not too big on the idea of PW and WR getting a crossover. I'd rather PW be a stand alone series, until some more games in the series.

lady_sky skipper

Smash Ace
Jan 29, 2017
Going to be honest, I'm not too big on the idea of PW and WR getting a crossover. I'd rather PW be a stand alone series, until some more games in the series.
I gotta agree with Smashkirby that Pilotwings should have a few more entries and spin-offs in the series before we get a crossover. Preferably with new characters instead of Miis, the old ones can star in the spin-off games:)
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
So um Chrom can use lightning attacks in Fire Emblem Warriors.

Not only is that a not so subtle TMS reference (because who else is Chrom's partner?), but I feel this deconfirms the possibility of Itsuki showing up in the game.

I figured it was done for having less legal rights involved (mostly with Atlus) other than just giving him some moveset potential.


Smashing idol~
Jun 18, 2014
Locked in Wii Fit Gym since 2014.
Switch FC
That Chrom bit is interesting. Shame rights get in the way because i'm up for Aoi being the pokemon this time.

Also, yesterday was the birthday of Touma, and tomorrow marks one year since the release of TMS in America! Funny since I sort of got in the mood to continue my Lunatic playthrough of the game around E3 week.

Threw this lazily done P5/TMS mock up to celebrate (Please Atlus, can all SMT games have P5 menus battle now?).

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
That Chrom bit is interesting. Shame rights get in the way because i'm up for Aoi being the pokemon this time.

Also, yesterday was the birthday of Touma, and tomorrow marks one year since the release of TMS in America! Funny since I sort of got in the mood to continue my Lunatic playthrough of the game around E3 week.

Threw this lazily done P5/TMS mock up to celebrate (Please Atlus, can all SMT games have P5 menus battle now?).
View attachment 130970
Happy late birthday Touma. :laugh:

And yeah, time flies when it's been a while yeah since Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE was released. I wonder if there will be more art on DeviantArt to celebrate.

The Chrom thing is definitely the case if Koria compensating for licensing isssues and giving him more moveset potential. Lightning could only originate from two things (Grima and Itsuki Aoi). And I doubt they would accosiste the former with him since he has less to do with him than Robin.


Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
Starbase, where no turtle has gone before.
Crap, this just reminded me: I need to finish mine playthrough of Tokyo Mirage already.

Anyhow, I think Itsuki should totally be in Fire Emblem Warriors as a Marth alternate costume--if nothing else, to promote the possible Switch port of Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Crap, this just reminded me: I need to finish mine playthrough of Tokyo Mirage already.

Anyhow, I think Itsuki should totally be in Fire Emblem Warriors as a Marth alternate costume--if nothing else, to promote the possible Switch port of Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE.
I can see it working that way as well.

A Itsuki DLC alt for Marth would be a great way of advertising a Switch port, if it will happen.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Guess who's birthday it is? Well in Japan.

But I'm betting on Tikivoy Tikivoy to give us an image spam later.

Happy Birthday Chromvoy Itsuki.

Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Time to bring this place back from the dead. This is a rare exception, but I feel it's best to bring Itsuki back on the centerstage now that Smash speculation is a thing again.

That being said, anything still interested in supporting a TMS character like Itsuki or want a chill place to talk about Tokyo Mirage Sessions can join this server

I feel that he is a Smash underdog that is slept on if only because of competition with many other Atlus characters and TMS' unpopularity. And of course, potential rights issues with Avex or the music.



Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
I still find it funny that more people seem to think that Tsubasa Oribe is the better Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE rep of the two.

Well, I guess people fear that Itsuki is too bland or would be a Marth clone. Then since Marth had fired lightning or used buffing spells? :troll:
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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
I still find it funny that more people seem to think that Tsubasa Oribe is the better Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE rep of the two.

Well, I guess people fear that Itsuki is too bland or would be a Marth clone. Then since Marth had fired lightning or used buffing spells? :troll:
Well, about that...

Marth literally did both, moreso well his Performa had taken over Itsuki's body during the final battle with Medeus.

Either way, Smash Marth can't do any of those things or have a Stando Mirage Partner. So Itsuki CAN be more unique and far from a Marth clone.


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2018
Never played it before. I'm planning on getting Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE for my Wii U. I support!
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