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The Mayor of New Donk City: Pauline for Smash Switch!


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
Odyssey, Ya see~

Guess who finally got around to making this thread~
Welcome to the Pauline Support Thread! The woman in the red dress is, you guessed it, Pauline! She was Mario's first Damsel-in-Distress and appeared in the very first Mario game, the arcade game Donkey Kong, along with appearing in almost all Mario Vs Donkey Kong games and much more recently, the mayor of New Donk City in Super Mario Odyssey.

How would Pauline Fight?
From her appearances in the games mentioned above, Pauline certainly has enough to create a good moveset from. The Mario vs DK series is certainly notable to have quite the potential for Pauline's moveset, thanks to the Minis, and they can help her stand out by making her into a summoner type character. Odyssey is another game that can also help flesh out her moveset, as she can do what Rosalina did and draw inspiration from Mario's abilities in the game, especially with the new little helper: Cappy. As seen in Odyssey, Cappy can take various hat-related forms, and seeing as how Pauline now sports a gorgeous purple sun hat they can easily be put together to enhance her abilities.

As with all characters I support, here's a moveset I made. To sum it up, Pauline has a mix of Mini Figure attacks with Cappy attacks. Since all the characters the Minis are based off of are already in Smash, I thought it would be pretty cute to have the Minis emulate the attacks of their original versions but in different places throughout Pauline's moveset, such as Mini-Luigi doing Luigi's Dash attack as Pauline's down tilt, or Mini-Rosalina doing a version of Rosalina's Launch Star as Up Smash. Moving on to the specials, neutral B is what makes Pauline completely stand out, as it is a chargeable summon move that cycles through the different Minis available to her. I also incorporated the Girder Lift from DK Arcade as her up B and act as a platform, making her the first character able to create a platform on her own. As mentioned before, Cappy appears and attacks throughout her moveset, notably in her boomerang-styled side B.​
Notes: The Mini's are around 1/3 of Pauline's height, who is around Peach's height, but that varies depending on the Mini. Any attack that uses a Mini will have Pauline hold the Mini Capsule in one of her hands. Her ground and air speed is quite slow, thanks to her ability to control space remotely with the Mini.

Entrance: Pauline descends from the background on one of the girder lifts from the DK Arcade then steps onto the stage.

Jab: Takes Cappy off her head and swipes forwards twice before swiping upwards. Flurry has her spin Cappy on her finger forwards.
Ftilt: Holds out Mini-Mario to do Mario's FSmash. Angle can be changed.
Utilt: Cappy pops off Pauline's head and spins upwards for multihit damage.
Dtilt: Brings out a Mini-Luigi capsule and opens it. The Mini-Luigi then immediately does Luigi's Dash attack along the ground before returning to the capsule.
Dash: Brings out a Mini-Peach that uses Peach's Fair forwards. Not as strong as the original.

Fsmash: Holds out a Mini-DK as it uses DK's Giant Punch forward. Charge part of the smash attack has the Mini-DK wind it's fist.
Usmash: Brings out a Mini-Rosalina and has it shoot upwards. Emulates Rosalina's Launch Star complete with the launch star animation as it shoots upwards. Hitbox is kinda small horizontally but reaches just above Pauline's standing height vertically. Good kill smash.
Dsmash: Pauline grabs her hat then throws it down as it spins around her feet 3 times with a rainbow effect. Meant to represent the wide spin attack that Cappy does in Odyssey.

Nair: Pauline spins forwards once with her foot extended as Cappy comes off and spins just above her head moving along with her as she spins. Stronger hitbox on Cappy than the foot.
Fair: Grabs Cappy and spins him twice forwards on her finger.
Bair: A Bair version of Peach's Fair. Grabs Cappy and swings him backwards hard.
Uair: Throws out a Mini-Bowser above that uses Whirling Fortress. Multihit and good for juggling.
Dair: Kicks downwards twice. Pretty weak but barely any landing lag or endlag.

Grab: Simply tries to grab the opponent with her hand. Average range.
Pummel: Pauline slaps them in the face.
Fthrow: Summons Mini-Peach to Peach Bomber them, shooting them forwards.
Bthrow: Summons Mini-Luigi behind the opponent to Green Missile them, shooting them behind Pauline.
Uthrow: Summons Mini-Mario to Super Jump Punch them, shooting them upwards.
Dthrow: Summons Mini-Bowser above the opponent to Bowser Bomb them. Kill throw at high percents.

B: Mini Capsule. Chargeable move. Pauline holds up a capsule with a Mini Figure inside it. The capsule then cycles through the different available figures until the move is fully charged, where it will automatically stop charging. Unlike the Mechakoopa these Mini Figures don't explode on contact with opponents but they can easily be destroyed with slight damage, and they also fall off any edges. Only 1 figure on stage at a time and the move can't be charged again until the previous figure is gone. They all disappear after a few seconds. The specific Minis aren't able to be reflected, but the projectiles some shoot are.

Mini-Mario: Walks forwards slowly. Has a weak hitbox.
Mini-Luigi: Jumps in an slow arc forwards. Less weak than Mini-Mario.
Mini-Peach: Walks forwards at the same speed as Mini-Mario, but floats down forwards about 30 degrees off of horizontal off-stage.
Mini-Jr: Flies horizontally and drops small cannonballs at set intervals (around 3 seconds). Better when summoned in the air. Jr has no hitbox on him, only on the cannonballs. Disappears after 5 cannoballs.
Mini-DK: Stays in place and throws out small barrels that roll along the ground every 3 seconds. Hitbox only on the barrels. Disappears after 6 barrels.
Mini-Bowser: Shoots small fireballs forwards every 4 seconds, just like in SMB. Fireballs have pretty good range, reaching 75% of the length of FD. Hitbox only on the fireballs. Disappears after 5 fireballs.

Side B: Cappy Toss. After a quick spin, throws Cappy forwards. Full range is 1/3 of FD. Can be moved up or down during flight and at full range, Cappy spins in place for a second before returning. Pauline can't move as Cappy is in flight, and if Pauline is hit then Cappy immediately pops back on her head.

Up B: Girder Lift. Pauline summons one of the girder lifts complete with the red line connecting the two yellow objects at either end from the DK arcade as it slowly rises. The lift rises until it hits the top yellow object where it disappears. This lift acts as a platform so Pauline and any other character can get on and off it at any time. Pauline can't summon another until she's both touched the ground and the previous lift has disappeared.

Down B: Mini Cannon. Pauline brings out the Mini Cannon that debuted in March of the Minis and load the Mini Capsule from her neutral B into it. The cannon can then be aimed up or down and fired by pressing B, where it will shoot the capsule in an arc. This uses up the charge from neutral B. The higher the neutral B charge, the stronger the capsule and the further it is shot. Can't be aimed lower than fully horizontal, but can be aimed 180 degrees upwards. If a Mini is already on-stage, Pauline loads a Mini-Mario capsule, which is weak and doesn't reach far forwards or upwards.

Final Smash: 1981M. Summons a giant Mini-DK that jumps up off-screen and starts throwing down giant barrels randomly. If these barrels hit a platform then they either follow the slope of the platform or go in a random direction if the platform is flat. Hitting the barrels changes their direction, and hitting them with a strong enough attack breaks them. Pauline can move freely as the barrels fall, and they do no damage to her unless they're hit towards her by an opponent.

Taunt 1: Flips her hair.
Taunt 2: brings her finger along the rim of her hat as a sparkly effect follows her hand.
Taunt 3: Blows a kiss towards the camera as Cappy's eyes appear and he winks.
I also had multiple other ideas, such as throwing Cappy at a Mini has Pauline possess the Mini, just like what Mario does in Odyssey, or giving her the Mini-Mario slingshot as down B, but they didn't make it into the final moveset.
Why should Pauline be a fighter?
Pauline is in the unique position right now to be a Retro character that is also relevant, thanks to Odyssey. She's integral to Nintendo's history in that she's the very first Mario Damsel-in-Distress, and has also appeared as a very visible character throughout the Mario vs DK series. She's rather well known, clearly liked as shown by the reactions of her reveal in Odyssey, and has a clear gimmick with the use of the Minis. Thanks to her role in Odyssey and how characters are chosen for the Mario spin-offs, Pauline is incredibly likely to appear as playable in one in the near future, which could solidify her position as a main Mario cast member from now on.​
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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I support Pauline.

Maybe her Final Smash could be the reenactment of the Donkey Kong arcade. Pauline becomes a pixelated sprite and she's kidnapped by a pixelated Donkey Kong... Donkey Kong takes her up to the top of the pixelated construction site where he starts throwing pixelated barrels all over the stages. The Final Smash ends when a pixelated Mario reaches the top and saves Pauline.
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2008
Cool idea! Pauline would actually not be too surprising now after her inclusion in Mario Odyssey and her role in Nintendo history.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I have a strange feeling she might just be considered. At the very least she will become a Assist Trophy. Time will tell if she has sensible moveset potential. Not too enthusiastic about the Mini's being used just yet. She could have a lady-like moveset much as Zelda for example minus the magic.


Smash Hero
Mar 25, 2012
Wales, United Kingdom
I'd still think she will be a good candidate for future Mario games such as Kart etc. As for Smash, it will be interesting to see how developers can provide her with an ideal move set.


The Pink Panther's Bro!
Dec 27, 2013
Denver, Colorado
I support Pauline for Smash Switch, mainly under one condition.... can we PLEASE get that awesome band as a part of her Final Smash? Come on, I can't be the only one in on this? ;) - Afro


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I support Pauline for Smash Switch, mainly under one condition.... can we PLEASE get that awesome band as a part of her Final Smash? Come on, I can't be the only one in on this? ;) - Afro
That or at least have the band in the background in the New Donk City stage.


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
So GameXplain uploaded Pauline's full concert performance.
Fun fact, the back and forth jump she does during the "Odyssey, ya see~" part is a direct reference to Pauline's sprites from Donkey Kong.

Arm movements are technically wrong but whatever. Another great idea for a taunt.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 26, 2013
In Another Castle
Uh I support. Definitely. It’s a nod to, not only the old arcade game, but would be able to include Odyssey elements as well to retain Mario’s current move set.

And she’s been advertised a lot, so Nintendo is certainly aware of her and trying to make her relevant again.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
I don't know about Smash Bros, but if she doesn't start making appearances in Mario Kart and Mario Party I'm calling foul.

Though I think it would be interesting if they didn't want to incorporate Cappy into Mario's moveset in the next Smash game, maybe Cappy could team up with Pauline instead?
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Smash Champion
Jan 8, 2014
She gets minis and Cappy?

Yeah, I’m in. Support.
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Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
I just did the New Donk Festival in Odyssey and you know what, count me in. Combine arcade elements with stuff from Odyssey? That's golden.


Rising YouTuber
Writing Team
Feb 8, 2014
Yeah, I don't see her for Smash, at least not yet.

Mario Kart and other spinoffs though, thats a different story. Though I'd be curious as to what design they would use in spinoffs.

The dress with her hat?
The dress with no hat?
The Mayor outfit?
The not as tall MvDK design?


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
Yeah, I don't see her for Smash, at least not yet.

Mario Kart and other spinoffs though, thats a different story. Though I'd be curious as to what design they would use in spinoffs.

The dress with her hat?
The dress with no hat?
The Mayor outfit?
The not as tall MvDK design?
In Mario Kart, I'd say she'd likely get the dress for karts and the suit for bikes, both with the hat so she can take it off during tricks. She'd also likely be Rosi level weight. In Party it's the dress without the hat and in the sports spinoffs it's t-shirt with knee length shorts and a low ponytail. That's what I'd say would suit her anyway.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012
you i was bothered by pauline in the past but after seeing her in odysesy i wouldnt mind seeing more of her in other games including as a fighter in smash

though shes not my first choice for mario newcomer

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Question, would she be considered a DK series rep, or a Mario one?
I would be pretty damn infuriated if they would just tag the DK symbol on her like that. Mario vs Donkey Kong isn't paying much attention to DK's lore (or even character) anyway. Mario is always the playable character. Plus her last appearance sure as hell isn't Donkey Kong Odyssey (unfortunately).

She's therefore a Mario character.

Would be a real nice way for the development team to cheat us out of a proper DKC newcomer however. That would upset me the most about it all.


The Pink Panther's Bro!
Dec 27, 2013
Denver, Colorado
Since some people haven't shown up on Discord for this, here is a bit of DPauline's bio for the Stories of New Tendo City, a series that takes all Nintendo characters and reimagines them in a 21st Century New York City like setting.

Pauline is still the mayor in this universe. However, she has Isabelle from Animal Crossing as her assistant, and she's a close friend of both Mario and Donkey Kong. She still performs jazz, and also now has a talk show that she shares with F-Zero's Kate Alen, and Pokemon's Cynthia and Diantha. She used to date Mario, but they broke up and have patched things up. She frequents Peach and Daisy's Royal Bakery a lot!

New Tendo City Briefs - Mayor Pauline
The mayor of New Tendo City, and a well-known jazz singer, and talk-show host. Pauline is a kind-hearted woman who truly cares about her city, and the residents' well-being, notably Mario, most of all. She's a big lover of cake, and usually prefers hommade cakes over pre-packaged cakes, something which her poor assistant Isabelle had to learn the hard way! She used to date Mario, but they broke up a long time ago. Is rumored to be seeing pop star and "F-Zero" racer Jack Levin recently.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Pauline could combine her role in Odyssey and Mario VS DK: Mini.

Pauline can toss out Cappy (in the form of her hat in Odyssey). Cappy can be thrown, spun in place, jumped off of and tossed on an opponent. Landing on an opponent and returning allows Pauline to create a wind-up mini of the latest 'captured' enemy with Down B.

The mini could walk forward and either replicate Smashes and/or specials of the enemy it is based off of, allowing Pauline to be a summoner character.


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
Pauline could combine her role in Odyssey and Mario VS DK: Mini.

Pauline can toss out Cappy (in the form of her hat in Odyssey). Cappy can be thrown, spun in place, jumped off of and tossed on an opponent. Landing on an opponent and returning allows Pauline to create a wind-up mini of the latest 'captured' enemy with Down B.

The mini could walk forward and either replicate Smashes and/or specials of the enemy it is based off of, allowing Pauline to be a summoner character.
Making minis of 60+ characters might be a little tedious, but that's a good unique idea. I think it'll be best to have the mini only use a single iconic move of the copied opponent to avoid too much dev time being used up, so Mini Mario simply jumps forwards, Mini Cpt Falcon uses a single mini Falcon Punch, Mini Fox shoots the blaster a few times, etc.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2018
I’m a huge fan of her and I have a feeling this generation will be great for her. She’s had a 180 turnaround from her Mario vs DK days and Odyssey revitalized her. Her song was a massive hit, she’s appeared in Mario Run, Captain Toad is featuring New Donk City which happened to be one of Odyssey’s best worlds, and her updated look is so much prettier now.

I’m just patiently waiting for her to get an amiibo and some playable roles heehee~<3
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Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
Throwing my hat in to support the best Mario gal for Smash, I really hope she starts showing up everywhere like Rosalina did.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2014
The Sass Realm
I never knew how much I wanted this until now! She's becoming relevant, which is good. She's retro, which is cool. I've always used Peach in Mario games and Smash, but I'd pick up Pauline in a heartbeat.


PM me ur character ideas girl
May 21, 2015
Switch FC
I wouldn't sleep on her anymore, seems like a solid chance. Good luck y'all


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
I really hope she starts showing up everywhere like Rosalina did.
I was super disappointed when she didn't pop up in the Mario Tennis Aces part of the direct, but then I realised they said over 15 playable characters and showed 15 off, so just like when Rosalina started appearing Pauline could easily be one of those secret unlockable characters. If she's not there though I'm straight up fighting everyone at Camelot.


Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
I love the idea of Pauline for smash 5. I feel she could pull a Zelda or Ness/Lucas and borrow moves from Mario. By which, I mean give her Cappy. I doubt that they will revise Mario’s miveset to include Cappy and there are certainly lots of cool things one could do with him. I think the two would be a great character. Also Pauline looks cool and is historically important af and relevant af.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2018
I was super disappointed when she didn't pop up in the Mario Tennis Aces part of the direct, but then I realised they said over 15 playable characters and showed 15 off, so just like when Rosalina started appearing Pauline could easily be one of those secret unlockable characters. If she's not there though I'm straight up fighting everyone at Camelot.
It would be a crime to put so much effort in updating her look, giving her that much exposure, her own voice and not have her show up in Mario spin offs. I can’t tell if she’ll be in this one or not but there’s a good chance she could always show up later if Arms and the current Switch games are anything to go by. DLC is always an option and she seems like a good option to me.

I love the idea of Pauline for smash 5. I feel she could pull a Zelda or Ness/Lucas and borrow moves from Mario. By which, I mean give her Cappy. I doubt that they will revise Mario’s miveset to include Cappy and there are certainly lots of cool things one could do with him. I think the two would be a great character. Also Pauline looks cool and is historically important af and relevant af.
Yes I think that could happen if they put her in smash, especially because she’s got her own hat.
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Smash Master
Dec 22, 2013
Gusty garden galaxy
Especially if Mario has the same design, you guys really could be on to something. Maybe Mario uses Cappy in just a single move to represent Oddessy, but it honestly deserves better.


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2006
in terms of human-ish characters in the Mario world. I think she has the best chance of making it due to the relevancy of Odyssey.
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