Smash Ace

Fill this out - Put bold tags around the questions, and put your info outside of them.
[b]Wifi name:[/b]
[b]Friend Code:[/b]
Please fill it out correctly, I hate fixing them.
I plan on keeping this organized and very useful.
To use: type CTRL + F on your browser. Firefox will pop up a window on the bottom, Internet Explorer will pop up a small window itself. Enter your search term. In this case, either the profile name, brawl name, location.
West Coast [PST]
Name: Michael
Wifi name: Veng
Color: Red and sometimes green depends on my partner
Location: Washington
Friend Code: 0688-5027-3222
Mid [CST]
East Coast [EST]
Name: John
Wifi name: CHZ
Color: Red
Location: North Carolina
Friend Code: 5112-3077-1475