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The Legendary Titans of 4 regions! Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Regieleki, and Regidrago for Smash!


Smash Hero
May 27, 2019
Waiting for Latias and Latios to get a theme
Switch FC
Who are the Legendary Titans?

The Legendary Titans are a group of Legendary Pokemon. They are also known as the Regis due to the first part of their names consisting of the phrase "Regi".
There are 5 Regi's, Regirock, a Rock type, Registeel, a steel type, Regice, an ice type, Regidrago, a dragon type, and Regieleki, an electric type. Each pokemon represents an age of man. (Stone Age, Steel/Bronze Age, Ice Age, Dark Age (my personal guess), and Electric Age) They were built by Regigigas, a pokemon said to have towed continents. The ancient race of humans sealed them all away in various locations.
Why should they be in Smash?
The Legendary Titans are some of the few legendaries to reappear among the games, appearing in Gens 3,4,5,7,and 8. They are also the only Legendary group to be more than a trio and trio master, and the only group to gain new members (Regidrago and Regieleki) They also had an important role in Lucario and the Mystery of Mew. They also sound beautiful.
And they have a great theme
This is the ORAS Incarnation, there's also the RSE one, the Platinum one, the BW2 one, the Masters one, and the Anime variant.
How Likely are they?
Not likely, but I'm making sure they become likely at some point in the future.
The original trio of Regirock, Regice, and Registeel are very similar to one another, and as such I see them as echo fighters of one another. Heck, their movesets are the same, but with switched out moves to capitalize on their typings. Anyways, moveset time!
The Regis are heavy, highly defensive characters, being capable of taking hits, yet their recovery and speed won't be the best.
Forward Tilt: A quick swipe forward with their arm
Down Tilt: A punch downwards
Up Tilt: Gyro Ball, a very fast spin by the regis.
Forward Smash: For Regice, an Ice Punch, for Regirock, a generic punch, for Registeel, a Metal Claw
Up Smash: For Regice, an upwards Ice Beam, for Registeel, an upwards Flash Cannon, for Regirock, an upwards Rock Blast.
Down Smash: Stomp, the regis stomp downwards, creating a shockwave surrounding them.
Forward Aerial: For Regice, an Ice Ball, for Registeel, an Iron Head, for Regirock, a Giga Impact. These aerials propel the regis forward.
Down Aerial: Hammer Arm, a powerful punch downwards. It's slow but powerful, and can spike.
Back Aerial: A punch behind itself
Neutral Aerial: For Regice, Icy Wind, for Regirock, Sandstorm, for Registeel, Explosion. The moves create a large hitbox surrounding them. Registeels is slower and deals more damage.
Up Aerial: For Regirock, a stone edge, for Regice, an Ice Shard, for Registeel, a Swords Dance. The move sends the projectles upwards.
Neutral Special: Lock On, places a reticle on the opponent. Occasionally, it will cause the unit to be buried, allowing ample opportunity for a hit.
Side Special: For Regirock, Ancient Power, for Registeel, Charge Beam, for Regice, an Ice Beam. The regis send forward a projectile attack that hits multiple times. Regice can freeze the opponent.
Up Special: Return, the Regis zoom upwards a short distance. The move can deal damage, and will deal more damage the longer the match has been going for.
Down Special: Curse, The Regis lower their speed but boost attack, allowing for stronger hits. If the move is used again, the effect is reversed.
Final Smash: Regigigas. The Regi in battle will summon the other four and awaken Regigigas, who will shoot a devastating hyper beam at whoever is caught in the initial hit.

Regieleki Moveset
Regieleki, unlike the other titans, would be lightweight and speedy.
Forward Tilt: A quick swipe with its arm
Down Tilt: A small kick with it's leg.
Up Tilt: Screech, which goes straight above Eleki. It sends the opponent into freefall for a short while.
Forward Smash: Thrash, which hits multiple times with great power. It leaves Eleki wide open shortly after.
Up Smash: Magnet Rise, which lifts Eleki up to stun the opponent.
Down Smash: Rapid Spin, which cause Eleki to spin shortly.
Forward Aerial: Round which can be used multiple times in quick succession.
Down Aerial: Assurance, which creates dark hands which force the foe downwards in a spike.
Back Aerial: A quick swipe backwards
Neutral Aerial: Acrobatics, which hits multiple times weakly in the air.
Up Aerial: A swipe up with its arm.
Neutral Special: Thunder Wave, which stuns the opponent momentarily.
Side Special: Volt Switch. Eleki strikes the opponent, and then switches spots with them.
Up Special: Agility, which is similar to Pikachu's up special.
Down Special: Thunder Cage. Eleki will jump up in the air, then send the cage down, which will remain on the field for a short while if no one is caught in it. If someone is caught in it, it will rapidly hit the opponent with electric damage multiple times.
Final Smash: Regigigas. The Regi in battle will summon the other two and awaken Regigigas, who will shoot a devastating hyper beam at whoever is caught in the initial hit.

Well anyways, do you support the titans?
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Smash Hero
May 27, 2019
Waiting for Latias and Latios to get a theme
Switch FC

New Crown Tundra Trailer leaked off. Looks like the Legendary Titans have their own areas with a Platinum esque puzzle to unlock them, unlike the other legends, which will be grouped in the Max Raid Dens from the looks of things. Funny enough, they used a Relicanth at the beginning, a nod back to RSE.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 29, 2012

New Crown Tundra Trailer leaked off. Looks like the Legendary Titans have their own areas with a Platinum esque puzzle to unlock them, unlike the other legends, which will be grouped in the Max Raid Dens from the looks of things. Funny enough, they used a Relicanth at the beginning, a nod back to RSE.
they used him in another trailer as well
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