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Dixie Kong's Barrel Of Support Spirits. Farewell Everyone, Thank You ALL For Making This Thread An Excellent Place For DK Fans!


Smash Lord
Jun 7, 2014
Your guess is as good as mine
I guess I never considered Donkey Kong characters, including Donkey Kong himself, as guest characters in Mario spin-off games. It just seems odd to consider them "guests", especially when Mario and Donkey Kong and their shared universe originated from one arcade game.

Speaking of shared universes, I would love to see more Yoshi and Wario characters in Mario Kart as well. Kamek, Toady, Poochy, Stork, Bandit, Crazee Dayzee, Raphael the Raven, Captain Syrup, Mona, Ashley, Princess Shokora, and Queen Merelda would be great.
Yeah, DK being considered a guest character is an unusual thought. I'd say that characters should be added to Mario Kart as long as they belong to the extended Mario franchise, which includes Yoshi's, Wario's and DK's series, and as long as they don't go overboard with the characters. For instance, DK should be able to bring Diddy, Dixie, Funky, and MAYBE K.Rool before it gets too much, so they would have to have importance in their own series. Series that are not related to the Mario universe at all, like Zelda and AC, should however be limited to at most 2 characters. Characters like Shokora, who have barely any chance of appearing anywhere else, could just be assimilated into the Mario Kart roster instead of being brought over as a guest character, especially if they add something to the roster no one else has (for instance, Shokora could be in her true form, bringing a rather androgynous woman to the female side of the roster) but that's just how I feel about this subject.
What would the baby characters be in the Mario Kart roster then? would they be Yoshi guests?

Tortilla Noggin

Smash Obsessed
May 13, 2015
What would the baby characters be in the Mario Kart roster then? would they be Yoshi guests?
No, they'd just be pointless roster-padding. ;)

Seriously, though; The division between the Mario and Yoshi series is nowhere near as high as the division has long been between the Mario and DK series. And also the babies are still the same characters as they are in the Mario series.
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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
No, they'd just be pointless roster-padding. ;)
The babies only serve to give the roster more light weight drivers.

Really, they should have given us the following instead of 5 babies: Snifit, Donkey Kong Jr., Sprixie Princess, Luma, and Koopa Paratroopa.
Apr 19, 2015
The babies only serve to give the roster more light weight drivers.

Really, they should have given us the following instead of 5 babies: Snifit, Donkey Kong Jr., Sprixie Princess, Luma, and Koopa Paratroopa.
Wouldn't medium or heavy be more fitting for DK Jr? I mean, he was a heavyweight in Super Mario Kart.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Wouldn't medium or heavy be more fitting for DK Jr? I mean, he was a heavyweight in Super Mario Kart.
Yeah, but they change character weight classes sometimes.

Bowser Jr. was light in Double Dash then medium in Wii and now light in 8 Deluxe. Waluigi was medium in Double Dash and DS then heavy in Wii and 8 Deluxe.

I figured Donkey Kong Jr. could be the heaviest light driver or the lightest medium driver if he ever comes back to Mario Kart.


PM me ur character ideas girl
May 21, 2015
Switch FC
How about Fawful for a light weight driver? Kamek could work too.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
How about Fawful for a light weight driver? Kamek could work too.
Yes... Fawful as light weight driver, Popple as medium weight driver, and Broque Monsieur as heavy weight driver.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2009
A warrior's grave...
Please no more baby versions, undead versions, metal versions, and costume versions of existing characters.
I cannot agree with this more. IDK WTH their selection process is when it comes to Mario Kart; it's almost like whoever chooses them barely plays a Mario game because there's literally plenty of characters who'd fit whatever weight class quota they have. I'm more than happy to see some DK characters in these games besides DK himself and if they made Cranky a character too with Dixie, Diddy, Funky and K.Rool, that'd be perfect.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Mario spin-off games invent new characters sometimes.

Waluigi and Toadette are invented new characters done right. At least they are separate characters and not Evil version of Luigi and Female version of Toad. Baby Daisy, Baby Rosalina, and Pink Gold Peach, not so much. At least Baby Mario, Baby Luigi, and Baby Peach existed in other games before they showed up in Mario spin-off games.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
If I were in charge of the Mario Kart roster, these are who I would have included:

Mii for all three weight classes plus...

Light weight drivers
  1. Bowser Jr.
  2. Donkey Kong Jr.
  3. Dry Bones
  4. Koopa Paratroopa
  5. Koopa Troopa
  6. Lakitu
  7. Luma (new)
  8. Monty Mole (new)
  9. Ninji (new)
  10. Shy Guy
  11. Snifit (new)
  12. Spike (new)
  13. Sprixie Princess (new)
  14. Toad
  15. Toadette
  16. Toadsworth (new)
Medium weight drivers
  1. Bandit (new)
  2. Birdo
  3. Captain Syrup (new)
  4. Daisy
  5. Diddy Kong
  6. Dixie Kong (new)
  7. E. Gadd (new)
  8. Hammer Bro (new)
  9. Luigi
  10. Mario
  11. Nabbit (new)
  12. Pauline (new)
  13. Peach
  14. Rex (new)
  15. Stanley (new)
  16. Yoshi
Heavy weight drivers
  1. Bowser
  2. Donkey Kong
  3. Funky Kong
  4. Honey Queen
  5. Kamek (new)
  6. King Boo
  7. King K. Rool (new)
  8. Kritter (new)
  9. Lubba (new)
  10. Petey Piranha
  11. Plessie (new)
  12. Rosalina
  13. Tiny Kong (new)
  14. Waluigi
  15. Wario
  16. Wiggler
There you go... 49 drivers for a 7x7 character select screen... no baby versions, no metal versions, no undead versions, and no costume versions of existing characters.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
How TF did Baby Rosalina and Baby Daisy get in before Baby Wario and Baby DK, y'know, CHARACTERS WHO ACTUALLY EXIST! (In Yoshi's Island DS)
Realistically, because they're only a slight modification on Baby Peach. Baby Wario would need a whole new face and dumpy body.


Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
Realistically, because they're only a slight modification on Baby Peach. Baby Wario would need a whole new face and dumpy body.
His body is actually pretty much nearly identical to Baby Mario and Luigi's (haven't played the game, but going off artwork and screenshots that seems to be the case), so they could probably use the same model but swap out the head and change the colors of the clothing of course.

If anything they could scale up the model's size just a bit as upon closer inspection he does seem to be a little taller and fatter though it's hard to tell as Mario is still on Yoshi's back.

And the same could be done if they ever decided to make a Baby Waluigi. They could even do the same with Baby Bowser by reusing Jr.'s body if they really wanted to. Baby DK would require a new model though.

I'd rather that they don't, but at this point, I'd accept it and pretty much expect it.
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Smash Ace
May 17, 2017
Wandering the pipes of Mushroom Kingdom
So Arcadenik's moveset inspired me to make a moveset of my own for Dixie and her excellent cousin Kiddy. I made up Tilts, Aerials, Smash Attacks, the whole nine yards. Enjoy. Keep in mind, Dixie is on Kiddy's back for mos of these attacks.

Entrance: Dixie and Kiddy burst out of a DK Barrel.


Neutral A: Dixie punches once, then again, then Kiddy takes a swing.

Holding B while in the air: Dixie twirls her hair while Kiddy hangs on, and their descent is slowed.

Dash Attack: Kiddy rolls forawrd while Dixe, balacing on top of him, twirls her hair.

Idle Animation: Dixie drinks some Juice, while Kiddy pulls on a loose thread on his onesie.


Nair: Kiddy punches forward.

Uair: Dixie kicks upward.

Dair: Kiddy punches with both fists in a downward arc.

Fair: Dixie whips her hair.


S Tilt: Dixie swings with her Baseball bat from the Mario Baseball games.

D Tilt: Kiddy does a headbut.

U tilt: Kiddy holds up Dixie, who kicks in both directions.

Smash Attacks

Side Smash: Kiddy throws a TNT Barrel forward, which explodes when making contact.

Down Smash: Kiddy throws a Steel Keg, which keeps rolling until falling off an edge.

Up Smash: Dixie throws a Cannon Ball upwards.

Grab Attacks

Grab Attack: Dixie smacks em' with her hair.

Forward Throw: Kiddy chucks the opponent like a Barrel.

Up Throw: Dixie, using her hair, chucks the opponent upwards.

Down Throw: Kiddy throws the oppoent downwards.

Back Throw: Dixie uses her hair to throws the opponent behind them.


Neutral B: Kong Roll-Kiddy starts rolling forwards with Dixie balancing on his back. Pressing A in this
state will make hip skip. Pressing B again stops the roll.

Side B: Kong Throw-Kiddy throws Dixie forawrd, after she stps, he defies all physics and laws and goes
straight to her. Can be directed sideways, upwards, downwards, or diagnoally.

Down B: Kiddy Toss-Dixie picks up Kiddy with her hair and chucks him in an arc. This can not be directed.
Upon landing, Kiddy creates a small shockwave before going back to Dixie.

Up B: Squawks the Parrot-Sqwuaks appears and Dixie grabs on to him, while Kiddy grabs her. They fly
upwards for a second or two, before the Kongs jump off and Squwaks dissappears.

Final Smash: The Mother Bannana Bird- A swarm of Banana Birds come and attack the opponentes, before
the Mother Banana Bird drops a giant egg on the stage.

Side Taunt: Dixie blows some Bubblegum, which then pops, spooking Kiddy.

Down Taunt: Kiddy holds Dixie up with one arm and smiles, while Dixie kicks her feet in anger.

Up Taunt: Kiddy hops up and down while Dixie giggles.

Victory Animation 1: Dixie rocks out on her guitar while Kiddy bounces up and down happily.

Victory Animation 2: A Bannana bird flys around the duo, who watch it n awe.

Victory Animation 3: Kiddy juggles sevrial barrels while Dixie watches in amazement.

Lose Animation: Basically the same thing they do when they lose a life in DKC3.
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Smash Master
Jul 9, 2009
A warrior's grave...
Well done RealLuigisWearPink RealLuigisWearPink , I've added your set to the OP. You're both the newest member of the Barrel, AND the newest contributor to the moveset pool. I like the inclusion of Dixie's baseball bat and the Banana Birds; that's pretty clever IMO.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
What does the Banana Bird egg do? Will it hatch and more Banana Birds fly out?
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Witch-King of the North
Apr 8, 2014
London, United Kingdom
Switch FC
SW 3128 8188 4021
If I were in charge of the Mario Kart roster, these are who I would have included:

Mii for all three weight classes plus...

Light weight drivers
  1. Bowser Jr.
  2. Donkey Kong Jr.
  3. Dry Bones
  4. Koopa Paratroopa
  5. Koopa Troopa
  6. Lakitu
  7. Luma (new)
  8. Monty Mole (new)
  9. Ninji (new)
  10. Shy Guy
  11. Snifit (new)
  12. Spike (new)
  13. Sprixie Princess (new)
  14. Toad
  15. Toadette
  16. Toadsworth (new)
Medium weight drivers
  1. Bandit (new)
  2. Birdo
  3. Captain Syrup (new)
  4. Daisy
  5. Diddy Kong
  6. Dixie Kong (new)
  7. E. Gadd (new)
  8. Hammer Bro (new)
  9. Luigi
  10. Mario
  11. Nabbit (new)
  12. Pauline (new)
  13. Peach
  14. Rex (new)
  15. Stanley (new)
  16. Yoshi
Heavy weight drivers
  1. Bowser
  2. Donkey Kong
  3. Funky Kong
  4. Honey Queen
  5. Kamek (new)
  6. King Boo
  7. King K. Rool (new)
  8. Kritter (new)
  9. Lubba (new)
  10. Petey Piranha
  11. Plessie (new)
  12. Rosalina
  13. Tiny Kong (new)
  14. Waluigi
  15. Wario
  16. Wiggler
There you go... 49 drivers for a 7x7 character select screen... no baby versions, no metal versions, no undead versions, and no costume versions of existing characters.
Pretty good. Only some I disagree with e.g Tiny Kong and all the ones idk who they even are. Misses Goomba ....
And nah Dry Bones and Dry Bowser need to stay. They are far too cool and loved to simply remove cos they are dead.

All the babies should be in the same slot like the diff coloured shy guys. At least baby M and L together and then Baby P D and R in another if they want slightly diff stats.
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Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
No Diddy in Mario Kart still upsets me.

I don't know why this is discussed here of all places, but it just really sucks to me. Diddy is always missing out where he shouldn't. And seeing Diddy in a racing game just makes me feel nostalgic.

Shame Dixie never made it into a Mario Kart game either.

Tortilla Noggin

Smash Obsessed
May 13, 2015
No Diddy in Mario Kart still upsets me.

I don't know why this is discussed here of all places, but it just really sucks to me. Diddy is always missing out where he shouldn't. And seeing Diddy in a racing game just makes me feel nostalgic.

Shame Dixie never made it into a Mario Kart game either.
Well, for now, at least we still have the Diddy Kong Racing 2 rumours. :laugh:

I'm only still giving a little credit to them purely because there are a few claims in them that seem to stack up with reality (for example, the claimed original projected release date and the claim about the use of Wii U dev-kits for early "NX" work both appear to line up with an old job-listing for another game). Though, if we don't see this alleged game at E3, I'll personally be writing the rumours off at that point.

If Diddy Kong Racing 2 does happen, though, I reckon that Dixie would be in it, due to the fact that she was added to Diddy Kong Racing DS.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Diddy Kong Racing 2 probably wouldn't have Donkey Kong himself as a playable character... otherwise it would be titled Donkey Kong Racing.

Tortilla Noggin

Smash Obsessed
May 13, 2015
Diddy Kong Racing 2 probably wouldn't have Donkey Kong himself as a playable character... otherwise it would be titled Donkey Kong Racing.
Indeed. And the game's plot, as claimed by the rumours, wouldn't be compatible with DK's inclusion, either;

Kensuke Tanabe, the producer of Donkey Kong Country Returns and Tropical Freeze, pitched the idea of Dillon (from Dillon’s Rolling Western) to be one of the racers in the game. Tanabe was the producer of Dillon’s Rolling Western, and he liked the idea of having a roster of lesser known Nintendo characters.

Before Diddy Kong Racing, Diddy Kong had always seemed like a sidekick more than a star. Tanabe thought that the concept of lesser known Nintendo characters “fighting to be Nintendo’s big star” could prove to be interesting for Diddy Kong Racing. Characters such as Mallo (Pushmo) and Rusty (Rusty’s Real Deal Baseball) were also added as racers to fill out the roster.
There are certainly a few DK series characters who could easily fit in with this story, if it is indeed true.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I like the idea of Diddy Kong Racing as a crossover racing game featuring Diddy Kong and his friends plus some obscure Nintendo characters... kinda like the original game had Banjo and Conker before they had their own games.

  1. Diddy Kong
  2. Dixie Kong
  3. Kiddy Kong
  4. Tiny Kong
  5. Chunky Kong
  6. Lanky Kong
  7. Donkey Kong Jr.
  8. Arcade Bunny (Nintendo Badge Arcade)
  9. Barbara (Daigasso! Band Brothers)
  10. Bubbles (Clu Clu Land)
  11. Chibi-Robo (Chibi-Robo!)
  12. Dillon (Dillon's Rolling Western)
  13. Donbe (Shin Onigashima)
  14. Hikari (Shin Onigashima)
  15. Mallo (Pushmo)
  16. Rusty (Rusty's Real Deal Baseball)
  17. Stanley (Donkey Kong 3)
  18. Starfy (The Legendary Starfy)

I think 18 is a reasonable number of drivers for a 3DS racing game (Mario Kart 7 had 17 characters).

I selected those characters because most of them were in Super Mario Maker.


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013
Not to deviate the discussion even more away from Dixie herself...

...but I also wish Mario Kart would expand more upon the "side series": Donkey Kong, Wario Land/WarioWare and Yoshi, and I guess Luigi's Mansion too - why not go all the way to the RPG games as well. Diddy and Dixie at least should definitely be mainstays at this point when it comes to DK-series, and I guess Cranky and Pauline along with the return of Funky would be awesome to see. The likes of Captain Syrup, Mona, Ashley and WarioWare Wario (either as a costume option or something like Tanooki Mario/Cat Peach) for the Wario-side of things would be cool. Yoshi should have at least Poochy and Kamek, maybe Yarn Yoshi as a separate one as well - sure, costume-based characters aren't the most exciting, but with their own animations and stats it isn't so bad. Out of Luigi's Mansion, we (sort of) have King Boo, add in E. Gadd and maybe Polterpup or something to reference those games. RPG-wise Fawful is a popular choice and Paper Mario (biased) would be fun as well. Guest appearances from R.O.B. and Pac-Man, both of whom have been in MK games before, would be welcome.

Not to mention some existing Mario-universe characters which should either return or be added: Birdo, Nabbit, Wiggler and while we have Koopa Troopa etc, we still don't have Goomba, the most iconic enemy in Mario (sure, he has no hands, but there must be a way around it). And I'm still probably missing some. I personally don't mind the baby-characters or costume based characters we have now, as they all still have their own personalities and differ from the original ones, but I do agree on there being many other good, if not better, choices to choose from.
(oh, and a Mach Rider -inspired stage ála Excitebike + vehicle as DLC is what I'd like to see, it's the only few retro Nintendo racing games not referenced)

Anyway, for Dixie, if Diddy Kong Racing 2 ever happens, that would be the way to go. The DK-series and its characters needs more love when it comes to crossovers as a whole really.

Tortilla Noggin

Smash Obsessed
May 13, 2015
Anyway, for Dixie, if Diddy Kong Racing 2 ever happens, that would be the way to go. The DK-series and its characters needs more love when it comes to crossovers as a whole really.
I honestly reckon that Dixie would be a shoe-in for Diddy Kong Racing 2, if it's real, because she's Diddy's girlfriend, and also because she appeared in Diddy Kong Racing DS, replacing Conker, who was another middleweight. If the game's real, I'd be stunned if that wasn't the case. :laugh:

If we assume for a moment that it somehow is real, and we'll see it at E3, I wonder if that sort of recency would help Dixie's case, assuming that that'll be a factor for Smash Switch?


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2009
A warrior's grave...
More music tracks! I've mainly focused on DKC2 and Tropical Freeze this time, with a little something given to Diddy Kong Racing. I recommend giving Alpine Incline a listen if you wanna hear that oldschool DKC2 vibe in a modern Country game, and for Irate Eight I have links to the Lockjaw's Saga remixes, whereas the level's opening track--Seaside Tide--was given its actual name. Apparently, the German lyrics for Hot Top Volcano contain quite a surprise if the YouTube comment section is to be believed. If true, I can't believe Rare got away with THAT in a kid's game LMAO.

Series Staples:
Jungle Hijinxs (DKC2, DK64, Jungle Beat, Returns (Silhouette Version 1, 2, Tiki Tong), Tropical Freeze
Aquatic Ambience (Returns, Tropical Freeze)

Fear Factory (Returns, Music Madness, Frozen Frenzy)
Stickerbrush Symphony (Twilight Terror, Tropical Freeze Credits Uncut)
Minecart Madness (Returns, Version 1, 2, 3, 4)

Diddy's Kong Quest:
Hot-Head Bop
Disco Train
Boss Bossanova
Flight of the Zinger
Jib Jig
Mining Melancholy
Toxic Tower
Rattle Battle
Forest Interlude
Bayou Boogie
Haunted Hall *NEW*
Funky's Flights *NEW*
Kong Kollege *NEW*
Screech's Sprint *NEW*
Hornet Hole *NEW*

Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!:
Dixie Beat
Rockface Rumble
Nuts N' Bolts
Jungle Jitters (GBA)
Stilt Village (GBA)
Pokey Pipes
Hot Pursuit
Frosty Frolics
Cavern Caprice

Diddy Kong Racing (N64 & DS)
Star City (DS)
Spaceport Alpha (DS)
Boss Theme (DS)
Wizpig Theme (DS)
Walrus Cove
Taj's Race Theme *NEW*
Hot Top Volcano *NEW*

Donkey Kong Barrel Blast
Cosmic Highway

Tropical Freeze:
Amiss Abyss
Big Top Bop
Punch Bowl
Wing Ding
Fruity Factory
Scorch N Torch
Frantic Fields (Dynamite Dash)
Snowmad's Island Theme
Busted Bayou
Horn Top Hop (Inside the Giant Horn)
Deep Keep *NEW*
Grassland Groove *NEW*
Irate Eight (Underwater, Chase) *NEW*
Cannon Canyon *NEW*
Alpine Incline (Mountain) *NEW*
Windmill Hills *NEW*
Seaside Tide *NEW*


Da Mines Remix (Mining Melancholy)
Forever Frozen (In a Snow-Bound Land)

Dusty Echoes (Mining Melancholy)
High Rollin (Disco Train)

Dixie's Voyage (K. Rool Returns, Aqueduct Assault, Jib Jig)

Gears Grinding (Nuts and Bolts)
Encounter In The Abyss (Lockjaw's Saga)

OC Remix:
Re-Skewed (Donkey Kong Rescued)
Trapped in the Minds (Kannon's Klaim)
Crystal Swamp (Snakey Chantey)
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Tortilla Noggin

Smash Obsessed
May 13, 2015
Apparently, the German lyrics for Hot Top Volcano contain quite a surprise if the YouTube comment section is to be believed. If true, I can't believe Rare got away with THAT in a kid's game LMAO.
I doubt that those claims are true, because there isn't a German-language version of the tune.

I mean, has anyone really ever listened to this theme where the music sounds somewhat inspired by India, and thought "This is clearly meant to be German!"? :laugh:

Even in those YouTube comments, several different people list different things that they perceive.
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Smash Master
Jul 9, 2009
A warrior's grave...
I doubt that those claims are true, because there isn't a German-language version of the tune.

I mean, has anyone really ever listened to this theme where the music sounds somewhat inspired by India, and thought "This is clearly meant to be German!"? :laugh:

Even in those YouTube comments, several different people list different things that they perceive.
Yea, I was skeptical about it to begin with. It would've been funny of course but that'd be surprising even for Rare.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I think I would like to see a Donkey Kong RPG similar to Paper Mario or Mario & Luigi or even Super Mario RPG. That could be pretty interesting. Dixie could be one of the party members.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I think I would like to see a Donkey Kong RPG similar to Paper Mario or Mario & Luigi or even Super Mario RPG. That could be pretty interesting. Dixie could be one of the party members.
I've wanted this since forever, and was all the more frustrated by the DK skeleton cameo in the first Mario & Luigi called 'Bing'.

Seriously, I'd be an awesome concept especially considering the buddy system of the Returns games.

Also about the "lyrics" of Hot Top Volcano... I always said that one part as uranutang. Seemed way more fitting
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Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I still would like to see a Paper Mario game that introduces Paper Donkey Kong, Paper Diddy Kong, etc. That would be interesting.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2009
A warrior's grave...
I still would like to see a Paper Mario game that introduces Paper Donkey Kong, Paper Diddy Kong, etc. That would be interesting.
I would LOVE a paper version of the Kong family. Give me paper versions of all the kongs from Tropical Freeze plus Lanky and I'm set for life. Anyone else would be a bonus for me.
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