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The King's Anti-Edgeguarding Game


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
Sterling, VA
I'm not the greatest DDD player, or even close, but I've gotten decent with him and know at least a little bit about how to get back on the ledge safely. But anyways, here are a few things that will help you get back on the stage safely.

DDD's Anti-Edgeguarding Game

When you're hanging on the ledge

Bair--This one I use the most. Just press back to get off the ledge, then press jump while still holding back on the analog stick, then DI forward while pressing C-stick forward to perform a bair from off the ledge, comes out very fast, and if you keep your control pad holding forward, you land right back on the ledge again. One of the safest ways to attack a person edgeguarding close to the ledge.

Uair--Well, you get the point, do the input so that you drop down, jump up once, and use your Uair, on most stages, DDD's hammer will go straight through the stage cuz of it's nasty range and hit your opponent. You might have to use an extra jump to get back on the ledge.

Fair--Practically the same as the Bair except for the input on the control stick when you press the jump button. Will probably have more knockback if you connect since Bair is more practical throughout most matches. Making it easier to get on the stage after it connects.

Essentially all his aerials can be used to take off pressure and make some space to get back onto the stage. And they are all very good at doing it. For the Dair i don't use often, but you have to jump, and di forward alittle bit, and then perform your dair. I don't recommend this though it's not as safe as all the other ones i just mentioned cuz you're in the air without any protection.

When you're recovering to get to the ledge

UpB--UpB can get predictable at times, so i try to alternate where i land it, cancelling it and not cancelling it, etc. UpBing onto the stage is a bad approach to getting back on the stage, leaves you vulnerable for most aerials or an well timed uptilt. Maybe actually hit the stage if you know that you know that you know they aren't going to punish you for it, or for mixing it up.

ForwardB--this is where it's at. When you're using your jumps, just throw in a forward B to get an edgeguarder away from the ledge, when a gordo comes out, i get very happy. Also, i heard from somewhere that you can ledgedrop and do forwardB and land back on the ledge or something like that, if someone could tell me how to do that, it'd be great. I think whut has some insight on this since i just saw him post that he's been leaving alot of responds about how good a tool forwardB is for getting back on the stage.

DownB--Actually i don't use DownB ever on or off the stage. But if anyone has anything of importance about it, let me know and I'll add it.

Aerials--I guess you could WoP back up to the stage just for show or if you're afraid someone's gonna try and go after you. w/ bair and or fair

NeutralB--So much fun, if they're anywhere near the edge, simply suck them up and fall, make sure you have enough time/jumps to get back up if you don't suck them up. It lasts a pretty long time, and i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one who's died from missing a suicide. Just a warning though, don't ever try this if you are down a stock--should be common sense. Other than that, if you have a lot more percentage than your opponent on the same stock, i suicide, i did it twice to a snake the other day, I had like 160 and he had like 70 one time and 110 the other time. and then i did really well on the last stock and won, w00t. Another warning, pulling this off may make you very excited and you may feel like jumping up and down and clapping like i do, but pay attention cuz you've still got a match to play. Very satisfying way to end a match when you're up a stock, ledge stall with the moves above, then get a little above the ledge, they'll be sick of you stalling and will try and attack, just suck them up and fatfall to death.

On another note, i've never pulled this off on a real match, but you can suck them up, fall a little bit, then spit them up under the stage and still recover back onto the stage.

Well, that's all i got so far, but if anyone has anything to add, please post

rathy Aro

Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
This is great! I always have a hard time coming back bc of UpB.

I know that you can jump and sideB without loosing any height, but for some reason I can't do it and I just end up dying.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
Sterling, VA
yeah, i actually didn't use this till recently, and i love it, great way to get rid of edgeguarders.

BTW, you have to the forwardB in the first few frames of the jump, so as soon as you can input it.


Smash Rookie
Mar 22, 2008
really useful post. One question i had though was what to do with edgehoggers when using uP + B.

I always have trouble with people who grab the ledge while im trying to Up B recover. If i cancel the up B to grab the ledge, they try to jump in and grab it before me (possible with fast chars) and i fall to my death. If i see them grab the edge early and instead choose to land my butt on their face, they just roll onto the stage and use invinc frames to doge my spike.

Any advice?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
Sterling, VA
if you run out of jumps, you're only really left w/ two options in your UpB, to cancel or go on stage, both are punishable, but canceling is much less punishable, while you're recovering back to the stage, make sure to throw your waddles, it makes them stay back, and you can examine more closely what they are going to do. I can't stress how much easier it is to get back on the ledge just by using waddle tosses while recovering. Other than that just mix it up so you keep them guessing about your UpB, you could go straight up, cancel at the top of your jump, and di towards the ledge to keep things mixed up.
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