I see her more as Patty Thompson from soul eater. I also see Sky's voice simular panty from panty and stocking (the same voice actor also voices Liz Thompson from soul eater)
I personally think Lauren Landa's Kyoko voice from Madoka Magica could be pretty fitting for Rottytops as well,
And her Squigly voice would suit her human form as well (which is kinda Ironic if you think about it)
First of all, I can't decide between C/D for 2, 3, and 4.
Second of all, on the topic of what Rottytops would sound like, what do you all think Sky, Bolo, Uncle Mimic, Risky, her Tinkerbats, and Rotty's brothers, Abner Cadaver and Poe wold sound like, had Half-Genie Hero gotten voice acting?
Keeping with Cristina Vee as Shantae, here's my list of voice actors/actresses I think the Shantae series should have, (still undecided on some, I wouldn't mind some second opinions as well):
Major Characters:
Risky Boots: Laura Post, Erin Fitzgerald or Karen Strassman
Rottytops: Lauren Landa
Sky: Carrie Keranen, Caitlin Glass or Julie Ann Taylor
Bolo: Lucien Dodge
Mimic: Charles Martinet
Minor Characters:
Mayor Scuttlebutt: having trouble finding someone fitting, maybe Kaiji Tang or David Vincent?
Abner Cadaver: Christopher Corey Smith or Kyle Hebert
Poe: Casey Robertson or Sean Schemmel
Barracuda Joe: Josh Tomar
Squid Baron: Scott Whyte
Ammo Baron: Patrick Seitz
Dance Parlor Lady: Cindy Robinson
Hypno Baron: Liam O' Brien
Chef Girl: Stephanie Sheh
Twitch/Vinegar: Stephanie Komure
Techno Baron: Edwyn Tiong
Brandon/Bran-Son: Martin "LittleKuriboh" Billany
Sky's mother: Erika Harlacher
Sky's father: Kirk Thornton
Hexer: Alan Oppenheimer
Pirate Master: Jamieson Price or Patrick Seitz
Link to a Voice Actor website if you don't know who some of these people are: