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The good the bad and the ugly.

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Smash Apprentice
Mar 4, 2007
Lately I've been seeing some very intresting charcter suggestions, some good, some bad, and some that make you go WTF?!?! So, I'm going to make a list that will be updated every so as more charcters are put up for thought.


Sora: Yes, Sora from Kingdom Hearts. Most people think Kingdom Hearts and go " OMG! NO FF OR DISNEY CHARCTERS!" Sora is neither, and on top of that is a mixture of the two styles of charcters that came out perfectly. He fits in amazingly with SSB cast, even better than Sonic would. You wouldn't even need to alter him. No powering him down or up. He'd be a moderate weight, with moderate strength who is relatively fast, but not fox fast. He'd basically be a mix of Link and Fox.

NiGHTS: He is a good charcter, and would fit in pretty well as a charcter. He flys, but his moves could easily be made with attacks that imply magic or he could even use cards because of his apperance. He'd be a real light weight and a floater.

Midna and Wolf Link: Do I even need to explain this?

Lucario: This should be a charcter I don't have to explain, but I know there are a few dee dee dees out there that will say I'm wrong. Let me explain something, SSB is a fighting game why the hell wouldn't you put a fighting type in it? If Pikachu wasn't such a mascot for the series he wouldn't be there. Mewtwo got in because of Pokemon the first movie, because it was so popular. Lucario is far more popular than Mewtwo was, plus Lucario looks better and his moveset writes itself.

Wolf O' Donnell: Seiriously, best Star Fox Villain. The End.

Krystal: She's the best for a Star Fox charcter that's not a villain. The staff brings good originality too.

Red: The original trainer from Pokemon that was the base for Ash Ketchum would be great. He is the main charcter for the entire series. He deserves to be in.

The Bad:

Cloud/Sephiroth: They are cool, and all. But seiriously how gay would they look fighting Pikachu.

Charizard: It'd be a heavy floater, and just isn't as deserving as other pokemon.

Deoxys: Honestly, I don't get why he'd be up for consideration. He isn't very popular, and he'd probably be hard to make a move set for.

The Ugly:

Tom Nook: Who is the ****** who even suggested him? No one from Animal Crossing should be in SSB. They'd look ********.

Tingle: Tingle may be getting a new game, at least that's what I've heard, but honestly it'd be stupid. He has no right to be in the game and isn't even that popular. Although, Mr. Game & Watch wasn't popular and he got in so I guess he has a chance.

Captain Olimar: He's from friggin' Pikmin, how lame is that. I don't care how innovative it would be to have him use Pikmin, but that's ridiculous.

Kid from Elebits: I don't even remember where I saw this, but the person who made it needs to be beaten severely. The game was far from popular, and wasn't even that good.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Captain Olimar: He's from friggin' Pikmin, how lame is that.
...I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say...not very?

I also find it somewhat worrying you'd put Sephiroth in "The Bad" section since he has never appeared on a Nintendo console and perfectly eligible smashers like Nookie, Tingle and Olimar in "The Ugly".


Smash Apprentice
May 23, 2007
There are far better SE choices than Sora. Mog, Black Mage, characters that originated on Nintendo systems that are iconic to FF, SE's most popular franchise. Sora having a handheld spinoff does not merit him a spot as a Smasher. NiGHTS is owned by Sega, and there's no way in hell he'll get a spot over Sonic.

As for your Ugly Section, your reasons for Olimar and Tom Nook not making it are basically "I don't like them".

Yeah, because you think some characters are "gay" and "********" (could it have killed you to use less offensive words?) that means they won't make it in.



Smash Apprentice
Nov 5, 2006
For one thing, Red is not the trainer for the entire series. Just RBY. Deoxys is more popular, from an anime/legendary perspective, than most, and his moveset is not at all difficult to foresee.
And from what I saw, Elebits scored pretty well on almost all review sites/mags.
Care to provide any real reasons why the characters in the last category of your terrible cliche won't/shouldn't make it in the game?

Stand your ground--you're about to be blasted with ice-cold reason by far more intelligent posters than you. Then the topic will be locked.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 4, 2007
The list is off of my opinion about suggested charcters not their chances of getting in the game.

@Mersh- Yes, there are more deserving charcters, but they are less popular. I'd love to see a black mage or mog. I'm merely going off of charcters I've seen people say should be in the game. Yes, NiGHTS is owned by Sega, and will not be put in before Sonic. That's pretty obvious. On the topic of the ugly section think about it. Certain charcters fit in and others don't. 'Nookie' As Vali called him doesn't fit in with the type of charcters that should be in SSB, and neither does Tingle or Olimar. I like Tom Nook, but he doesn't fit in with the SSB universe.

@ Pomfrod- Intellegience has nothing to do with it. It's merely opinion and nothing more. Don't like it go to another thread. Also, most reviews said it was medicore/repetitive.


Smash Apprentice
May 23, 2007
On the topic of the ugly section think about it. Certain charcters fit in and others don't. 'Nookie' As Vali called him doesn't fit in with the type of charcters that should be in SSB, and neither does Tingle or Olimar. I like Tom Nook, but he doesn't fit in with the SSB universe.
...What the hell do you mean "type of characters that should be in SSB"? This game is a giant brawl between plumbers, racecar drivers, anthropomorphic space adventurers, princesses, electric rats, ****** children, gorillas, dinosaurs, swordsmen, and many other things.

I don't see how throwing a raccoon that runs a shop into the mix suddenly throws off the theme.

The only "type" of characters I could think of that "fit in" to SSBB would be Nintendo characters, and last I checked, Nook fits the bill.

Lemon Drop

Smash Lord
May 16, 2006
Seeing Andross in the game would be a pretty big suprise >.>

Master Hand + Crazy Hand + Andross Head = ANDROSS the Boss ?


Smash Ace
May 19, 2007
Longmont, CO
Seeing Andross in the game would be a pretty big suprise >.>

Master Hand + Crazy Hand + Andross Head = ANDROSS the Boss ?

omg, this never occured to me, but Andross should totally be a boss thing like masterhand, would be very nice to see a new boss other than just hand things, and a mutated booser.

Cpt olimar is supposed to be like 2 inches tall? and plus, he's afraid of Oxygen XD. (I have nothing agaisnt him, I think it would be pretty cool to have him in)

So, where do Issac and Diddy fit on that list?
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