- RayNoire - Power ranked #6 in Wisconsin using Mewtwo. Placed Top 8 and sometimes top 4 in Milwaukee's Construct tournaments (the biggest tourney series in WI). Placed 17th Kings of the North 4. Plays on the UW-Madison Collegiate Crew
- Speedshocker - Has had notable tournament performances in North Carolina.
- MewSquared - Several solid and high placings in Texas with notable wins over Denti, Aerolink, Gyo, and Karna.
Mewtwo is not a character without flaws as all three experts were able to point out issues. The biggest one each expert mentioned was simply his weight. "Although Mewtwo does weigh slightly more than Jigglypuff, his height and tail actually cause him to die earlier, thus making him even more easy to KO." Speedshocker explained. This weight combined with his floatiness can create other issues as well.
"His floatiness makes it very hard for him to land back on the ground, which is where you wanna be in the neutral." Mewsquared told us. "It can be very difficult to get back in the neutral when recovering from off stage as his big size and floatiness allows opponents to harass him during his recovery and landing options."
"People know about the weight, but Mewtwo's also got a lot of issues with his hitboxes on almost every move he has." RayNoire also mentioned. "His frame data is pretty bad (fastest move is frame 6, fastest aerial frame 7), he has a horrible time getting off the ledge, his OoS game is among the worst...There's more but you get the idea."
However even with these weaknesses Mewtwo has some great strengths to make up for them. "I'd say one of his biggest strengths are his powerful d-tilt/standing combo links." Speedshocker said and Mewsquared agreed. "Mewtwo has amazing combo potential with his jab and tilts, with both heavy damaging combos and kill confirm combos."
His combo game is greatly aided by a strong ability to space and zone. "His attacks also have incredible range and relatively safe disjoints." Speedshocker told us. "He has an amazing projectile in Shadow Ball, which has quick startup and is quite safe due to Mewtwo's ability to reflect with Confusion." These qualities fit into his gameplan very well according to Mewsquared. "With Mewtwo, you want to space and zone the opponent with tilts and Shadow Ball pressure, then link into his many confirms for massive damaging combos. He is great at spacing with his tail moves and his floatiness can be used to effectively bait air dodges for punishes."
This isn't the end of his advantages either. While his weight and floaty nature at times can be a disadvantage it can also be quite a boon for Mewtwo. "His weight and floatiness can actually help him escape many of the other cast's combos." Mewsquared said.
Relevant Matchups
Each player found certain matchups among the top tier to be in Mewtwo's advantage and disadvantage. Speedshocker gave a general rundown on what kinds of characters Mewtwo has issues against. "His worst MU's are often dependent on one key factor; can they keep the pressure on him? Mewtwo can't stand characters that are fast and always on top of him. He can't charge Shadow Ball, and literally if they're "above" him, he can't hit them with his pokes. (Jab and Dtilt) which can cause some real problems."
RayNoire mentioned Fox, Mario, Captain Falcon, Yoshi, and Meta Knight, and Speedshocker mentioned Sheik and Little Mac as some of those fast characters that gave Mewtwo issues. MewSquared mentioned Pikachu and Zero Suit Samus but also said "Both the matchups are doable, however it forces Mewtwo to play outside of his comfort zone, as you'll have to be in the air a bit more often then normal."
However he is not without some positive top tier matchups either. RayNoire gave his thoughts on Mewtwo doing well against Rosalina. "Mewtwo's best top tier matchup is probably Rosalina. Mewtwo finds it very easy to get rid of Luma and it's tough for Rosa to land." Mewsquared looked at Luigi as "by far Mewtwo's best matchup. Mewtwo dominates Luigi, it is one of Mewtwo's best matchups in general."
Is Mewtwo Viable?
All three experts had varying levels of optimism and skepticism on her viability on the national level with RayNoire being on the lower end. "I'll just say that I think Mewtwo is among the least viable characters in the game. Where most people put him on tier lists right now (bottom 3/5) is about where he's at."
Speedshocker felt more in the middle on his viability. "Depends on the dedication honestly. I've seen characters being used on a national level that many once thought to be flat out bad.Mewtwo is not an exceedingly exceptional character in general. He has flaws that are obvious, and his attacks aren't always that safe. If you want to use Mewtwo on a national level, you're going to have to put in the effort to focus on his strengths and have the knowledge to make up for his weaknesses."
Mewsquared remained confident that Mewtwo was viable on a national level. "He has plenty of options and tools to handle the top tiers and although he may lose some match ups every matchup of his is doable. I do not believe he loses any matchup incredibly badly. However some are much easier with the help of certain stages."
Advice For Mewtwo Mains?
RayNoire had this to say. "Base your neutral around Dtilt. Know what options counter it and your options against those options, and mix up from there. Learn ALL your landing options; you will need them. RAR your Nairs. More generally, know what you're getting into. It's going to be difficult and bad things will happen. Embrace the challenge and don't get flustered."
For those wanting to play as Mewtwo Speedshocker stressed that patience while staying in proper position was key. "Mewtwo isn't easy to use, and isn't for everyone. If you want a character that has powerful mobility, insane grabs, and some unique perks, then Mewtwo might be the one for you. The best advice I can give specifically is work on keeping the opponent where you want them to be. If something isn't working right, position yourself in a spot where it is. Stay on your toes, and keep your calm. Like a Psychic Pokemon should be, Mewtwo is all about the mind."
Mewsquared had his own advice to share. "My advice to anyone looking to play Mewtwo is completely 100% forget about his weight. I believe his light weight is the biggest thing that distracts people from Mewtwo's many strengths, and creates the illusion that he is a bad low tier character. I have always said this to those people since the very beginning, his light weight only matters if you get hit. Why are you always getting hit? Focus on his strengths, develop your spacing and combo game, and you will begin to understand how good Mewtwo really is."
A special thanks to RayNoire, Speedshocker, and Mewsquared for their help with this article. With so much valuable Mewtwo information not everything was able to fit within a single article. To learn more about Mewto and see the full interviews with these three players be sure to check out the Mewtwo forums here on Smashboards by following this link.
Agree or disagree with these Mewtwo experts? Sound off in the comments below and stay tuned to Smashboards for future expert analysis on characters from all Smash titles!
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