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The Future of Project M and How It Might Be Able To Coexist With Smash 4.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
2015 has so far been rough for Project M. 3.5 itself also launched to much less fanfare than 3.0 (though this was understandable, because Smash 4 Wii U ended up launching a week later). With major tournies and streamers dumping Project M, there are many that believe that Project M's best days are behind it, and some whom think that its days in general are numbered.

The question exists as to whether Project M can not only survive, but rather thrive in a competitive scene where its being muscled out of the biggest tournies and sponsors. It has developed a sort of "middle child" condition where it lacks the seniority and prestige that Melee has and the "freshness" and official sponsorship that Smash 4 enjoys.

However, despite things currently looking bleak for Project M. Potentially, Project M could thrive and prosper despite the adverse conditions against it.

First, it must be discussed and analyzed the background and parameters pertaining to Smash 4 and Project M.

For Smash 4, the game had unprecedented hype for a Nintendo published title. Although Brawl was weakly received by the competitive subset of the Smash Bros. fanbase, the game itself sold a phenomenal 12-13 million copies, making it by far the highest selling installment to the series (by comparison Melee sold 7 million).

However, there was also a paradox existing within Smash 4's hype. The Wii U itself is by far Nintendo's worst selling home console, and the 3DS, while successful, is going to end up being Nintendo's lowest selling mainline handheld. Nintendo's since 2011, has been in the most dire financial straits it has ever been in, and it was only until the second half of 2014 that they started drawing a profit again (likely due to the strong software sales of a numerous amount of titles released last year, as well as no longer eating a loss on 3DS's and Wii U's that are sold).

There are many that compare the Wii U's dismal performance with that of the GameCube, but the fact is that its doing far worse than the GameCube. GameCube by the end of its life had sold 22 million, and had an attach rate of nine games per console. Right now the Wii U has only sold around eight million (with its biggest sellers already out), and its attach rate it only 5-6. To make things even more dire, the GameCube had sold 13 million in North America (by far its strongest territory). As of the end of 2014, the Wii U has only sold around 3.5-4 million in North America (again NA is by far the strongest territory for the Wii U). Based on trajectory, the Wii U's final LTD will be from 12-15 million. The Wii had sold over 100 million consoles, yet the Wii U will be lucky to reach even 15 million. Its far worse of a failure than the GameCube ever was, especially considering it was coming off the back of the highest selling home console Nintendo ever had.

The Wii U's audience basically consists of:
1. Core Nintendo fans
2. Kids and Family

At this point (especially after the last holiday season), Nintendo knows there is no turning the Wii U around, and even getting it to the level of success that the GameCube had is very likely off the table. Nintendo's primary direction it seems now with the Wii U is trying to maximize present consumer enjoyment with the Wii U, as well as attempts to make as much money as possible off of the core Nintendo fanbase (this can evidently be seen with the Amiibo line and Nintendo pursuing DLC in more titles).

Catering to the core/hardcore Nintendo fan demographic is one of Nintendo's primary strategies for dealing with the Wii U failure debacle. Its for this reason why Nintendo has likely started sponsoring the competitive Smash Bros. scene, despite Sakurai himself being ambivalent at best on the idea of Smash Bros. as a competitive/"serious" fighting game/series. Since the Wii U will likely be on the market for another 2-3 years (Nintendo will likely introduce their next home console in either 2016 or 2017), at the very least Project M will not be allow to be officially displayed at major tournies for the next few years since Nintendo will likely want to promote Smash 4 until the end of the Wii U's life. Nintendo's hope is that by promoting Smash 4 with the hardcore set, that the game will drive quite a bit more hardware sales than it would otherwise until the system ultimately leaves the market.

However, its imperative to realize that even in an environment where Smash 4 and Nintendo muscles Project M out of the biggest tournaments, that the game can still survive and thrive the upcoming years. Such an example already exists within the Smash Bros. community. When Brawl was initially released, some major tournies dropped Melee in favor of Brawl. However, due to the tenacity, perseverance, and viral word of mouth, Melee by the time of 2011/2012 ended up becoming as popular as it had been during the GameCube era (perhaps even more popular).

Project M could potentially achieve a similar milestone.

Project M 3.0 reached over a million downloads (most of which were likely in North America). By comparison, Smash 4 Wii U by the end of 2014 sold only 1.3 million copies in America. The number achieved by Project M is more impressive on the face of that a large portion of Smash 4 Wii U's sales likely went to people whom are unlikely to enter the competitive subset of the community (as mentioned earlier the second major demographic of Wii U owners are kids/families). As such the amount of people who purchased 3.0 and Smash 4 Wii U to play "seriously" is probably very competitive with one another, which is a massive positive going forward.

I would say the top most limit for how many downloads an iteration of Project M could achieve would be two million (but that's if all the stars aligned). Realistically, its not unlikely for a new update for Project M to achieve one million downloads even with Smash 4 on the market and being officially sponsored by Nintendo.

Project M 3.0 likely achieved its million+ download milestone due to a multitude of factors. First, Smash 4 was about a year from release, so a lot of "core" Smash Bros. fans were looking for something to serve as an appetizer. For many people who were looking forward to Smash 4 (including myself), the additions of Mewtwo and Roy were what drew us to Project M in the first place (there was a lot of support for those two characters to return for Smash 4). For the competitive subset, the prospect of having the entire cast from Brawl added in (as well as the additions of Mewtwo and Roy) with Melee-style gameplay.

3.5's emphasis was further balance and gameplay tweaks, the additions of a few new modes/features such as debug and All-Star Versus, and the addition of lots of high quality alternate costumes and stages (the updates for the three N64 stages as well as the new Ice Climber stage were excellent, in my opinion). It was definitely the best update the team could have done in the face of the Smash 4 juggernaut.

Going forward Smash 4 won't have the hype and interest it had during its first year. Potentially, DLC (especially character DLC) will upkeep interest in the title, but essentially Smash 4 is "complete".

Project M essentially is still in development. There is a possible five additional characters for them to add (all of which will be entirely new to the Smash Bros. series), as well as possible wide assortment of new modes and features that could further differentiate it from other installments to the Smash Bros. series.

In regards to potential newcomers, they could definitely serve to help bring Project M back in to the spotlight again outside the dedicated Project M fans. Characters such as Ridley and/or Isaac in particular are among the few notable characters left that were not added in to Smash 4. While Smash 4 added a notable amount of Nintendo franchises to the roster (Punch-Out, Xenoblade, Animal Crossing, Wii Fit, Mii's), long running franchises with avid fanbases such as Golden Sun and Advance Wars were still left out in the cold. Ridley is a character that needs no introduction. Future iterations of Project M could definitely draw in the same kind of fans that 3.0 brought in through the additions of Mewtwo and Roy. Drawing in through the "core" (but not quite into the competitive scene) Smash Bros. fans back in through possible character additions is simply one way to help get Project M back out on its feet.

As to the competitive fanbase, these are possibly the most passionate and avid segment to the Smash Bros. fanbase (especially at this point, where almost every notable Nintendo character has already been added in). These are the same people whom helped Melee rise back to prominence despite the game going on close to 15 years old and Brawl having had nearly double the LTD sales that Melee enjoyed.

Project M is the only "game" to the Smash Bros. series in which its design was catered to this demographic of the Smash Bros. fanbase. As such, it potentially could eventually rise back into the limelight simply through positive word of mouth and dedicated fans. Project M is the only other game in the series that rivals Melee in terms of its depth, and its undoubtedly the most balanced of any installment.

Although Melee is a timeless classic, it is eventually going to be (or perhaps even starting to) get a little long in the tooth. There might possibly be a segment to the Melee fanbase that tires of the same kind of matchups for Melee or that not much else new is being done at the highest levels. As such, it could potentially serve as a gateway into them exploring Project M.

I feel one stigma that future iterations of Project M could mitigate is for it to further differentiate itself from Brawl. A common attack against Project M is that its "simply a mod". By perhaps changing Project M more from Brawl (perhaps replacing the intro for one down the line), as well as adding in more features not seen in Brawl, the game will help further solidify its own identity.

Project M in the coming years (this year and next) will probably have to live in Smash 4 and Melee's shadow. However, I think after 2016, the game if it has played its cards right and if it has benefited from good word of mouth, will become a mainstay to the competitive Smash Bros. scene, and even be beloved by those outside of it.

Ultimately, this is all up to the efforts of the PMDT and Project M fans. Even if Project M does not regain its 2013 highs, it still could be a part of the Smash Bros. fandom. Remember, as with Melee's resurgence, its all up to the dedication of those who play the game and the community it fosters.

So what are your thoughts with all this in mind?


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2010
By this time I think it's already clear that Sm4sh is just Brawl 2.0. It will get some more support for some time because it's a new game and all that, but... that's it. Matches are too damn long and get boring quite fast, and no streamer wants that.

On the other hand, PM 3.5, albeit a nice update, didn't add anything near to 3.0's Roy and Mewtwo. Also since it was all about nerfing everyone (or almost everyone), the first reactions from players weren't very nice. Some days later Sm4sh dropped on Wii U.

That's all. Some months from now Sm4sh will be as "underground" as Brawl and PM will get some cool characters and other stuff that will make its popularity rise again.

I just don't get all this Sm4sh vs PM drama, and in regards to PM's future... just play the game/mod and stop worrying about that.

It's just like life itself: death will come someday. We just don't know when. Maybe tomorrow a drunk man driving a car will end my life on my way to the university, just like maybe Nintendo will be like "WTF let's make Melee 2.0" and will send both Melee and PM to eat dust.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
By this time I think it's already clear that Sm4sh is just Brawl 2.0.
You lost credibility right here.

It would also help to have coexistence if people would stop constantly bashing other series as well, starting off with existing with PM, but in turn is nothing but a giant propaganda post about how PM is more popular than Smash 4 and how it will die off after a year.

Also if you are going to quote figures, you might want to do it overall.

3DS sold 6.9 copies.
WiiU sold 3.39 copies and is the most sold WiiU game to date.

The WiiU is doing a lot better, though Europe is where it is doing horrible not so much in the Us or Japan where it is the number 1 console right now.

If we are looking at overall sucess, 2014 turned out far far better for the WiiU than all of it's past years.
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Wave Dan Landon

It's simple; we gimp the fox
Feb 2, 2015
Replacing the intro is a silly notion, it's a huge FMV and would too greatly increase the PM file size

Project M and Smash 4 coexisting is just a matter of waiting

Regardless about what you think of the two games, PM will be around a lot longer than smash 4

The new game just isn't designed correctly to facilitate a long existence in the ever more melee-centric scene

As more and more people come into the scene as spectators smash 4 will do worse and worse
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Smash Lord
Nov 14, 2007
You lost credibility right here.
Let's be real, Sm4sh is Brawl 2.0 in the same way that PM is Melee 2.0.

It's not literally Brawl 2.0, but the general engine and gamefeel are similar enough that the two can be compared like that. I don't think it's just another Brawl, but get where the Melee/PM/whatever players are coming from when we make that comparison instead of outright dismissing the rest of a post.


Smash Lord
Nov 14, 2007
I could always say "Nintendo platform fighter significantly slower than Melee" instead, but then we'd still be arguing semantics instead of discussing the actual point of this thread.

...which believe me I'd much rather do than discuss whether the diehard PM fans will still be supporting PM after the attention that the latest "official" game in the series has received or not.

That would be a silly discussion to have.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Let's be real, Sm4sh is Brawl 2.0 in the same way that PM is Melee 2.0.

It's not literally Brawl 2.0, but the general engine and gamefeel are similar enough that the two can be compared like that. I don't think it's just another Brawl, but get where the Melee/PM/whatever players are coming from when we make that comparison instead of outright dismissing the rest of a post.
Pm is designed that way.

Smash 4 is not. There are larger differences with Smash 4 to Brawl with the engine than PM is to Melee.


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2010
Pm is designed that way.

Smash 4 is not. There are larger differences with Smash 4 to Brawl with the engine than PM is to Melee.
Sure, no more tripping, you can't escape right after getting launched and a couple other things, but the game is still as slow as Brawl and that's what I meant with "Brawl 2.0".

I mean, Sm4sh matches were 2 stocks in Apex 2015 for a reason.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Sure, no more tripping, you can't escape right after getting launched and a couple other things, but the game is still as slow as Brawl and that's what I meant with "Brawl 2.0".

I mean, Sm4sh matches were 2 stocks in Apex 2015 for a reason.
You missed a lot of other details.

It's fast than Brawl, a lot more.


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2010
Lol don't try to hurt Smash 4 with dat "Brawl 2.0" mentality. Smash 4 is way more appealing than Brawl and it features even more stuff to compensate still being "slower" than Melee.
I'm not trying to hurt any game. I say "Brawl 2.0" because it's something short and easy to understand.

You missed a lot of other details.

It's fast than Brawl, a lot more.
And you're missing the main point. Sm4sh is slow. Very slow. I can say that I'm faster than, IDK, a zombie, but that won't be saying much, now would it?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I'm not trying to hurt any game. I say "Brawl 2.0" because it's something short and easy to understand.

And you're missing the main point. Sm4sh is slow. Very slow. I can say that I'm faster than, IDK, a zombie, but that won't be saying much, now would it?
It's only slow in the sense of, "Slower than Melee"

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
if you want pm to coexist then stop making it "project m vs the world" and make it "project m with the world" in terms of games. i attend most of the smash 4 events here and hang out with the smash 4 crowd, and encourage them to do the same for pm. there's a ton of overlap as a result.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Honestly the topic's OP seems to imply the opposite which is why I called it out on that, and others, on top of inaccurate figure numbers.

It's not trying to encouraging being together, it's encouraging snuffing out Smash 4 and how it sucks and will die is not going to get people to want to play your game.


Smash Lord
Nov 14, 2007
Why should this matter?
Why would it not?

I could say that it's slower than Marvel, KI, USFIV (which it is by the way), and even Divekick. You mentioned Melee, it's a valid comparison, but when I say "Smash 4 and Brawl are similarly slow," it's in reference to nearly every other fighter that I know, and that's relevant to the topic at hand.

PM and Smash 4 have large enough differences that I seriously don't think that, especially to the "hardcore" PM fans/players, aka the reason that the game is still alive, Smash 4's popularity will have anything to do with PM's success. One of the reasons people like PM and Melee (and 64) is because they're fast platform fighters, and those are what we have to compare Smash 4 with. Probably most of the people really into those games will be unaffected by Smash 4's success because, as we've seen with Melee, they're different enough games that people won't want to just play the newest iteration of Smash anymore, specifically for reasons like "it's slow" or "it's too much like Brawl, a game that's like the previous Smash titles except really slow."

So yes, saying Smash 4 is slower than the games we're passionate about is relevant, especially on the topic of "will these players be able to coexist."

I'm more or less just saying that they're separate games and flocking to the latest game happens, but making the claim of "oh no Sm4sh is here RIP PM" is dumb and needs to stop.

or I could just be talking out of my ass as per usual
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#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Why would it not?

I could say that it's slower than Marvel, KI, USFIV (which it is by the way), and even Divekick. You mentioned Melee, it's a valid comparison, but when I say "Smash 4 and Brawl are similarly slow," it's in reference to nearly every other fighter that I know, and that's relevant to the topic at hand.

PM and Smash 4 have large enough differences that I seriously don't think that, especially to the "hardcore" PM fans/players, aka the reason that the game is still alive, Smash 4's popularity will have anything to do with PM's success. One of the reasons people like PM and Melee (and 64) is because they're fast platform fighters, and those are what we have to compare Smash 4 with. Probably most of the people really into those games will be unaffected by Smash 4's success because, as we've seen with Melee, they're different enough games that people won't want to just play the newest iteration of Smash anymore, specifically for reasons like "it's slow" or "it's too much like Brawl, a game that's like the previous Smash titles except really slow."

So yes, saying Smash 4 is slower than the games we're passionate about is relevant, especially on the topic of "will these players be able to coexist."

I'm more or less just saying that they're separate games and flocking to the latest game happens, but making the claim of "oh no Sm4sh is here RIP PM" is dumb and needs to stop.

or I could just be talking out of my *** as per usual
I asked why it should matter with the speed comparisons when it doesn't seem to generate what are the clearly core issues.Speed is not a cited problem with the game unless someone says, "It's not as fast as Melee" The speed of the game is fine and actually leagues better than Brawl's in terms of pacing. You keep quoting without really giving reference to why that speed is bad when for a lot of fighter, smash as a whole moves at a faster pace in terms of movement.

2 stock is being done because For Glory and people are trying to force shorter sets when 3 stock is still proven to work. I have no issue with 2 stock other than I think 3 is better for testing skills and I think it leads to better matches to watch.

I think Street Fighter 4 is slower in speed compared to Smash 4 but is faster on time because 99 seconds and people will die faster from it being about health instead of knocking off the stage.

Smash 64 might debately be faster than Smash 4...maybe but I doubt that, but it still has one of the campiest Neutral by far in the series. At least to me it does. If you mean time of a set, then yes but that's not what I am referring to in terms of speed. The game is still fun but it's not my thing.

The coexistence has a lot to due with people bashing each other and in many ways trying to spread, death to your game is coming and will never last so don't play that garbage.

That's where the problem is.

Coexistence is about respect, not trying to out due another game and tell people it sucks and it will die. Or if you think that will happen, be tactful.

No one has really done so in this thread.


Smash Lord
Nov 14, 2007
I asked why it should matter with the speed comparisons when it doesn't seem to generate what are the clearly core issues.Speed is not a cited problem with the game unless someone says, "It's not as fast as Melee" The speed of the game is fine and actually leagues better than Brawl's in terms of pacing. You keep quoting without really giving reference to why that speed is bad when for a lot of fighter, smash as a whole moves at a faster pace in terms of movement.

2 stock is being done because For Glory and people are trying to force shorter sets when 3 stock is still proven to work. I have no issue with 2 stock other than I think 3 is better for testing skills and I think it leads to better matches to watch.

I think Street Fighter 4 is slower in speed compared to Smash 4 but is faster on time because 99 seconds and people will die faster from it being about health instead of knocking off the stage.

Smash 64 might debately be faster than Smash 4...maybe but I doubt that, but it still has one of the campiest Neutral by far in the series. At least to me it does. If you mean time of a set, then yes but that's not what I am referring to in terms of speed. The game is still fun but it's not my thing.

The coexistence has a lot to due with people bashing each other and in many ways trying to spread, death to your game is coming and will never last so don't play that garbage.

That's where the problem is.

Coexistence is about respect, not trying to out due another game and tell people it sucks and it will die. Or if you think that will happen, be tactful.

No one has really done so in this thread.
Fair enough.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Way before there were any high-profile PM tournaments or the roster was even close to completed, this was still a game that I was going to be playing for the rest of my life. It's that good.

Nothing has really changed for me. This is still the most fun version of Smash I've ever played. Maybe it's because I'm a DK main at heart and this is by far the game where he's the most fun and fluid to play, but Project M is a game that I can't ever see myself being 'done' with. And I know I'm not alone - that's true for a ton of people that love this game. If enough people feel that way, PM can't possibly fade away.

Even if it stops being played at major tournaments, and streams and youtube channels decide to drop it for whatever reason, then it's just back where it was when it started - an incredibly polished, well crafted fighting game for people who wanted Smash Bros to travel down a different path.

Don't get me wrong, I know it must suck for the devs, working so hard and getting so far, only to be pushed backwards for such petty reasons. But this group is a resilient bunch. They turned Brawl into gold, so I'm confident they can weather this storm.

Even if they don't, that's completely fine. I'll always have insane respect and appreciation for them. They made my favorite fighting game of all time, after all.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
3DS sold 6.9 copies.
WiiU sold 3.39 copies and is the most sold WiiU game to date.

The WiiU is doing a lot better, though Europe is where it is doing horrible not so much in the Us or Japan where it is the number 1 console right now.

If we are looking at overall sucess, 2014 turned out far far better for the WiiU than all of it's past years.
Those are shipments. I brought up solely North America's Smash 4 Wii U sales because that is the only territory where Project M has a significant presence. Also, the Wii U is not the number one console ANYWHERE. Its only selling good if you compare it to the Vita. :laugh: Its by far Nintendo's worst selling home console.

Honestly the topic's OP seems to imply the opposite which is why I called it out on that, and others, on top of inaccurate figure numbers.

It's not trying to encouraging being together, it's encouraging snuffing out Smash 4 and how it sucks and will die is not going to get people to want to play your game.
Nothing was inaccurate sales wise. I gave the American sales for Smash 4 Wii U.

You got defensive and posted the shipment data for Smash 4 3DS and Wii U worldwide.

Also, 2014 was not a "far far better year". Sales improved, but sales actually went down in Japan versus 2013 (which was the strongest market for the Wii U in comparison to GameCube performance, up until 2014 Wii U was actually tracking along the GameCube's sales trajectory, now its far below that, just like in other territories).

Secondly, Smash 4 is the not most sold Wii U title. There have been more copies sold for New Super Mario Bros. U, Mario Kart 8, and Nintendo Land (though with this one its mostly due to bundles).

Secondly, you misinterpreted my post. I did not bash Smash 4. I just said it has much less depth than Project M and Melee, and that as a result it may end up losing steam in a few years. Again you got overly defensive over nothing.
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Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2014
The New World
I really hope your predictions come true, ChronoBound. I agree with what you are saying. With the potential to have 5 new characters and even more crazy game modes (turbo mode and no blast zones are pretty top tier) there is no way that this game will die out anytime soon. Especially since it is one download away. The only thing that I know that turns people away from PM is that you need a 2GB SD card, which is of course a silly reason since you can do homebrew or just buy one for $5, but I guess people are lazy.

Down the road I do see Melee starting to become less popular. Surely with Nintendo's sponsorship it will get a little more popular, but with all of the sudden new Fox mains, we are going to have to see a lot more of aMSa, PPMD, Plup, Axe, and other non Fox mains to provide with more than just Sheik vs. Fox or Fox dittos. I'm not saying it isn't fun to watch in the right context (I think as long as the commentary is good and the players are good it will be entertaining), but it can only become more "I've already seen this" unless we get more creative with the game i.e. do more things like the salty sweet or IDK use more characters. And the thing about Smash 4 is that it's fun and all, but it's just not the same competitively, not as hype, not as technical so I really can't picture it becoming more than what Brawl became.

The way I see it Project M is still trying to stand up. So it's not even close to start walking yet. Once we see a finished version with a full, working/functional 47(?) character cast with beautiful stages and several costumes for each character, then the game will get a lot of popularity. But until then we are just going to have to try our best to build it up and support it competitively until it's really to move on it's own.

That being said, I fully believe in Project M becoming the next Melee in the coming years because it has so much potential and it has some many dedicated fans working on it, even just here on Smash Boards! I'm really happy with the way 3.5 turned out and I can only see the game getting better!

I think the next big step is for the PMDT to help BaganSmashBros with Ridley because that mod is really outstanding all things considered.
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Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
It's not about if smash 4 can coexist with pm. It's about if nintendo can coexist with pm.
I'd be perfectly fine if they just go on ignoring it. Just let us have our fun and get your profits from the other scenes.


Smash Master
Oct 3, 2009
It's not like the Big N really has a choice. Yes, they can C&D, but they cannot force people to stop playing PM, it would just be spread illegally in defiance. Trying to force gamers to stop doing things doesn't work; just ask those fools involved with GamerGate and all that other crap.

You would think old mistakes would get learned from in advance instead of being repeated ad nauseum.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
It's not like the Big N really has a choice. Yes, they can C&D, but they cannot force people to stop playing PM, it would just be spread illegally in defiance. Trying to force gamers to stop doing things doesn't work; just ask those fools involved with GamerGate and all that other crap.

You would think old mistakes would get learned from in advance instead of being repeated ad nauseum.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yeah, that's probably why they haven't dropped a C&D and instead are in kind of a 'cold war' scenario with PM, trying to block it from tournaments and turn people away from it without ever explicitly being the bad guy.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 3, 2015
Perth, Australia
Does anyone think a main contributing factor to PM's loss of popularity is the constant updates that change how characters work slightly?


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
Does anyone think a main contributing factor to PM's loss of popularity is the constant updates that change how characters work slightly?
Maybe a bit, but I think most of it was the unfortunate release timing. Just give it time; plus eventually the PMDT is going to have a mostly static build, once they get the new characters out and release their "Gold" version.

I don't expect many balance updates after that, so yeah. At some point, it'll all settle down. I think 3.5 was a necessary evil in terms of balance, unless you're Fox.

Otherwise, 3.5 had dope ****. :shades:

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
tfw you wait over 11 months to update the game and it's "constant updates"

guys pls you gotta give us something here
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Smash Ace
Apr 6, 2010
I'm no expert on policies, but isn't the new "Fanwork Policy by Nintendo" what really helps keep this game from being C&D? I mean, aside from the fact Nintendo seems to actually like PM, but can't be involved legally I thought... someone correct me if need be. Please.


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
tfw you wait over 11 months to update the game and it's "constant updates"

guys pls you gotta give us something here
I mean, I personally don't think the updates happen too often. (Honestly, because I <3 PM so much I wish they could happen more often, but you guys gotta pace yourself, and all that.)

I think it's more the Smash community not being used to it a game that's able to change, so when things are suddenly way different, it causes a bit more backlash than it would've otherwise, leading to "You change the game too much!"
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