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.: The Dream Thread :.


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2015
Port Royal
I didn't want to hi-jack Crabb's thread (since it's a bit different), but we need a thread like this I think!

So basically any dream you've just had or remember from long ago, record it here (if you want) so you don't forget it.

One I just woke up from 10 minutes ago -

I'm walking on this sidewalk; all of a sudden a lot of people are walking with me, it's like a busy NY sidewalk. I notice that a lot of the faces are my facebook friends....no wait, in fact they all are. Some are blurred out or to the point where I can't recall if they were in my dream or not at this point.

It's a long side walk, and everyone looks like they just got off work. Without any transistion I notice that a girl had appeared in front of me walking about 10 ft before me. From behind I instantly know who it is, even though she's wearing some FF/restaurant uniform I don't recognize. She's a girl I've had a crush since we first met, but she's lesbian and had been ever since I knew her. She seemed to be in a hurry, and also seemed to be in a bad mood. I could tell she had light patches of sweat darkening the back of the uniform which made me believe she had a long day or was working hard running around helping customers. So I didn't want to catch up to her and bother her.

Then just as I was thinking that she turns around and starts telling me a story from work that day, no "hey" or small talk at all first. She said that "a cute guy walked in to work today, in fact he looked like you". Then I woke up.
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 29, 2014
I once had a dream where Hungrybox gave me a free EVO at a McDonalds.


Smash Ace
Feb 23, 2015
Creepy Steeple
This isn't exactly about a dream, but it is related to sleep.

Pretty consistently, I suffer from sleep paralysis both when I start to fall asleep and begin wake up. I constantly see vivid hallucinations and hear voices. (I swear I'm not going crazy, the hallucinations are actually happening in my head). So on an almost regular basis, I have nightmares... but while I'm awake. It's a difficult thing to explain, but when I attempt to awake mid-dream, I enter a rift of sleep in which my body is immobile but my brain is still in the dream state.
Has anyone else ever experienced this?

Now pertaining to actual, in-sleep dreams, I have had some pretty odd ones, but not nearly as intricate as OP's. For example, I had a dream I jumped out a bedroom window, and suddenly I was soaring over a huge lake with birds flying around me. I can remember physically feeling the wind blowing against me and the sound of the wind too. Dreams are pretty crazy, especially when they seem and feel real.

I've considered trying Lucid dreaming, but I don't want to risk my sleep pattern or health for that. Apparently, Lucid dreams are dreams in which you can mentally control yourself in your dream, and be fully aware of your actions. Sounds super neat, but many say it leads to sleep complications.
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Smash Cadet
Sep 20, 2015
Lake Isabella, California, US
I remember I weird dream I had. I usually can become a lucid dreamer by biting myself during a dream. This indicates no pain and know what I am in, however, the other day I was having a nightmare every one was putting me down and just awful things were happening just suddenly out of nowhere in the dream I got up and said **** you and got furious and told it, it would not define me. The weird thing about this is my lucid dreaming actived without me having to bite myself or any triggers.


Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
I had a bad dream a few days ago where I was in college and for some reason I was looking up episodes of Pokemon on my laptop while the teacher was lecturing (I would never do this in class). Anyway while watching the episode, the volume goes really high for some reason and the teacher notices. He yells at me and I'm kicked out while the entire room laughs at me. The next day, I try to go back in though some other students throw me out. While I'm walking away I hear the teacher talking about the biggest idiots ever (and of course he says my name).

It felt so real though thankfully I woke up before it got any worse.


Smash Ace
Jul 12, 2015
Port Royal
I had a bad dream a few days ago where I was in college and for some reason I was looking up episodes of Pokemon on my laptop while the teacher was lecturing (I would never do this in class). Anyway while watching the episode, the volume goes really high for some reason and the teacher notices. He yells at me and I'm kicked out while the entire room laughs at me. The next day, I try to go back in though some other students throw me out. While I'm walking away I hear the teacher talking about the biggest idiots ever (and of course he says my name).

It felt so real though thankfully I woke up before it got any worse.
Those are the best kind of dreams in a way. Just the feeling of extreme relief when you wake up from something so terrible and something that felt so real.

I have those all the time but concerning my eBay selling account - a package I sent get lost in the mail, I hear from an angry buyer, a case gets opened, I have to refund their money, etc....or some shady buyer is trying to scam me.

Then I wake up and everything is perfectly fine and I still have a 100% positive feedback and no cases open. Sometimes it lingers for a while though and keep checking as if it was real and actually me waking up to check my account was the "dream" part...


Smash Apprentice
Aug 12, 2015
Last night, I dreamed that I became pregnant and gave birth to my first child. Embarrass

It was...some dream. I remember walking around in a small, but spacious house (not apartment), in a long bluish dress made for pregnant women. The time of day... it had to be somewhere past the late afternoon because the sun was setting, but I could clearly tell that nightfall was approaching in a couple of hours.

The small house I inhabited was very quiet. No noise or anything. Just me walking around, staring at my abdomen every now and then until I suddenly thought to myself that I needed to go to the hospital.

I didn't experience giving birth but I DO remember holding a baby in my arms. I was unable to tell whether my "dream" baby was a girl or boy, but it was really cute.

It looked nothing like me, but still really small and precious.

And I woke up.

EDIT: Oh and... I didn't know who the father was. :urg:
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