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The competitive mindset in the 64 community.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 26, 2013
Mukilteo WA
I think this is the first time I've posted a new thread on a forum for the sake of trying to start a discussion. Here we go.

What sort of mindset do you all play with? I know I can refer to the vast majority of you as competitive 64 players, but I feel as if there's a pretty wide spectrum within that. I suppose since I don't know any of you overly well I'll use examples of myself and others I know in real life to try and elaborate on what I'm asking.

I play SSB with the intent to be the best; every time I sit down to play the game I try to push myself to improve as much as possible in whatever time I have to play. I don't think I have any less fun than anybody else playing the game, but I doubt everybody plays every smash game with the specific goal of being the best.

In contrast to my mindset I have a good friend who's a melee player that comes to fests seemingly not to get better, but to hang out with the general community. I always felt as if his mindset was directed towards being a part of something, and his goals as a player revolved around garnering the respect of those within his community with his play style/performance.

So if you guys are willing to delve into your own brains and talk about it, what drives you to play 64? What are your goals for the game? Do you play to win, for the sake of playing with others, or for something else entirely?

I don't think 'for fun' is an entirely valid answer, because everybody plays smash for fun. It's a hella fun game. Makes ****'n sense.
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Banned via Administration
Dec 28, 2009
Marietta, Ga
Honest truth, when I started playing this game online in 2009 my reason for sticking around was to beat the "pros" and try to prove to people that I was good. I don't play as much anymore but when I do decide to play, my reason is just because I'm bored and have nothing else to do. I pretty much accepted that I will never be a "top pro", so I really don't care about who I beat or lose to anymore.
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I find you quite appealing
Aug 16, 2014
Fayetteville, TN
I want to be the best but I'll settle for the best in state/local. Zeds, M!nt, I'm coming for you! I will be victorious!


((((((((((( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) gotta go fast!
Writing Team
Jul 13, 2011
I would like to delve into my own brain but i'm not entirely sure i possess one


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2013
Luigi sucks
I just enjoy having fun. I've been trying new things every game now instead of just running into the same brick wall, but I try not to think about it too much. Then you can get upset if you lose to people who are "supposed" to be worse than you or too excited when you win against someone who's better


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2014
Philadelphia, PA
I want to prove that there are some hidden young gems like me that still appreciates old games, I hate when I play 64 at school and some freshmen says 'oh god look at the graphics' like bish respect the grandpa of smash or I'll smash you into a trash can (lol) I also want to just be a high ranked player, not the best, but atleast high enough so people notice me and respect me :3


I find you quite appealing
Aug 16, 2014
Fayetteville, TN
I carried a CRT into school yesterday and I got the strangest looks from people. It was like they had never seen an old tv before... or an n64 controller.


Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2010
Columbia Gorge
I usually have more fun when I lose, so the chances of me getting good at this are very low, which is fine
I just want cool and interesting things to happen within the game and a better player usually does more of that
the only time I go tryhard is when I'm against a good player who I think I could be boring by losing to so bad


Smash Master
Mar 13, 2008
disproving indeterminism
Most people, especially in the other smash communities, are in it for the social setting and having something they can be a part of and relate too. There are those here in the 64 community but I feel most are here either because of competitive spirit to win and get better or because they just find the entertainment of playing it to be so rewarding win or lose. I personally play for the competitive environment and the entertainment of playing and the mental challenge each match is. I don't play it enough or practice ever to consider myself the greatest, although when I first started getting into it I had those aspirations. Being an old man I kind of have to let that go, but I still play it to improve and get better and try to be the best in the state of Maryland (@Nintendude don't expect to win the next Xanadu) but even if those goals are never reached I will continue to play because I absolutely love the gameplay and the competitive spirit in general. The mental challenge is a like a chess match at 60 frames per second. Its a boxing match of thumbs and minds. Its also nostalgic for me as I never owned any game system and smash on the N64 was a game that brought me and all my friends together and we could play for hours without blinking. And on top of all of that, I thoroughly enjoy the community and its members. Tournaments are some of the most fun and hanging out with everyone, playing smash, talking, drinking, and socializing is a great experience in itself. The game satisfies me on many levels, although a cartridge that could cuddle back would be better.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 26, 2013
Mukilteo WA
Honest truth, when I started playing this game online in 2009 my reason for sticking around was to beat the "pros" and try to prove to people that I was good. I don't play as much anymore but when I do decide to play, my reason is just because I'm bored and have nothing else to do. I pretty much accepted that I will never be a "top pro", so I really don't care about who I beat or lose to anymore.
Do you still try to improve when you play? Like if you notice something in your playstyle not working, do you still attempt to rectify the mistake?

i want to be proof that every single player has what it takes to be the best
How do you intend to be that proof? To my knowledge you have access to other dedicated players to train with consistently, an area with a decent amount of tournaments, and play top tier characters in bracket. I don't think you'd be proof 'anyone' can be the best, but instead those with a set of good circumstances to improve at the game. Not trying to call you out or anything in just curious, I do understand you've gone from zero to hero as I read your first smashnoards thread haha.

I just enjoy having fun. I've been trying new things every game now instead of just running into the same brick wall, but I try not to think about it too much. Then you can get upset if you lose to people who are "supposed" to be worse than you or too excited when you win against someone who's better
It's really cool you can still have a focus on improving while also having a focus on having fun. I think this goes back to what I said in the original post about how everybody that plays this game does so to have fun in their own way. And I mean improving at least In the sense that you're trying new things every time you play.

I want to prove that there are some hidden young gems like me that still appreciates old games, I hate when I play 64 at school and some freshmen says 'oh god look at the graphics' like bish respect the grandpa of smash or I'll smash you into a trash can (lol) I also want to just be a high ranked player, not the best, but atleast high enough so people notice me and respect me :3
To what end, out of curiosity? At what point will you consider your ambition fulfilled and respect/acknowledgement/high level status achieved? It's pretty cool some young'ns play 64, I see a lot of young kids playing Melee but not really this game.

I would like to delve into my own brain but i'm not entirely sure i possess one
Based on our brief conversation in stream and your posts I think I'm particularly interested in your BRAAAIIIINNNSSSSS...
What made you get into the competitive 64 scene? From what I understand you came from Brawl? I guess a better question is what made you want to be a TO and basically support a 64 scene by putting it on your back with monthlies, and what you hope to get out if it.

Edit: hella long post. Typed on my phone sorry if anything sounds/looks wonky.
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The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
I play it for fun.

OP said this isn't an entirely valid answer, but I don't know what else to say. I find this game entertaining and thrilling. I guess I like to improve as well.


Smash Master
Mar 13, 2008
disproving indeterminism
How do you intend to be that proof? To my knowledge you have access to other dedicated players to train with consistently, an area with a decent amount of tournaments, and play top tier characters in bracket. I don't think you'd be proof 'anyone' can be the best, but instead those with a set of good circumstances to improve at the game. Not trying to call you out or anything in just curious, I do understand you've gone from zero to hero as I read your first smashnoards thread haha.
Shots fired at @ KeroKeroppi KeroKeroppi
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Smash Apprentice
Nov 26, 2013
Mukilteo WA
I play it for fun.

OP said this isn't an entirely valid answer, but I don't know what else to say. I find this game entertaining and thrilling. I guess I like to improve as well.
Well I said it's not entirely valid because everybody plays for fun on one level or another. Do you still get competitive with it? Have a drive to beat specific people? Or if you're in a tournament will you try as hard as you can to win? Or is it really all just for fun with a side of improvement?

Tournaments are some of the most fun and hanging out with everyone, playing smash, talking, drinking, and socializing is a great experience in itself. The game satisfies me on many levels, although a cartridge that could cuddle back would be better.
This particular part of your post stood out to me because I, in the beginning, really didn't think tournaments would be that fun. Stereotypes had me believing that it would be a cramped, sweaty, and unpleasant experience. Well I guess cramped and sweaty is accurate, but tournaments are soooooo much fun. I think the rest of your post is interesting too, it's tough to acknowledge one might never reach their initial goal with something (in this case being the best.)

I see A LOT of melee/PM players that seem to be in it more for the social aspect, and just don't have the correct mentality to improve consistently. Not sure if it's just because a bigger community attracts more people in general or if it attracts more of those specific people.


Smash Master
Mar 13, 2008
disproving indeterminism
I see A LOT of melee/PM players that seem to be in it more for the social aspect, and just don't have the correct mentality to improve consistently. Not sure if it's just because a bigger community attracts more people in general or if it attracts more of those specific people.
Video game ("nerd" communities) attract more of those specific people, with melee being bigger and "nerdier" than 64. These communities don't really judge or reject people so they are accepting of anyone with a common interest and it just so happens that the interest is commonly enjoyed by a lot of people who desire to find a place to fit in.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 26, 2013
Mukilteo WA
Video game ("nerd" communities) attract more of those specific people, with melee being bigger and "nerdier" than 64. These communities don't really judge or reject people so they are accepting of anyone with a common interest and it just so happens that the interest is commonly enjoyed by a lot of people who desire to find a place to fit in.
Well yeah vidya games in general tend to have more accepting communities. After trying to get into several competitive communities I think Smash is by far the most welcoming and least judgemental. Which would explain why I see soooo many of the aforementioned type of people in melee communities.


Filthy Hori
Nov 21, 2005
NYC and NJ-Hoboken/Ocean Twp.
This game is my favorite competitive video game. I will play this game without shame until I die or my hands can no longer hold a controller. I want to help the community grow with people of all ages; I am completely dismayed when I hear people talking about retiring from something they love because they are "too old." I am going to be 30 years old at the next APEX and I have a career and life that require too much of my time to practice the game often, but I will always enjoy it now and then, and I will always strive to improve. I play this game because I love the way it challenges my mind, and I feel a connection to the other people that love this game. This isn't a contact sport where you risk injury to play, it is a game we can love and respect and play for whatever reasons we want to for the rest of our lives. I dream of a world like Tacna, where everyone plays this game because I feel it is a gaming work of art far beyond anything else I have ever played, including any FPSs, fighting games, or other smash games. Graphics mean nothing. The gameplay just feels right, and when two people are battling feels like a tight dance. It has a solidly high learning curve, which can distinguish the good from the bad, but not crazy enough that a new player can't put some work in and become amazing. It's as balanced as something with this much variety has ever been, and the options in a situation vary enough to allow for self expression, yet are limited enough to allow for lockdown given the opponent has figured out how to do so.


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2011
I originally started playing this game competitively because like all of us, when I found there was a competitive community (in my case my college buddy who used to play online. Looking back he was just a pretty mediocre kirby) I realized that I wasn't that good. I like playing smash a lot, and I like to be good at things I like, so I started playing with the goal of getting good enough to beat my friend. Well that happened shortly, and soon thereafter I started playing online. Whenever I encountered a player I thought was better than me or even with me, I added their name to a list I was keeping. If I ever felt like I passed someone on that list, I would cross them off, with the goal of making it ALL. THE. WAY. I wanted to be the best.

Well, 3 years and a good number of tournaments later, I still do my best to improve whenever I'm playing the game, but I've realized that I just don't want to devote myself as much I would need to in order to become the best or one of the best. There are other things I want to do with my life that are going to take up my time, and so I've pretty much given up my goal of being the best. Now don't get it twisted, I will always be down to play some smash. But whereas before I might force myself to play even if I was tired or not feeling it or maybe wanted to play another game or do something else, now if I don't want to play, I won't. Nowadays I would say my goals are more to introduce more players to the game and meet as many smashers around the world as I can.

Who am I kidding, I play this game strictly to embarrass the Koroyoshi


Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2011
New York
How do you intend to be that proof? To my knowledge you have access to other dedicated players to train with consistently, an area with a decent amount of tournaments, and play top tier characters in bracket. I don't think you'd be proof 'anyone' can be the best, but instead those with a set of good circumstances to improve at the game.
the means in which one trains is meaningless.. the player who works harder than everybody else will become the best


i know that's not what you're looking for lol soooooo

[collapse=] none of the people i play with regularly played this game before i met them

i encouraged them to play and since then we've all worked really hard to improve together

it's not like i found about competitive ssb and the koroshiyo came knocking on my door

we started from the bottom now we here nothing and worked our asses off to improve

we don't play online where there's access to high level players every day

we rely solely on ourselves

i think i've been to one tournament this year that wasn't apex or zenith and i don't exactly live in the area lol

granted i'm way closer than most but it's still like a 4.5 hour drive from my school to the jersey tournaments

and regarding top tiers, it's not like other people don't have the opportunity to play them

and it's not like i was born with the ability to play them either

i worked really hard to get good with those characters

and there's absolutely nothing stopping anyone else from doing the same

i was not blessed with some magical set of circumstances that allowed me to get good at this game

i trained extremely hard and believed in myself unquestionably the entire time

one day i'm going to be the best player in the world and it will have nothing to do with the people i played, how active my scene was, or the characters i played in tournament

it will solely be the result of my confidence and my desire to achieve

i don't want to seem ungrateful

i'm so glad that i don't live in the middle of nowhere and i'm incredibly thankful to those who have helped me out along the way

but you massively underestimate my will to improve if you think that i wouldn't be able to do it alone

the determination of a player- that eagerness to excel

it's more than a want for me, it's my dream

i need this

that determination plays more of a role than any set of circumstances you could imagine

each and every one of us has what it takes to surpass isai

it's the player that believes he can that actually will


i'm done now

kero out cashbah


Smash Apprentice
Nov 26, 2013
Mukilteo WA
the means in which one trains is meaningless.. the player who works harder than everybody else will become the best


i know that's not what you're looking for lol soooooo

none of the people i play with regularly played this game before i met them

i encouraged them to play and since then we've all worked really hard to improve together

it's not like i found about competitive ssb and the koroshiyo came knocking on my door

we started from the bottom now we here nothing and worked our ***** off to improve

we don't play online where there's access to high level players every day

we rely solely on ourselves

i think i've been to one tournament this year that wasn't apex or zenith and i don't exactly live in the area lol

granted i'm way closer than most but it's still like a 4.5 hour drive from my school to the jersey tournaments

and regarding top tiers, it's not like other people don't have the opportunity to play them

and it's not like i was born with the ability to play them either

i worked really hard to get good with those characters

and there's absolutely nothing stopping anyone else from doing the same

i was not blessed with some magical set of circumstances that allowed me to get good at this game

i trained extremely hard and believed in myself unquestionably the entire time

one day i'm going to be the best player in the world and it will have nothing to do with the people i played, how active my scene was, or the characters i played in tournament

it will solely be the result of my confidence and my desire to achieve

i don't want to seem ungrateful

i'm so glad that i don't live in the middle of nowhere and i'm incredibly thankful to those who have helped me out along the way

but you massively underestimate my will to improve if you think that i wouldn't be able to do it alone

the determination of a player- that eagerness to excel

it's more than a want for me, it's my dream

i need this

that determination plays more of a role than any set of circumstances you could imagine

each and every one of us has what it takes to surpass isai

it's the player that believes he can that actually will


i'm done now

kero out cashbah
That is more along the lines of what I was looking for yes. You and I have an extremely similar mindset about competitive smash, though I tend to avoid telling everybody that I'm going to be the best in the world tooooo often.

I wasn't trying to say you couldn't do it in other circumstances, and I wasn't trying to say you have a weak will or you had access to good players. My scene and group of people that I play with was more or less built by me and a couple friends specifically to put myself in an environment in which I can improve rapidly. Before this year the only smashers in this area were Kefit and Jel. Now we have enough good players to the point where Kefit probably won't retain the 1 spot in our PR for too much longer and Jel is about middle of the pack. For the last 7 months I've woken up every morning and told myself I would win Apex 2016 and get there by sheer force of will. Every time I tell somebody this they say 'oh what about Isai' to which I reply 'Well I'll beat him. He's just another player.'

Basically what I'm saying is I understand where you're coming from and how important willpower is and the drive to improve, I just wanted to see you say it. :)
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Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2011
New York
glad someone gets it

it's a shame but if you do win apex 2016 you'll only be able to keep your title for a year

my goal is to win apex 2017 and i don't do failure

altho tbh the way things are looking now i'll probably do it sooner

looooool **** you n00bs

i am the

lllmmmaoooooo fffuuuuuuuu


Smash Apprentice
Nov 26, 2013
Mukilteo WA
glad someone gets it

it's a shame but if you do win apex 2016 you'll only be able to keep your title for a year

my goal is to win apex 2017 and i don't do failure

altho tbh the way things are looking now i'll probably do it sooner

looooool **** you n00bs

i am the

lllmmmaoooooo fffuuuuuuuu
I mean my future back-to-back-to-back Apex wins will be cool and all but I'm really pumped to beat Isai/Jouske in 12 character battles by 2018. I think showing a dominance over the game as a whole and an unrelenting grasp as the greatest will be cooler.

And maybe I'll toss you an Apex or two if I feel like bringing a low tier.


Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2011
New York

i've always known that i would beat isai and jousuke in 12 char battles but i never really thought about the date


prolly like 2 or 3 weeks from now

that seems about right


Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2006
I play for the love of TEAMS. My skill is a result of that love, not because of trying to be the best.

Love, Smash, harmony, TEAMS.
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T Brett

Smash Journeyman
Dec 8, 2013
Vancouver, BC
And maybe I'll toss you an Apex or two if I feel like bringing a low tier.
don't play your link, mike. loooooooooooool

yo real talk lets hit up apex 2015, ima get on my training regimen right noww
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Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2010
Columbia Gorge
Teams needs more love
Are there any dedicated TEAMS really all I see is good players pairing up because they'll probably do good together (because they're good at singles)


I find you quite appealing
Aug 16, 2014
Fayetteville, TN
the means in which one trains is meaningless.. the player who works harder than everybody else will become the best


i know that's not what you're looking for lol soooooo

[collapse=] none of the people i play with regularly played this game before i met them

i encouraged them to play and since then we've all worked really hard to improve together

it's not like i found about competitive ssb and the koroshiyo came knocking on my door

we started from the bottom now we here nothing and worked our ***** off to improve

we don't play online where there's access to high level players every day

we rely solely on ourselves

i think i've been to one tournament this year that wasn't apex or zenith and i don't exactly live in the area lol

granted i'm way closer than most but it's still like a 4.5 hour drive from my school to the jersey tournaments

and regarding top tiers, it's not like other people don't have the opportunity to play them

and it's not like i was born with the ability to play them either

i worked really hard to get good with those characters

and there's absolutely nothing stopping anyone else from doing the same

i was not blessed with some magical set of circumstances that allowed me to get good at this game

i trained extremely hard and believed in myself unquestionably the entire time

one day i'm going to be the best player in the world and it will have nothing to do with the people i played, how

active my scene

was, or the characters i played in tournament

it will solely be the result of my confidence and my desire to achieve

i don't want to seem ungrateful

i'm so glad that i don't live in the middle of nowhere and i'm incredibly thankful to those who have helped me

out along the way

but you massively underestimate my will to improve if you think that i wouldn't be able to do it alone

the determination of a player- that eagerness to excel

it's more than a want for me, it's my dream

i need this

that determination plays more of a role than any set of circumstances you could imagine

each and every one of us has what it takes to surpass isai

it's the player that believes he can that actually will


i'm done now

kero out cashbah
I think Kero is the best at spacing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2014
Philadelphia, PA
To what end, out of curiosity? At what point will you consider your ambition fulfilled and respect/acknowledgement/high level status achieved? It's pretty cool some young'ns play 64, I see a lot of young kids playing Melee but not really this game.
Heh I've been playing this game since I was born, I haven't been to a tournament yet cause I missed apex 2014 and zenith, but I plan on making some friends and after a while, I'll just go to tournaments for the fun of it, cause I know there will be limitations to my play style that will block me from getting further


Smash Apprentice
Nov 26, 2013
Mukilteo WA
don't play your link, mike. loooooooooooool

yo real talk lets hit up apex 2015, ima get on my training regimen right noww
Yo my Link is dirt nasty I'm savin that for a couple years down the road tho.
Smurf is going to Apex I'm about to kick it with him and grind his rat to a respectable shape. I think Jel is going too.

This game is my favorite competitive video game. I will play this game without shame until I die or my hands can no longer hold a controller. I want to help the community grow with people of all ages; I am completely dismayed when I hear people talking about retiring from something they love because they are "too old." I am going to be 30 years old at the next APEX and I have a career and life that require too much of my time to practice the game often, but I will always enjoy it now and then, and I will always strive to improve. I play this game because I love the way it challenges my mind, and I feel a connection to the other people that love this game. This isn't a contact sport where you risk injury to play, it is a game we can love and respect and play for whatever reasons we want to for the rest of our lives. I dream of a world like Tacna, where everyone plays this game because I feel it is a gaming work of art far beyond anything else I have ever played, including any FPSs, fighting games, or other smash games. Graphics mean nothing. The gameplay just feels right, and when two people are battling feels like a tight dance. It has a solidly high learning curve, which can distinguish the good from the bad, but not crazy enough that a new player can't put some work in and become amazing. It's as balanced as something with this much variety has ever been, and the options in a situation vary enough to allow for self expression, yet are limited enough to allow for lockdown given the opponent has figured out how to do so.
I missed this post but it's pretty freakin' beautiful man. Respect for sticking with what you love over the years and doing what you can to help the community grow.

I originally started playing this game competitively because like all of us, when I found there was a competitive community (in my case my college buddy who used to play online. Looking back he was just a pretty mediocre kirby) I realized that I wasn't that good. I like playing smash a lot, and I like to be good at things I like, so I started playing with the goal of getting good enough to beat my friend. Well that happened shortly, and soon thereafter I started playing online. Whenever I encountered a player I thought was better than me or even with me, I added their name to a list I was keeping. If I ever felt like I passed someone on that list, I would cross them off, with the goal of making it ALL. THE. WAY. I wanted to be the best.

Well, 3 years and a good number of tournaments later, I still do my best to improve whenever I'm playing the game, but I've realized that I just don't want to devote myself as much I would need to in order to become the best or one of the best. There are other things I want to do with my life that are going to take up my time, and so I've pretty much given up my goal of being the best. Now don't get it twisted, I will always be down to play some smash. But whereas before I might force myself to play even if I was tired or not feeling it or maybe wanted to play another game or do something else, now if I don't want to play, I won't. Nowadays I would say my goals are more to introduce more players to the game and meet as many smashers around the world as I can.

Who am I kidding, I play this game strictly to embarrass the Koroyoshi
This is also an awesome post. Even though you didn't realize your aspirations to be the very best (that no one ever was) you still stick with the game you love. The struggle of forcing yourself to play when you don't want to is definitely real, though I've only been playing this game for two years so I don't often feel like that. Just like with Jimmyjoe respect for trying to grow the community in any way you can.


((((((((((( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) gotta go fast!
Writing Team
Jul 13, 2011
Based on our brief conversation in stream and your posts I think I'm particularly interested in your BRAAAIIIINNNSSSSS...
What made you get into the competitive 64 scene? From what I understand you came from Brawl? I guess a better question is what made you want to be a TO and basically support a 64 scene by putting it on your back with monthlies, and what you hope to get out if it.

Edit: hella long post. Typed on my phone sorry if anything sounds/looks wonky.
wait, what the hell about my posts makes you think i have any kind of brains

to be totally honest, im 25, ive been playing smash since release, and I got into the brawl community because it was the game my dormmates played when i was in sophomore year 5-6 years ago, and i just so happened to live across the street from a game store thawt hosted tournaments for it. brawl and melee and project m all gained a lot of support over the years from their respective communities, because they all had people willing to run tournaments. 64 was only ever a side event, or a small event once every 6 months or so, i always thought it was a fun game but never invested the time into it because there was no consistent console tournament scene for it. i thought "man, why does every game except 64 have tournaments? why does no one host them?" then i thought, "if i want something done, i should do it myself!" so i texted astro and that was that, we started hosting, then i met YBOMBB and wanted to jump his bones so i kept hosting

ok that last part is a lie i kept hosting because it's a fun game to run tournaments for and the console community is cool

then i started entering my own tournaments and discovered that this game is actually REALLY fun
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