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The best way to get better?


Smash Rookie
Sep 20, 2015
So i was wondering what is the best way to get better at Smash, Im actually really good but i need to be even better :B
Playing lvl.9 CPU is a bad choice for obvious reasons.
So how do you guys get better?
Is it playing a lot of For Glory? (Probably not)
Playing with people better than you or with your same skill?
Please let me know :D
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Deleted member 269706

As long as you're playing the game in some way, you'll get better, but the best way to get better is to play with people in the competitive scene. Go to tournaments and play against people, find some people who are at your level/slightly better and start training with them, but make sure to get some variety. Going online isn't a bad choice, it will expose you to some different types of play which can be just as valuable to learn about, you might just find something you like. And the other thing that's important to know is multiple characters. As you learn more characters you'll get a much better understanding of how the game works in general as well as how to play particular match-ups. Just keep playing and you'll get better.


Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
Find somebody who's better at competitive Smash than you and keep playing them. You will get beaten, but that's okay, that's how you improve. Every time you get beaten, consider what you did in the match, what mistakes you made, what you did right, and how you can refine it and improve. Every failure is a tiny victory if you discover something to help you get better.

Play different opponents, preferably people who have a wide range of characters that you can get used to. Fighting different character types can help you improve your respective skills: rushdown characters teach you how to dodge and evade, projectile characters teach you how to powershield and (if you have the option) reflect and absorb, etc.

Practice your fundamentals. Know the terminology. Footsies, neutral, advantage, disadvantage, that kind of thing. If you have good fundamentals, then you have half the battle won from the moment you hear the word "GO!"

Dedicate yourself to a character, maybe two or three at most, depending on their matchups and how comfortable you feel with several characters. Know their matchups, their abilities, their best stages, their tech if necessary. Know the character inside-out, feel totally comfortable using the character. Practice every day and try to discover something new every time you play with the character, even if it's just what you're doing wrong or how to use your specials more efficiently.

There's no right or easy way to get better. It's a constant, gradual process, you need to just keep practicing and constantly try to find new things. Even if you don't think you're getting better or you feel absolutely defeated, you will get better just by being aware of your mistakes and getting back up to try again. And, possibly a coy platitude, but I find it's very important nevertheless:



Smash Ace
Jun 18, 2015
Play on Anther's Ladder (https://www.smashladder.com/). It's amazing. It filters out all the casual players, most everyone on there is a serious smasher. They even have rankings so you can always have a good indication of everyone's skill level. It's always easy to get a match with someone at or above your skill level.

The best way to get better in my experience is to play players better than yourself. If you're getting recked on a consistent basis that's a GOOD thing. Training in person is obviously the best way, but that's not realistic for most people so Anther's is the next best thing. Hopefully you have a good internet connection.

I can't believe I played on For Glory for so long! Wish I would have discovered Anther's Ladder a year ago.
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Smash Apprentice
Sep 30, 2015
Long Beach, CA
Switch FC
So i was wondering what is the best way to get better at Smash, Im actually really good but i need to be even better :B
Playing lvl.9 CPU is a bad choice for obvious reasons.
So how do you guys get better?
Is it playing a lot of For Glory? (Probably not)
Playing with people better than you or with your same skill?
Please let me know :D
I'm also in the same situation. *nedskii
if you would like to practice time to time


Smash Rookie
Sep 20, 2015
Play on Anther's Ladder (https://www.smashladder.com/). It's amazing. It filters out all the casual players, most everyone on there is a serious smasher. They even have rankings so you can always have a good indication of everyone's skill level. It's always easy to get a match with someone at or above your skill level.

The best way to get better in my experience is to play players better than yourself. If you're getting recked on a consistent basis that's a GOOD thing. Training in person is obviously the best way, but that's not realistic for most people so Anther's is the next best thing. Hopefully you have a good internet connection.

I can't believe I played on For Glory for so long! Wish I would have discovered Anther's Ladder a year ago.
I have played there ^_^ and i do know how wonderful it is :D
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Smash Cadet
Mar 2, 2015
1. Study the theory behind competitive smash, like said before, footsies neutral edgeguard frames grab>shield>hit>grab all the techs and tier list
2. Pick a high or top tier character if you wanna win. You can win with like "Zelda" at your locals only if you are damn good. In my local scene the top player wins everytime with charizard, but that is cuz he is so much better than everyone and knows how to use almost every character.
3. Play random in for glory and with your friends, this sounds stupid but actually is very good. When you play random, you are not playing the character , you are the one playing. As said above the more characters you play the more you know the game.
4. Improve reading your opponent, when you play random, you dont go autopilot and you start to use your mind. Use this to start reading your opponent, say outloud what they are gonna do,like "they will airdodge NOW" if they do you are improving. DONT GO AUTOPILOT EVER
5. Just pick one character and learn EVERYTHING search at your character boards, search for tutorials, search for combo videos, search for top players WINNING with that character.
6. Play smashladder with your main character and learn counterpicks, and your counters. If you got some bad matchups (mine luigi #thankssakuraiforpatch1.1.1) go to that character boards and train with those character mains. Dont pick a counter character for those matchup, they are usually characters that you dont like and you spend useful time training someone you dont like when you can win with one character all the way just knowing what to do agains your bad matchups. BELIEVE IN YOUR CHARACTER

Sorry for bad english, isnt my first lenguage

If you ever wanna play, my NNID is tupapielgueno2. Tell me yours if you are gonna add me to accept you.

Good luck brah!
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