Wow now you're begging for donations? I'm just going to put this out there, the video editing skills were amateur at best, the structure of your "documentary" is non existent. You asking random questions to the same few guys, you show excessive amounts of gameplay footage (seemingly to take up more time), and above all else you are not making a documentary, you're making a Q&A for people who attended the event. A documentary is suppose to be a source of abundant knowledge on something, like a Vice News documentary on N. Korea, they show video of the country, ask citizens how they feel about the country, they explain some history about the country, and that's what a documentary is suppose to be. It can be one sided, but it cannot be a ****ing Q&A about some specific tournament for a game. The very fact you would limit this "documentary" to genesis 3 shows us you don't know what you are doing or have any real concept of what the Smash64 community is like.
Just a heads up, Smash64 got started online over kaillera. You can dwell in the tournament scene with your poor choice of interviewees. But just know you aren't going to get enough stolen money to shoot a real documentary, and even if you did have resources your topic you are documenting is extremely limited as it's a single tournament for a 20 year old game. Out of all the things you could of done this documentary on or title it as, you choice a single tournament, not to mention you had no new knowledge or source of entertainment in this. You know good and well nobody who hasn't ever played smash before is going to watch this. Even smash64 players won't watch this because it's not about smash64, it's about a tournament for smash64. Not once did you even mention Kaillera or where smash64 originated from and how it got popular to begin with.
Honestly, 0/10. Will not watch again.