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Test Your Skills 15 (Salty Runbacks) 4/9/11 Results & Shoutouts


Smash Ace
Dec 11, 2008
Houston Tx
(Test Your Skills 15) [Salty Runbacks] Results & Shoutouts

Would like to give shoutouts to everyone that attended another successful test your skills event. Glad to see melee numbers increase by every tournament. Thanks to everyone who brought setups and special shoutouts to jake13 and oscar for taking the tournament. See everyone on May 14/TYS Bar Fights 2.


Jake13: Thank you for the help with everything =0]

Syba: Always a plessure seeing you. (No homo)

Oscar: Keep up the good work. Glad to see you shining and taking 1st place =0]

Tournament Results:)

1 vs 1

1 mojojojo
2 jakeonethree
3 tirnoo
4 sybagay
5 TunaSaladCombo
5 pawlstothewall
7 jr5
7 tarzeezy
9 glibbyglobby
9 grinin
9 fletchmex
9 obso1337
13 nocnoc
13 ycm
13 opdmike

2 vs 2

1st PawlstotheWalls+Fletcher
2nd TSC+Tarzan
3rd Jake13+Sybawave

To everyone I forget, good seeing you and train up for May 14/TYS Bar Fights 2...


Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2008
Houston, TX

Aww ye, 9th place... haha I could've placed better, but no johns I'll beat you next time Josh.


Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2008
Houston, TX
Probably just poor seeding. I'd never met him before but he handled me in friendlies. He's pretty gud. haha


Smash Cadet
Jan 15, 2007
Results in Houston make so little sense until around first to fifth place, lol. Anyway, quick round of shoutouts:

Jake: That set you had against Tirno was amazing. Great Peach. I can't wait until I can play under pressure like that...

Von: What would we do without our token Asian?

Luciano: I played so unsafe against you. I have NO idea where those dash attacks came from. >__>; Go figure, they stopped the second I was playing friendlies again. I have such a long way to go.

Paul: Ganon dittos this summer. :)

Tarzan: Even if I become the best player in Galveston, I can see that I will still only be prince of G-town for a while so long as you're around. It takes more than being the best player to be king, no? Riding in the car with you was awesome, by the way. :bee: And you need to tell me how to spell your real name... >__>;

Noc: Can't wait until you're in Galveston. We need more Smashers down here. You've got to take revenge on Galveston for this tournament anyway. :troll:

Michael: Slowly but surely, friend! Remember that Rome wasn't built in a day.

Brawl players who openly agree that Melee is better but still play Brawl: :glare:

Everybody else: Pleasure as always. :awesome:


Smash Journeyman
May 26, 2007
to the man paul!!! u was the reason yall won teams u got better now i have to do the same.

noc- good set, when i was fox u let me get away with to many dash attacks.

jake- its always fun playin u next time ill be better perpared.

tirno-i hate losin to falco next time im goin **** yo face off!

oscar- i dont think we played but thx for makin me $5 u did it for the bboy fam :D

von- i im disappointed u let tirno **** u like that, go **** in teams tho.

fletch- im sure ull not goin read this but good **** in teams

to the pretty eyed kid who name idk playin samus is hard work thats y i stopped but keep is up if u have fun playin her.

my boy lucy (tsc) i feel like i let u down next time we team we got it for sho

and kevin- at the rate goin u will be better than me in no time just keep on prcaticing, and im name is spelled cordarrah

oh bake it was 8 teams


Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2008
i got kinda lucky in the brackets tbh cuz i faced like the two matchups i practice most with our Kingwood crew heh (Yannis's Samus and Clay's Falcon)

interested in the full teams results..


Smash Journeyman
Dec 30, 2008
Galveston, TX
I'm not gonna lie, singles was kinda depressing lol but baka is right that you shouldn't focus on how you placed but who you lost to, why, and how you can do better next time; I obviously need to practice more, esp. against good spacies, and develop more self-confidence...
Anywayy, I had a lot of fun (as usual)!

Galveston players (Kevin, John, Tarzan) - literally whenever I encountered one of you in singles and doubles, I lost that set. WTH you sons of beaches. haha <3 Hope to practice you often once I move to galveston in august (or, if I get accepted to Baylor and move to Houston, hope to play houston players often)!
Josh - good sh** at your first non-free melee tourney!
TSC - doing well with only falcon in tournament is tough...teach me how you do it!
Von - those doubles friendlies were awesome lol, wish I had gotten another opportunity to get ***** by you in tourney :/
Jake - gj placing close to first as usual, enjoyed our friendlies
Edgar - great job workin your way through losers and beating paul on your 2nd try, and thanks for the fox MU tips
Oscar - ggs in doubles tourney, too close
Grinin - I wish I had gotten into competitive melee as young as you...keep workin on fast but controlled tech skill and getting more consistent, I believe you'll go far. Also, as much as I <3 falcon, I might recommend that you work on a secondary like falco.
Yannis - thanks for your useless samus practice! heh kidding it's awesome to have somebody to play in kwood besides josh. Also, I would give you similar advice as above.

Hope to see everyone at NSIC! Btw I have room for one more person in my car, could pick up anyone that's roughly on the way (i.e. north or west side of houston).

interested in the full teams results..
yeah bracket images would be B)


Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2008
Houston, TX
Thanks man. I've come a long way in the past six months, but I've got an even longer way to go. I know Falcon sucks, but I have the most fun playing with him than any other character. I pretty much play every character in friendlies, and my spacies aren't that bad, but I want to stick with Falcon to prove to myself that I can be good despite character limitations.

That doesn't mean, however, that I wont get my secondaries in tournament shape. I may start going fox in teams if I'm not doing well with falcon.


Smash Cadet
Jan 15, 2007
^ That post went wrong at "Falcon sucks". If Falcon sucks, then I don't even know what to think of the characters who are B-tier or lower. It's good and all to admit that your character has weaknesses, but you've gotta think of the strengths too. >.>


Smash Journeyman
Dec 30, 2008
Galveston, TX
Falcon does suck relative to the top tier chars (fox, falco, jiggs, sheik, all commonly used in tournament), those are all unfavorable matchups for him. It's not until the 6th tier character peach that I think he has a favorable MU. I'm not whining, just indicating that it is a challenge to place high with falcon only.
Grinin, I like your determination and may the power of the knee serve you well. :p


Smash Lord
Jul 20, 2006
Houston, Texas
if seeds were different fletcher might have got up fifth, but he was knocked out (2-0'd) by von and edgar.

If you really wanna blame someone, blame tirno for getting knocked into losers first round ^^

Totally didn't know we had a results thread lol

Abdk: thanks for hosting as always, and throwing down tvs and power strips and hype
Mojo: u suck
Jake: sexy
Tirno: don't choke next time we play plz
Von: azn
Pawl: told you not to go falco on my boy tirno
Jr5: good evil ****
Tarzan: my *****. Why you kill yoself?
Glibbyglobby: you need to come play more
Grinin: you always end up showing up but we never end up playing lol
Fletcher: play singles better :p
Obsoleet: we never played in singles.
Noc: how you gonna let your twin place higher with ganon. I always have the highest hopes for you
Ycm: you gotta practice playing backwards more often.
Mike: *shakes fist, lights blunt*
Hannah: enter singles and get a smashboards account

All my homies at caine's: <3 you already know what it is

Edit: winners finals were falcon dittos. That foo does not suck


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2004
Yo this is fletcher.
Thanks Vulgar for the teams nod.
Randoms - Good **** with friends i had fun
Oscar - Damn you such a g teach me your pimpin skills
Jake - Ya i suck at singles little did you know i had been locking myself in a closet practicing teams
Paul - GOOD **** in teams we gotta team at future tourneys from now on
Tirno - Wow you wrecked me now i know there are other good texas players i havent heard of
Von - I got you next time
Hannah - Was fun wrecking you
TSC - Damn your good bro, good **** in teams
Tarzan - Damn good Losers/Grand Finals
Mike - My *****, appreciate the ride

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