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Tery's Ike


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
Ugh... I'm sorry, but I stopped watching after the first 45 seconds... x_x;; First move you use: Aerial Quickdraw... 2nd move: Foward smash.... Dx

Bleh.... I don't even mind that you killed yourself- I understand how it is with the jab combo when it gets shielded near the edge...

So yeah... Stop using Quickdraw to attack... T__T It has horrible priority and SO much lag if you hit them with it... And don't use smash attacks so much...

EDIT: Ok, sorry about that... had to get that out of my system... D: Anyway, I watched all of the first one...

You used 10 aerials throughout the entire match... Use more of them... D: His f-air has the most range of any aerial in the game... His neutral air has almost no landing lag and covers almost all the way around him... His b-air is his fastest move (And still strong enough to kill!!!)... And up air and down air are also very useful too, I just cant think of something to say about them right now... -_-;; But yeah, use his aerials...

You used forward smash 12 times... yeah, don't do that... In a typical match, you should use it about... Hmm.... 0 times... >___>;; Sometimes you can throw one out and get lucky, but even then, use it EXTREMELY SPARINGLY... Or unless you break someone's shield, then go ahead and charge that sucker all the way up... :D

Another thing, don't use Quickdraw to recover so much... Anytime you can reach the stage with Quickdraw, then you can also reach it by DI'ing toward the stage and using Aether instead... (Unless you're SO far away that you can only return by charging up the Quickdraw) Only use Quickdraw to recover to switch it up sometimes, so you don't become predictable... And actually, don't use Quickdraw to attack either... If they shield it (or even if they get hit at low %'s) expect to get a smash attack to the face... xP

And that's about all I feel like typing right now... xD Oh but next time, try putting up videos that aren't WiFi matches... Playing online is a lot different than offline... Also, you might want to check out the guides that are stickied. They will help you a lot...


Smash Ace
May 3, 2008
San Diego, California
First off, don't play Ike. :p

Okay, seriously though, I watched 1/2 of your first video Vs. Jiggly. Here's what I saw wrong:

1. Quickdraw too much on floor, stop that.
2. Aethering randomly on the floor, stop that.
3. Use F-air, N-air, Shield-dashing to approach, not quickdraw and other stuff you were doing.
4. Compromise on mistakes, that's Ike's strength (Jiggly rested in front of you and you JABBED?)
5. Don't F-smash so much, that's depending too much on the game-lag.
6. Use moves like U-air, B-air, F-tilt, etc. to kill. Not just F-smash and...Quickdraw?
7. Recover with Aether.
8. Do not go off the stage to aether back on, that's begging for gimp.
9. Jab more to rack damage instead of quickdraw.
10. Jab-cancel and use grabs.

Um...am I missing anything here? If I go any further I'm giving advice that can be seen simply by reading the several guides around these forums. From what I've seen, you've got a pretty sub-standard Ike so far. Watch some videos or something too.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Don't use Smash attacks so much when your opponent is at low % (on most characters they won't die from Ike's fully charged smashes at 50%, but don't start risking it just because I told you this - and probably wouldn't die until at least past 90%, not too sure), Use other ways to get your opponents high up in damage that are faster and less punishable. You need to start punishing yourself, I looked in the 1st video where that jigglypuff tried to do a rest on you, if it doesn't hit you, it's begging to get hit by either a charged smash or a charged eruption. Put some more air into your game. Stop using quickdraw so much, as a recovery and as an attack, use it when you know you have a good chance of hitting them with it, it is too easily punishable/gimped, I'd say use it for a quick burst of speed or to get away from an opponent when jumping/running isn't going to work. I am just going to say it again, work on attacks that aren't smashes, you got lucky in the 1st fight but most other fights you won't hit as often with smash attacks because they come out too slow and have a bit of ending lag behind them.
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