You lack a friend and better camera.
LOL. anyway. playing LVL 1 CPU's
isnt ownage. anybody can do that. Ur missing the fast fall half the time. uhh.. i think ur missing the l-cancel sometimes too. You should vary it up a bit...
I see that you can do a firefox stall, which is nice.. and that you can double shine. a plus too.
I'm not sure if u can shl that good either.. cuz u only shoot like what? 1 or 2 shots before u go in for the attack. You should spike more. Learn ledge hop double laser.. all you do is one laser. Learn to fastfall and l-cancelling after hitting a shield..(it's different timing from actually hitting the person... if u didnt noe that..)
Just practice.. and well. DONT PLAY CPU's and call it ownage.. Play people.