Hey guys I've been playing more captain falcon recently and techskill is not a problem since I've been playing the game long enough to be pretty comfortable with just about every character (and I main falco). Anyway I've decided to pick up captain falcon more seriously (I play him pretty frequently just because he's amazing fun.....but) and I realize that my techchasing and general grab game abilities are pretty god awful (probably BECAUSE I main falco and he's not exactly known for his stellar grab game now is he?).
I was wondering if you all had any pointers in terms of how to predict/read techs, missed techs etc.... what to chase with and how to properly work captain falcon's dash dance/grab game. I've read the guide here for some pointers but its pretty basic stuff and not as in depth as I'm looking for...... so any and all tips are appreciated!
I was wondering if you all had any pointers in terms of how to predict/read techs, missed techs etc.... what to chase with and how to properly work captain falcon's dash dance/grab game. I've read the guide here for some pointers but its pretty basic stuff and not as in depth as I'm looking for...... so any and all tips are appreciated!